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Open As Darkness Falls

((Darksong: *plot/location related nudge*))

Tamra slashed her tail through the air behind her, making sure she didn't hit anyone. "Well, like I said before, I went to the ruins to get some pictures of the Unown writing, for someone who would pay me." She patted her pocket, both indicating the camera in it and making sure it was still there.

Her point proved, Tamra clenched her fist and released more dragon energy. It would take more to keep an open flame going in the rain, and dragon fire could resist it better. Checking with her other hand to make sure it was still giving off heat, Tamra pointed towards Veilstone. "We going to get there before night, or what?"
"Sigh... everyone ignoring me? I've ben right behind you THE ENTIRE TIME. Offsubject, but I can't get this outta my head. Anyone wanna battle, just for fun? Plus you've got an advantage over me because most of you know moves that affect me badly, plus I still can't fly. It's ok to Decline this."
Nicole clenched her hands into fists in surprise, looked around, and growled, "Again with the sneaking up and freaking me out! Do all male Pokemorphs feel compelled to freak me out? And no, I am not battling in this rain. We're trying to get to Veilstone, if you hadn't noticed."

((Being 'Angry Noelle' is fun…))
"Well, there has to be a reason we all originnaly met, and everyone else must be wondering too. If you guys were wondering the same thing, you might need help."

((anyone here?))
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"I don't see what kind of help you can give. We're just traveling to Veilstone. We're not going on some giant quest, or starting a war, so unless you have a legit reason to think that we need help, follow along like a good little group member." Noelle didn't really know why she didn't like Staree, but she didn't. He could come, but he didn't need to make a big fuss about the first things that came into his head.
"Whatever... And I'm coming along, yes. (( its like your character doesnt like anyone :) )) Sigh..." ( I gotta do anything to stay with someone... ((Not in a freakin relationship)) )
((Noelle likes some people. She hates some people, and she's iffy about some people. It depends, I guess, on the situation.))
((im only saying that from what ive seen about her. your turn. ))

(So veilstone it is... I still have some buisness to do there... More there than meets the eye... We I'd better get going...)

((eh, ok. I think there are more roleplayers here, but not on this thread.))
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((Nope. She's said what she wants to say. I'm waiting for other people to catch up now, since it would be rude for two people to take up the whole page.))
I invited Marcede or whatever (god damn forgot how to spell it now)

((edit: Anyone that is part of this roleplay we can continue.))

((anyone here?))
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((Sorry, my dad dragged me on a bike ride and now my legs are really sore.))

The morning light began to seep slowly through the clouds, and Crystal flinched as the fire was introduced. "Stop, please," she said, and was relieved when the morphs didn't attack. "Veilstone is close," she noted. "Let's hurry in. A battle would do when it gets a bit lighter so that we can see where we aim." She would be fine, since she was a Dark-type, but some might not like the dark like she did. Quickly, she passed through the gate into the city, looking around. What remained of the Galactic warehouse was completely empty. She glanced around, making sure there was no danger.


....[/i]A Dark-type would do well for thieving,[/i] someone hidden in the shadows thought. He tried to stay hidden, knowing that confronting these morphs would certainly mean doom. Quickly, he released one of his Pokemon. "Koffing, Smokescreen!"

As the black smoke spread, Crystal tried to see, but it got in her eyes. She tried to hold her breath, but something grasped her. A warning scream was all that could be heard before she found herself being held by the arms by a Pokemon. Machoke, probably; she could tell by its strength. But the others wouldn't know where she was... the warehouse wasn't empty after all.

As the smoke cleared, Crystal was gone.

((Unnamed band members, anyone?))
((0.0 Crystal! Last thing I expected…))

Noelle lost sight of Crystal through the gate, as she had began walking too fast again. When Noelle finally made it through the gate, there seemed to be no sign of the Sneasel morph. "Crystal?" That's odd…she wouldn't have abandoned us, not after all of that traveling, and she had plans to go with me to the ruins. She must be around here somewhere. "Crystal!"
((Gah, finnaly.)) ((I gotta say this was one of my most creative posts other than the lightning one.))

"Woah! what just happened?! And they took the Snesal morph! ((please note that Staree was never told any of the pokemorphs names, but they all know his.)) (as I said to myself before... more than meets the eye... I should go check the Galactic building and warehouse...) " After that happened, Staree entered the Warehouse and worked his way to the top floor... Cyrus' room... Cyrus wasen't here because Team Galactic was disbanded a long time ago. Staree took a look at the laptop by Cyrus' desk. He was amazed at what he saw on the laptop so he took it to show the others. He then took the Top right warp panel to find that the main room in the hallway was sealed off, but there was a new room. He entered, but then the door locked behind him... He could also feel a preasence in this room... He couldn't find out if it was The Sneasel Morph or another person...
Oliver was still very cheerful, as he continued with the group. He was even more happy when he realized that they were almost there. But the Sneasel morph, Crystal, had gone on ahead past the gate. It struck Oliver that she wasn't there, she was nowhere to be found. However, he realized that Noelle had figured this out first as she was calling Crystal's name. His smile wiped off of his face and he suddenly went very serious. "She's... gone? Crystal! Crystal, where are you?" he shouted, hoping she would come around the corner, telling everyone she was all right.
(( what im saying is I went in the warehouse and building to see if she was in there. i got locked in a room, and felt an unknown presence in the room and was thinking it could be The sneasel morph.))

"H-hello? anyone here? If anyone is, why am I locked in? How do I get out? (what should I do? Hmmmm... Maybe I should use a move...) With that, Staree had a blinding light encasing him while he started to rise from the floor and started to attack the door. "Aerial Ace!" He curved back and started rapidly attacking the door. "Ow... not even a scratch..."
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((Ah, got it. Sorry. =D))

Noelle spun around, eyes wide. "You don't see her either, Oliver? What if someone dragged her off? She could be anywhere!"
Shaking his head, Oliver said, "No I don't see her. I wonder where she is." When Noelle suggested that someone could've taken her, his stomach clenched. "Let's not hope it came to that. Indeed, she could be anywhere, but let's just start with where she last was and see the possible ways she could've gone."
"She disappeared after walking through a gate, having no real reason to do so! She wouldn't just leave!" Noelle cried. Calming herself by rethinking it though carefully, she explained, "She probably wouldn't have gone to the bathroom or anything without telling us. She wouldn't ditch us, as she and I were going past Veilstone together. If she somehow got injured or sick in the space of ten seconds, she wouldn't be able to leave fast enough not to be seen by us, and it would be kinda stupid to leave for the empty dawn streets when she knew we were right behind her. Other than that, the only explanation is that she was taken against her will."
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