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Open As Darkness Falls

((Sigh.. my mistake. lets just say i thought he was a chimchar morph. ok? edit: i gotta leave now. im gonna come back in 30 to 45 minutes. maybe earlier.))
((Sigh. Fair enough, so he thinks its a chimchar morph. Pleased now?
Good! Now to the roleplaying.))
Lars looked up, noticing a staraptor flying in the air- and staring at him and the three female morphs- but especially staring at him. He silently grunted and took his hoodie, covering his face in a way most of his face couldnt be seen. "I have a bad feelnig about that bird..."
He muttered to himself whiel waiting for the toher morphs to keep moving.
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Noelle sighed. "Well then, by all means, join us." Suddenly realizing somehing, her head snapped over to Crystal. "Sorry for just inviting them like that, probably should have asked you first…"

Lars' mention of a bird piqued her interest, but she focused on the black shape in the dark sky to find- "I think that's Star or whatever his name was. The one who had your camera, Tamra."

((Sorry 'bout that. Random vent, I guess. Don't worry about it - go along as normal. -_-;;))
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"He noticed me... hm. I'd better land... the rain is messing with me..." He then flew back to his secret room in the ruins. "What is the true power that brought us all here? It can't be that we all came here by our own will.... We met eachother for a reason... but what?..."
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((Your sarcasm isnt exactly in the right place, aura. I can delete the posts about the argument anyway. Meh.))
((Still saying I made a bio on prev. Page.))
Lars smiled when he saw the bird fly away- and released a sigh of relief. "Better hurry, the weather wont get any better. And I know where we can camp after we're there- unless you already have a good place to stop in."
Cihmmy jumped into Lars' jacket, making Lars a little wet. Lars started shivering. "And if you wont speed up, I think I'll speed up alone - its too cold for me to survive. I think so.."
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((you think we should? but lets work on the roleplay. its the entire purpose of this thread. I can't because all i had to say was in my previous post)) "I know I might be creeping the other morphs out, but I need to be a secret from now. They all noticed me though...
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((Sorry. -pokes edited post- I don't really know why I did that. I can't really say much either…))
"Sigh... should I? Well, I should go... When I came in it was getting dark..." Then Staree flew back to Veilstone and entered the Pokécenter.
((Well, Im frozen if Blazie wont post.))
((Oh, the irony. The moment I say that Im frozen without Blazie, she disappeared.))
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((Hi. I'm reluctant to leave without Tamra and Crystal, so…))

Noelle almost called for Lars to come back - but stopped. If it was a question of survival, then of course he needed to get to Veilstone quickly. She let him go and found herself pressing closer to the two older morphs, hoping everyone would be ready to leave soon.
Lars zoomed forward, when he realized something strange- he wasnt tired. That was a reason to be worried- he took the energy pills before a short while, and they're effect didnt wear off- although it should. He gasped- he started breathing heavily. Great- there was a tree in his way- a very big one, covered in leaves- he could hide under it and not get any more wet. He started runnig faster, but slowed down soon enough- his sight became a little blurry. He jupmed forward, and rolled the rest of the way to the tree. Then, his vision slowly faded.
((DON'T. POST. OOC. OVER. AND. OVER. There's something called and edit button, you use it instead of double posting. Holy crap.

Hmm, Blazie, we might need to start nitpicking here :o))

"That Staraptor bastard? Yeah, he said he was Staree, but whatever." Tamra nodded her acknowledgment to Lars and that Chimchar. "I thought Chimchar fires couldn't go out?" She asked. "But yeah, we should continue. Before this rain worsens." She looked up at the sky, wondering if it might thunder sooner or later.

((If my bad mood is carrying over into Tamra, tell me so I can go away for a while. >_>))
Lars slowly stood up. His head felt as if it was smacked by a 5 ton hammer, and then pressed by a wailord. He heared what the salamance morph, Tamra, said, and answered weakly "Your right, but im a pokemorph- my chimchar abillities arent as good as these of pure Chimchars. My flame goes out, and when this happens, I start feeling weak. Like now.."
He said this before sitting down and taking off his hoodie, revealnig his head, and, the fact that his forehead was now blue- a side effect of the energy pills.

((Hmm, I totally forgot to RP post with my character Lena. I think I'll exchange her with the character I created on the previous page, if its gonna be accepted by darksong.))

((Meh, you just did TWO unallowed things:
one, you timeskipped without premmission, and second, you controlled the weather. Funny post you made.))
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:dead:Staree noticed that he forgot something outside (his bag) and went to get it. But it was thundering. Hen he got the bag, he was struck by lightining! "GOD DAMNIT! SCREW THE WEATHER AND DARKNESS! I should go find the others..." With that, he went to go find the group of 4.
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((Eh, maybe. We still need to build our base, though…ooh! We need a super awesome outfit!))

Okay, so maybe I'm regretting not getting that poncho. Noelle shivered. "W-We should go, but Crystal doesn't seem ready. Do we drag her along anyway?" All of this was completely miserable; her feathers were drenched, Lars and Chimmy were practically dying, it was too wet to fly…

((And yes, time skipping is not allowed except byDarksong, as she is the creator. You see, we're in a conversation. And if we suddenly skipped to morning, the conversation would end in the middle of it and we'd have been standing there for the entire night. Only the creator can control time and the surroundings, as it is their plot, and their world, in a sense.))
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