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Open As Darkness Falls

"Really warm. Thanks a lot, Lars." However much Noelle liked Lars, she felt like she needed to talk to someone new. Usually she would be content to walk and think, but she had run out of things to think about, and she felt that the silence made it seem colder.

Deciding who she wanted to talk to, she moved closer to Tamra and her ball of fire and asked, "What's the camera for? I know you were taking pictures, but are they for you or someone else?"
Lars quit walking for a moment, and shrugged. "Thats a good quesiton indeed" He sid when Noelle asked Tamra- at least thats what she said she is called- what the camera is for. Then, Lars sprinted forward, seemnigly bored of talknig. He saw veilstone ni the distance- from the moment they would enter the city, They'll have to be cautious.
Looking at a distance for a while now, Oliver finally decided to catch up with the group. By now, he was completely drenched, but it didn't bother him all that much. "Ugh... look at me. Being a loner is really cramping my style," he muttered to himself under his breath. He picked up the pace a bit, so he could catch up with the others. “Ha... I should probably stop looking like I'm stalker the group. I probably look like such a creeper,” Oliver said with disgust.

At this point, he ran over to Noelle. "Hi cuti- I mean, hi."
Tamra nodded to Noelle, and moved her hand closer to the Noctowl morph. "Well, I make money by doing odd jobs for people, and someone wanted some pictures of 'the writing on the walls' in Solaceon Ruins. Ironically, the person is in Veilstone, and well, we're heading there." That Absol morph from before jumped up from behind her, causing her to flinch slightly.

"Oh, look who it is," Tamra greeted him drily. "Come to try to pick some girls up?" Absols were Dark type, weren't they? She probably had a few moves that could make him sting for a while, if he tried anything. "But really, try anything and I'll Dragon Claw you."
Noelle winced at almost being called 'cutie', but chuckled. "Let me guess; old habits are hard to break?" She grinned and faced more towards the ball of fire again. It was amazing how much it energized her to see the glowing orb in Tamra's hand.
Lars noticed the Absol morph, and groned.
-these fools never seem to disappear..-
He thought to himslef and walked towards the others. "If you're here for trouble, 'oliver', or should I call you Romeo? Then I can say only two words: get lost! NOW!"
Lars has already taken a hate in that morph, so did Chimmy. Both started loading up fire.
With a look of horror on his face, Oliver, for a moment, feared a negative reaction. But, fortunately for him, she chuckled. He gave a sigh of relief, and then looked back at Noelle. "Yeah... something like that," he said, while smiling. Then he heard Lars yelling at him and Oliver glared a bit. "Don't you see that I refrained from saying anything?!" Even though things may get into a heated argument with the two morphs, Oliver was still smiling.
Noelle rolled her eyes. "Don't be mean, Lars. Oliver is welcome to stay with us for the moment, in my opinion, because it would be kind of mean when he's obviously been following us all this way. And if he makes trouble, I'll back up Tamra's Dragon Claw with an Air Slash."

She grinned back at Oliver. "So be good."
Lars groaned. "fair enough, im just looking for your good."
He said. and his bad He thought.
"Should you make any trouble, you'll get to taste a dragon claw, wind slash and a focusblast. How lucky can one morph become?"
He said in a sarcastic voice.
With a small groan, Oliver looked to the side. Everyone was threatening him with violence even for just a small thing that was in his nature? That he couldn't help even though he refrained from it this time? "Yeah... I'll try," he replied back. Oliver was kinda struck when he realized that Noelle may be the only morph here who didn't completely hate him. And he knew Lars didn't like him all that much, but he really didn't want to be enemies with the guy.
"Okay," Noelle said cheerfully. "Slip-ups are fine, just don't hit on this immediate group purposely and you'll be fine. So, why'd you go to the Solaceon Ruins?" Maybe learning everyone's reasons for going to the ruins wouldn't help her figure out why they all were being drawn together, but it made her feel like she was doing something.
Tamra rolled her eyes. "You guys, seriously, can no one take a joke?" She flared up the fireball in her hand, and concentrating for a second, sent some energy to it to make it turn the blue-purple of dragon flames. "I don't just attack people or morphs unless they really piss me off," she thought of Staree again, and grinned. "And you're just amusing, not stupid or annoying." She held a claw out to Oliver, before realizing the flame was still in it. "Uh," she mumbled, and switched claws. "But really, try to ask me out or something stupid like that and I will Dragon Claw you."
Noelle glanced at the two, both with flames in their hands, both glaring at Oliver. "Guys, I think he gets it. Stop threatening to burn his face off."
Oliver, who was looking at Tamra, actually chuckled at the Dragon Claw comment she made. He noted to himself to never do anything like that; he really didn't want to get beaten to a pulp. And, yes, he knew that she could most likely kick his ass. When Noelle asked a question, he directed his eyes over to her. "Well, I actually live in Solaceon, and I usually go to the ruins just to explore and stuff."

And then he heard her tell Tamra and Lars to kinda quit the threatening, and he laughed again. "Thanks..."
Lars chuckled. "Im not the one threatening him, its Chimmy! He's the one eager to fight. Also, he would only burn his legs."
Chimmy nodded and grinned, and made the fire disappear, so did Lars.
((gtg soon))
"You're welcome, but why have I never seen you around? 'Cause I live in Solaceon too, although I usually go to the ruins at night." She was instantly intent on figuring out why she hadn't seen him around too often.

((O.O Goes to check Oliver's form.))
Oliver's eyes kinda widened when he heard she too was from Solaceon. "Really? That is weird, because I don't think I've ever seen you around either," he said, a bit surprised. "Well, honestly, I only really ever coop myself up in my house and go to the ruins, so maybe that's the reason why we've never seen each other?"
Lars looked at Oliver for a while, and then decided to talk. "Fair enough, Im not looking ofr trouble. But im not going to trust you until you deserve it. End of discussion."
He said this, quite cheering up because he knew the guy didnt have bad intintions...for now.
She shrugged. "If you go to the ruins usually during the day, that would make sense." And of course, according to this giant event that's happening, he picks tonight to come at night.
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