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Open As Darkness Falls

"That she will stand up. Is that so hard?"
He said, now quite calming down. "There's something your sitting on and I need to deliver to someone. Would you please stand up now?"
Lancelot landed on Leonard's shoulder, and started squaking "Important, Important!"
Noell glared at Leo, looking between he and Oliver. She stood up and backed up apprehensively.
((^How did you know what Noelle was thinking, about Tamra, a few posts back? Mind reading is a no no.

And Darksoooong you can't just give us a taste of the plot then disappear offline :<))
((He didnt mind read))
Where Noelle sat, was notihng more than a pebble. "Well, it seems not all pokemorphs are agressive and hot tempered."
He grabbed the notebook again, and scribbled another something. "Nevermnid. I'll be going now."
He zoomed towards the pokeomn center. which wasnt far away.
Oliver felt a bit better when the human was gone. He wasn't quite fond of him, but maybe he'd get better. Looking back at Noelle, he asked, "Are you okay?"
((Good point, Dragon, I missed that.))

Noelle blinked. "So what was that, a test to see if I'd kill him? she huffed. "Well, now I want to kill him." Sh glanced down at the pebble. Smiling, she snatched it up, and, pretending it was Leonard's head, she threw it as hard as she could into a storage bin.

It satisfied for a moment or two, but when remembering their situation, that Crystal and Tamra were gone, she sat down again. "Oliver, this sucks. I don't think we can rescue Crystal and Tamra by ourselves, but I really don't want his help. So we're basically stuck here to feel sorry for ourselves."

She glanced up at Oliver for a moment. "Any chance we can ditch him and get some other kind of help?" Noelle knew that the answer was probably 'no', but it felt good to pretend there was a chance that she would be able to never see the man again.
As much as he'd like to ditch the human, Oliver didn't think it was possible to find others to help them rescue Tamra and Crystal. "I... I really don't know if we could find any reinforcements of our own," he replied. He felt a bit bad that there was no other alternative, but he'd just have to deal with it.
"Dangit." There went her hope. Oh well, she'd known it hadn't been justified. Silent for a moment, she said, "Sit. It's annoying craning my head back like this to see you, and you can't seriously stand there for an hour."
"Ugh... What happened..." Staree couldn't battle because for some reason he ha been knocked out cold, Probably from a Houndoom. "Where is everyone? Hello? Maybe they rescued Crystal and are outside..." When Staree went outside, they weren't there. "What happened?"
Noelle looked past Oliver. Staree. "Crystal and Tamra got kidnapped. We're waiting for help from Leonard, the idiotic, annoying, stupid…" She continued muttering, trying to call him every degrading name she knew.
Oliver looked at the new morph who had suddenly appeared. The morph was familiar, but he had never actually met him. He only remembered seeing him when Oliver was following the group from a distance. He heard that he was going to help. "Great!" he said, happy to have another person. "By the way, I don't think we've actually met. I'm Oliver."
Noelle groaned and rested her face in her hands. Now Staree had to come too. While it was nice to have more morphs to help, and he seemed to be less commanding, she still wasn't warmed up to him. Maybe if he proved himself to be decent, she might like him more.
"Yeah, you too," Oliver replied, while nodding. He glanced at Noelle for a second, and saw her reaction. He wasn't going to judge Staree, but seeing Noelle's reaction, he was ready for the possibility that the morph was trouble. Look at me, not wanting any trouble from a morph I just met when just a little bit ago I was more than trouble for the group, he mused, chuckling a bit.
After a long silence, Noelle decided that it was time to break it. "You guys might seriously want to sit down. You can't stand there for however much of the hour we have left."
"I think I know where everyone else is... Before I left, I saw some Machamp and Houndoom guarding a room. Of course I can easily take down the Machamp 'cause they're fighting type. But the Houndoom, they'll be trouble. We gotta go back to the warehouse. So, you guys saw the entire battle against the Crobat and Houndoom?
Crystal shook her head. "A storage room? That test was probably to see how well we fought.... so we're probably locked up so we can be trained for battle purposes? Whoever they are, they don't seem like the type to just make Pokémorphs fight each other. There's something behind this, but that's obvious." The Sneasel morph enunciated the last sentence pessimistically, looking around. Her claws were helplessly in shackles, so she couldn't do very neat Slashes with the weight around her wrists.
"So are we ready? We need to leave to the warehouse soon. Sigh. I'm the type that goes alone, so just meet me in the warehouse. If I don't come back within 10 minutes, come in the warehouse." Staree entered the warehouse face to face with the Machamps and Houndoom. Staree raised above the ground and started spinning. Then, a veil of wind encased him. It was whirlwind. Only Staree was using it as an attack! "Take this!" The Machamp had a direct hit but where still standing while the Houndoom weren't hurt much. Staree then used another whirlwind and kept swiching between Tackle, Aerial ace, and Whirlwind until the Machamps fainted. Staree then began attacking the Houndoom, but they attacked Staree with a Fire blast. "God Damnit!" Staree raised from the floor and up to ceiling, and shot straight at the Houndoom. ((He used fly, I know its an HM, but he should know it cause he has the abilit to fly.)) That seemed to stun the Houndoom, but not for long. Staree finished it with a Whirlwind and defeated the Houndoom, but then the alarm started blaring. A swarm of Zubat flew out and attacked Staree. "A little help here! Grr... Whirlwind!" Staree's attack stunned the Zubat, but it won't last for long. Staree entered a room to see The two people that were kidnapped. ((First was Crystal, but whos the other, Leo?)) "Cmon! The Zubat won't stay stunned for long! We gotta leave! Now!" As Staree said that, he Aerial ace'd the shackles just barely hitting the two hostages.
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