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Open As Darkness Falls

Leonard groaned.


He grabbed reached for a dark ball, and released Clara the froslass. "Clara, use an ice beam and try to hit as many of them as you can. Also use a hailstorm where they fly. Lenny, use ancientpower- throw one rock no each golbat. Also use a flamethrower(obviously TM.
Did you know? Parmpardos CAN learn surf. Meh.))
Leonard walked ot the other doors, while Zapper mantained the protect bubble that slowly faded away. Lenny started glownig, and around 10 rocks were created around him, each flying towards random golbat. Then, he released a ray of flames, movnig it trough the many golbats. Meanwihle, Clara spinned in the air, creating a small ice tornado around her, ansd released it to where most goldbats would be, followed by her using a freeze ray. Her hands started becoming black, loading up an ominous wind.
Meanwhile, Leonard reached the second door, the one to the left. "Chompada, load a dragon rush. But make sure it will be strong!"
Chompada grinned and nodded, hs tail staretd glowing dark blue.
((Tell me if thats impossible.))
((Why can't I use Draco Meteor, Protect or Heat Wave? They're tutor moves, and so are also an Egg Moves, Protect's learned by leveling up.))
Tamra slammed a fist down on the Protect barrier. "Retard, we're all working towards the same goal, here, take this down!" She turned on Staree. "You seem to be able to talk some sense into your ass friend, either tell him, or.." She paused. Oliver and Noelle were still back at the warehouse, probably, or if not, she could catch up with them. Altogether, three morphs were probably stronger than a stupid, stupid Trainer and a half-witted Staraptor morph.

And she still had to go get her reward.. "You can either take this barrier down, or whatever you like. You obviously don't need my help, since you're so powerful and what not hiding behind your stupid Pokemon. If you do find Crystal, you'll probably end up getting captured yourself- Why am I wasting my time with you?"

With that, a swarm of Crobat came out in the Protect, completely blocked off from her. "Nope, you don't need my help at all. You're doing perfectly fine on your own," she drawled.
Leonard groaned (again). "Now's not the point to be sarcastic, morph! If you're looking for your friend and what him or her alive, then you'd better help me."
Zapper started becoming Tired- the shield he made collapsed. Leonard recalled him, and quicklz released a small turtwig. "Use protect after we smash the elft door! Chompada, you're turn!"
Chompada, the Gible, jumped forward, smacknig his tail against the left door, while the turtwig smacked his head against the door. Lenoard was a kid ,so he didnt have much to do- however, he decided to start kicking the door in hope it will break and that it will before the crobats will attack and his unevolved friends.
((Lars doesnt get involved since its pretty much unallowed to have two characters in the same scene.))
The other door suddenly broke down as many of the Crobat retreated. Out of this door came a shriek from the darkness. Could this be the door?

Crystal flinched as more Pokemon glowed from the shadows. They were all Houndoom? What kind of test was this? "Help me!" She cried.

Her plea came from the door that hadn't been opened yet. Which would they choose?
"I can't with your stupid Protect in the way, dumbass, that's what I've been telling you," Tamra screeched. As it faded, she leapt forwards to stand him, and her claws flared up with blue-purple fire. She turned on the swarm of Crobats, still flying out of the room, and breathed out a thick column of fire. The bat Pokemon in front of her fell to the ground, and Tamra cut off the flames and twirled in the air, digging her claws into whatever she could get them into. The result was more or less a pile of Crobat surrounding a thrashing Salamence morph, who threw herself into the fight with no concern for her own safety.

"Get that damn door open," Tamra shouted, and turned one palm towards it to fire a Dragon Pulse. The spark of blue-purple energy formed all too slowly, and suddenly shot towards the door.
The door Tamra shooted at was the center one- Leoard and his pokemon attacked the
left one. "Lsite,n dragon morph- You'll keep the Crobats occupied and I'll take care of the doors!"
Leonard recalled Clara and Lenny, and released them near the center door. "Zen headbutt, Ice water pluse!"
Lenny smashed his head against the door, and jumped backwards, Clara smashing what remained with a ball of water. Gible started glownig white- he evolved!
Leonard grunted- evolving was good for him, but not just then. "Eergy ball!"
Turtwig released a ball of green energy, smashing the left door.

