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Open As Darkness Falls

(( I gotta go soon. Edit: CATERPIE! yay! ))

Staree yelled back, " I wasen't talking to you! I was talking to the kid! he wanted help! Im accepting it! But everyone else needs to decide too! And Tamra! Theres not point in attacking him! He asked to help us! This isn't important! Remember Crystal? Staree said as he decided to fly back and just talk. We still have to save her. I accept you. ask the others though."
Leonard jupmed forward, and grabbed his pokeballs while doing so. He quickly recalled all of his pokemon, expect Chompada, and rolled around 50 feet, stopping 5 feet form the staraptor morph, kneeling forward with both legs, ready to jump again. "You dirty bitch! I WISH TEAM GALACTIC WAS TO DESTROY MORPHS LIKE YOU! OR, ON THE OTHER HAND, I WISH THEY NEVER CREATED YOU!"
Chompada released a dragon pulse towards Tamra's direction, although this one was loaded quite much time- and the Gible wasnt a weak one. "If you excuse me, it wouldnt be stupid to tell your crazy friend to take some anti-agression pills. She needs them bigtime!"

((Meh, the hate and battle heat up. You should still think about the non- autohit rule, however.))
"sigh.. i was trying to settle this. and theres nothing I can do... Just listen. This is her additude. You will get used to it. and we need to stop fighting unless we want Crystal dead. You know what kid, I will help you out right now." Staree whispered, "All we gotta do is get her to calm down by beating her in a battle. Got it kid?" "HEY TAMRA! TAKE THIS! WING ATTACK!"
Leonard chuckled. "Get USED to it?
By that time Mrs. Mad will kill me, buddy!"
Leonard grabbed the Gible on his head, and held him near his chest. "Load up!"
((Meh, teenager Leonard now finds out how much he acctualy hate dragon morphs. Seems not all morphs are nice, and some are dangerous.

Danger: biting pokemorphs are being kept in this house!
You have been warned!))

((Meh, some say "Keep friends close, and enemies closer"
Leonard's case: "Keep possible allies close, stay away from psychopatic enemeis."))
((I let you get some free hits, and if you want you can have some more. :P

did her best to dodge a Shadow Ball from below. She didn't do too well, taking it to the arm, but shook the odd feeling away.

And 50 feet? He rolled 50 feet and ended up outside, right.))

Tamra rose an eyebrow. "Hey, down there, is anyone recording this? This is getting good," she laughed, and put her arm out, letting the Dragon Pulse release its energy into her. It stung more than she thought, but was still a Dragon Pulse from a Gible.

"Well, Team Galactic is dead," she yelled down. "And it's too late to undo what's done," she sang, and put the camera on top of the flat beam. It should be safe there, she had moved quickly as to not let anyone see her put it there, and the beam was wide and flat. Slipping off, Tamra spread her wings and stopped right in front of the kid. "Well, if I need some anti-aggression pills, you need some anti-depressants, and a lot of them."

Turning to Staree, she nodded. "Well, you're right. We need to go find Crystal.." Tamra spread her palms and a green, almost invisible shield of energy formed between her and the Pokemon. "Let's go, before the crazy bastard gets up, and this Protect wears away."

((EDIT: I have lost a great deal of faith in the RP board. Hooooly crap.))

Tamra pushed back on the Protect shield, and let it soak up the blows, before dropping it. "Well, fine," she yelled. "If you want a fight. I can hear you, dumbasses," she hissed, and looked up at the sky. Could a Draco Meteor convince them all to lay off..? But then, there were others in the building, namely Noelle and Oliver. She would rather not hurt them.. but a controlled rage might work. Putting her claws up, Tamra waited for them to move.
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Leonard broke into an almost mad laugh, a moment after he released Zapper who created a protect bubble, too. "Pah! Your calling me crazy? You started this when you attacked my friends! YOU are mad! And I noticed that you had a camera with you- where did madam Psycho leave it?"
Gible laughed widly, and then pointed towards Tamra with his hand, and rose what would be the middle finger- a well known sign, known as "Go fuck".
((A kid CAN roll 50 feet, although it really hurts- I tried it once years ago. -.-))
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((as in bastard, you mean twiggy's character?))

"Let's go." As Staree entered the warehouse, he showed Tamra the three doors. "Be careful. I have a feeliing a least two of them are traps..."
"Fair enough- you dont want my hlep, you wont get it.
Your loss. After all, I, as a human, know this place. Also, you could use soem brain in your rescue mission- that half portion of a salamance can be outsmarted by a 5 minute old magikarp."
He grinned after saying that- that is, a small revenge for the dragon morph attacking him.
Staree heard the kid from outside and said, "God damnit I said yes. Just come in here! You wanna help, you don't even need to ask. I didn't."
Leonard grabbed togetic and the grinning Gible, and put them on his shoulders. "Togetic, move the defence bubble- that half portion salamance can be dangerous- Y'know, an old motto I heared 'The dumber a dragon, the stronger'. that means she must be stronger than arceus!"
Leonard shouted this, because he noticed the salamance morph had her camera on record.
He started walking towards the warehouse.
((FFFFF I wanted to go all 'OUTRAGE TIEM' on you all Yeah, but it's not the fastest way of moving, and depending on how rocky the ground is, could hurt a lot. We should stop spamming the thread with our pointless crap after this. Really.))