((Heres how I see it:

(Leo,Turty)--------(Clara, Lenny)----------(Tamra)
(Gible evolving) ))
The door fell open with a clang, to reveal in the room what seemed to be a tall Sneasel with a pack of Houndoom charging towards her. The front one launched a Flamethrower, singeing Crystal's ear feather. Furiously, she saw the door open, and trying to find all the strength she could, she began to use Beat Up on what appeared to be the leader. However, another Houndoom tackled her before she could finish the attack, barely missing with a Crunch to the neck.
Leonard gasped- that was not a nice sight. Leonard recalled his pokemon, and called the dragon morph. "Dragon! There's your friend! Covered in fire, that is! come quickly!"
Tamra clawed a Crobat out of the air and gave the kid the middle finger. "I'll do what I want, but I'll go with your plan for now. Well.." She paused, not moving as a Crobat flew into her and slashed across her chest, leaving an open wound.

Tamra closed her eyes, and when she opened them, instead of pupils, a flat blue-purple light glowed where her eyes should've been. Brilliant blue-purple flames suddenly flared up around Tamra, and the Crobats that flew into her bounced back with burn marks. "Say what you want," she turned to the kid, and rushed past him towards the Houndooms, tossing a few of them aside with ease.
((Outrage, which is tutored which is passed down as an egg move.))
Leonard groaned at the sight of the middle finger. "Thats not the right time, genius! Nevermind- I take the houndooms, you take the crobats then!"
-Bitch- he muttered under his breath, and shouted "Go, Lancelot, Compada, Zapper!"
He threw three pokeballs- a dark ball, an ultra ball, and a luxus ball, releasing a Murkrow, a Brand new, Fully powered Gabite, and a somewhat exhausted togetic.
"Chompada, Sandstorm! Sneasel girl, you'd better crouch! Now!"
Leonard covered his mouth with his jacket, and hid Lancelot and Zapper ni his jacket- they'd be useful after Chompada si done with the sandtorm. Whiel the sandstorm raged in the small room, leonard shouted "Dragon pulse, GO!"
Chompada grinned, and then opened his mout,h leaned backwards, and created a blue ball of fire, then releasing it in a ray of blue fire towards the houndooms. Chompada could see great, wihle Leonard could only hear howls of pain.
Tamra dug her claws into a Houndoom and slammed it into the wall, before turning on another. She had heard whatever his name was had said, but didn't stop for two reasons, she wouldn't listen to whatever he said anyways, and wanted in on the actions. Trying to turn away from the Houndoom her claws were stuck in, Tamra found there was a third reason- She couldn't. Outrage was a powerful move she rarely used, and the adrenaline would get her pretty badly hurt after this. Meanwhile, it pumped her, and only fueled the raging fire around her as she tore into her opponents.

So, we've left the ruins and a bunch of people joined us, and we've made our way to Veilstone City. We (well, not everyone) are in the old Galactic warehouse, and Crystal (Darksong) was captured, and we've been fighting to get her back. Kinda. Pretend you followed us, I guess?))
((Lars, my chimmy morph, joined everyone after they headed veilstone. Noelle, Tamra and Crystal go there. Oliver joined them. Leonard is created. Crysta lis kidnapped. Leonard fights Tamra. They stop fighting. Crystal is found. Crystal is pwned by houndooms.))
((Not pwned yet.))