Tamra returned to her beam and retrieved the camera, and returned the gesture to the kid. "At least I don't have to hide behind others who do my work for me, I fight on my own power. And what about you? Getting Pokemon, who are probably a couple hundred times more intelligent than you to fight your fights?" With that, she took after Staree, looking back at Noelle and Oliver. "Come on you guys, away from this ass."

A minute or two later, she was beside Staree, and at the doors. "Well, we could try to hear through them, or just break them all down and see what leads where." Tamra cracked her knuckles, and looked at the rightmost door. "Let's start here.."

She looked flatly at the boy again, and slashed the air in front of his face with a Dragon Claw. "Yeah, I'm stronger than Arceus. Right, so stay out of my way. I can also call up armies and armies of Flygons who'll destroy whatever I want, so watch your step," she sang, sarcastically. "Now screw off or shut the hell up, we have work to do, and you're obviously not going to be of any use."
((psst and Darksong if we're railroading/powerplaying say so and I'll stop))
((Have you read a summary of the first page, Twiggy for victory? Humans don't dislike Pokémorphs anymore. Not for the most part.))

Crystal quickly dodged to the side, avoiding the Houndoom's Fire Fang. She hadn't noticed before that the drool was red, being actual flames from the forming attack. She shivered; Sneasel didn't like fire. She had to be cautious. Carefully watching her opponent with hazel eyes, she began to relax, which was the technique Agility. This took up a turn but let her become faster afterwards. The Houndoom still had a mad look in its eyes, and sent a Flamethrower right towards Crystal. However, thanks to the Agility, Crystal jumped aside, the heat but not the fire scorching her, and the beam of flames dissipated on the stone wall behind Crystal. With a chuckle, the Sneasel growled evilly, using Spite.

((New rule: see the front page.))
((So no focusblast for Lars then.))
Leonard followed the group silently. "maybe you should use your brain and check it by leaving wieghts on it? Ramprados and Togetic can use ancientpower, and the wieght of the many rocks can both smash the door and activate possible traps on the rocks."
Leonard graoned- Togetic would have to keep mantaining the shiled because of Tamra. "Also, Im not a monster like you, dragon. If I was, I would of course fight by myself. However, I am a human, not some scary crossbreed like you. Also, Its my luck that im not as dumb as you. And im not dumb at all. Also, they can already fight by themselves because I trained them to fight without commands since weeks. By the way, Chompada still thinks you should calm down."
When Tamra slashed the door, It was a trap. There was a Smergle behind the door. "God this'l be easy.Staree had a blinding light encase him. Then he rose above the ground and attacked the smergle. But when Staree hit it, it didn't even flinch!
"We'll see about 'no use', halfwit. Gible can kick your sad butt as hard as you can cry, so shut up yourself." He watched as the claw bounced backwards- the protect was still in use. ((Meh you cant use protect, draco meteor or heat wave, et cetera and so on. Meh meh meh emhe meh. So Morphs arent invincible...))
Leonard grabbed a pokeball, it was a premier ball, and threw it forwar,d it became a Rampardos. "Lenny, use ancientpower on the door. Zapper, we need some privacy from lady crazy. Do what is needed."
Zapper grinned, and made the bubble become a wall between them and the salamance morph. Then ,after taknig a few steps back, Leonard and co were 10 feet from the right door, and 20 feet from the wall. Lennny closed his eye,s and got covered in a blue aura- then, stones came trough the floor, started flaotnig while being covered in a blue aura, and flew forward, smashing the door. "Now, bubble mode!"
Zapper changed the shiled, making it once again a bubble around him, Chompada, Lenny and Leonard.
((gtg for around 20-80 minutes.))
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((Nope, but they are much stronger than normal Pokémon, due to being more intelligent [or at least, most of them] and a lot more controlled, along with the human genes that mix and add power as well. Honestly I don't know much about science so I haven't thought the exact concept through well ><))

A howl could be heard coming from inside the stone wall, muffled. One would have to listen pretty closely to hear it.

Crystal grinned to herself; her long claws came in handy when aiming Slashes at opponents' faces. With another chuckle, she watched, satisfied, as the Houndoom shook its head and aimed at her with foul breath. Smog, was this? Crystal tried her best to hold her breath, but a little escaped into her mouth as she inhaled, and she coughed once, causing most of the smoky air to flow away from her. She prepared a Slash again, this time scoring her claws down the Houndoom's side. Letting out a startled yelp, the Houndoom was thrown with such force that it was rolling over on the ground. As it stopped, it shook its head and whined slightly, having gotten dust in its wounds from the dirty stone floor, and stood up to glare at Crystal. It growled, then unexpectedly charged with Fire Fang. The Sneasel morph tried to dodge, but she felt its iron-hot teeth sink into her arm.

This might not end well.

((I accidentally typed shinx instead of sink xD))
((Let's see.))

There were three doors on the wall. The one broke down to open and send a swarm of Crobat out, all of them trying to use Air Slash on the intruders. There were many, almost too many to handle. Was there ever an end? The group needed a strong, wide-ranged attack like Thunderbolt or Surf to defeat them all.

Meanwhile, Crystal struggled with her good arm, trying to aim one-armed Slashes. Normally, this was an easy win. However, she had to be strong and brave in order to defeat this Houndoom, even though she was a morph. Right now, she dodged its attacks, except for a Crunch to the shoulder that had been previously hurt. She had to try her hardest. Suddenly, she charged, swiping furiously wherever she could reach the Houndoom. This was her version of Crush Claw, one after another. The Houndoom fell, fainted. At least. Maybe dead. Was she too powerful?
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