Seeing the help of the others, Crystal leaped onto another houndoom as if it were prey. She used Beat Up again, this time being much stronger due to more allies. The Houndoom howled and pleaded, but she didn't give up until the attack was over. In that time, it began to flee with its tail between its legs, only to be Punished by another houndoom that barked, "Fight!" The smaller Houndoom stood, frightened, as the much larger one pushed through, lunging at Crystal. But the Sneasel morph was ready, and slashed out with her claws, aiming at the Houndoom's belly. It yelped in pain, but turned back, fire falling from its mouth. Crystal used Icy Wind, but it didn't deter the Houndoom, and yet another bite wound was inflicted on her side. Crystal struggled to breathe.
Chompada the gabite, who saw the battle, charged at the sneasel, and stopping 4 feet before her. The sandstorm he created disappeared- it was time for Zapper and Lancelot ot appear. A black form flew trough the air, and hit a houndoom in its side, flying trough it, leaving it with a hole on its stomach- that was lancelot, and his feared lance fight technique. Zapper entered the room, and rocks started floating in the air, flying towards several houndooms and hitting them in their heads. The Gabite, Chompada, growled, and released a dragon pulse, wihle kicking forward and, strangely, creating sand that hit 2 houndoom's eyes- the dragon pulse then threw them backwards.
Chompada turned towards the Sneasel morph, gesturing a 'go there' with his left hand, while flapping around with his right one.
"Over here, Sneasel morph!"
Leonard shouted, since he didnt know the girl's name.
((Gtg soon, but still can post atm.))
((Btw, heres what I say about my first part of the post: Gabite runs so he stands in front of the morph- not to the side or summing.))
((I guess Pokecenter and XD work too. :D))

Crystal's eyes gleamed helplessly from down there -- how would she move? Looking up at the sky, she tried to use her energy to use Moonlight. Darkness suddenly fell over the room, as a silver illumination washed over her and her teammates. The wounds on her mysteriously healed; her arm was pretty much fine now, except for a minor burn, but her side wound was still deep. When the nighttime essence faded, she dashed over to Leonard, saying her name. "I'm Crystal." Whoever is behind this might just take us all.... "We should probably get out of here." But suddenly, at the sound of a bell, all the Houndoom retreated, to reveal many Machamp, at least one for each morph. "Oh no," Crystal sighed.
Tamra's head snapped up at the sound of a bell, and the Houndoom she had been working on slipped away. Now, a great deal of Machamp came out of the shadows, and through the haze of Outrage, Tamra wondered what, or who else were hiding in the shadows. Two stepped towards her, and she flared the blue-purple fire on her claws up once more, the aura around her intensifying as well as she threw herself at them, the haze in her eyes taking over as she let the aura flow into the Machamps.

Nothing could hold back a pissed off Salamence morph for long.
Two of the Machamp threw Rock Slides at Tamra, while the rest grabbed the other Pokemorphs, using Brick Break if they needed to tire them out. But Crystal was already tired enough, and didn't fight. A freezing, somber wind blew through, created by her. Behind all the Machamp came a Charizard, hovering in the air and ready to throw a Fire Blast at anything that resisted. "They want to capture us for ring fighting--" Crystal explained, before being cut off. "Do your best!" She called, and was punched in the stomach by the Machamp so she wouldn't talk.
Leonard grunted. "Well, Crystal, we're pretty much in trouble. Im called Leonard, but that doesnt matter at the moment- Lancelot cant deal with a machamp, Zapper is weakened, Pampardos is weak against them, and Froslass is weakened...
My only chances are Zapper, Chompada, Lancelot and turtwig. You should bring yourself into safety- I have the feelnig this is gonna be thick, and even some strong pokemon wont hold them back long enough...
In addition, thre must be more of them. The only Idea I have is..."
Then realization came to him. "THATS IT!"
Leonard sprinted into the center of the room, standing behind his pokemon- Chompada, Lancelot, Zapper, and Turtwig. "Shield!"
Turtwig created a gigantix shield of yellow energy, a shield that halves physical damage. Just the right thing against machamps.
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