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Open As Darkness Falls

"Well, I'm sorry. I just saw it laying there. So I didn't steal it. And by the way, what are you guys doing here, and why are there other humans here?" As Staree asked that question, he was wondering if he should tell then what happned in his past and why he doesn't trust humans... He then told them. "Before you answer the questions, I'd like to say another thing. I can't trust the humans with you... It's a past experience... Due to it, I don't trust humans until they prove I can trust them..." ((I won't tell the RPers (in real life) yet because I'm thinking of an actual reason right now.)) Edit: ((I gotta go for now. till about 5,6, or 7 PST Time. ))
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Lars grunted. "Well, if you didnt steal it, hand it over, and quickly!
Chimmy, fetch!"
The chimchar, covered in flames, jupmed 20 feet into the air, over the noctowl morph, and landed 5 feet before her and 20 feet from the staraptor. The flames the covered the chimchar were absorbed into it, covering it in the form of a flame armour- thin plates of fire. "Givit!" Chimmy said, while gesturing a 'hand it over' with his hands.
((And there are no 'other humans' with us, there's one, inside the ruins. We are outside, dammit.))

Tamra landed with a solid thump, noting that Noelle was awake now. "Oh hey, uh, Noelle, did you happen to see-" Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the Chimchar morph who had that other Chimchar with him looking to be threatening a Staraptor morph with her camera. With her camera? A Staraptor morph?

"What the hell?" Tamra demanded, turning away from Noelle. Who are you all, why do you have my camera, and when did you get here?" She flicked her tail at the Staraptor at her last question. "And I'll take that." She held her hand out for it, hoping it wasn't damaged.

Gah, after all this drama, she better be payed a lot for these pictures.
((Also, Chao Spriter, in your form it says Staree 'has no hands but only wings'. So how'd he pick up the camera..? psst Blazie we can be nitpicking buddies
((Don't worry, soon I'll add more ~plot~ xD))

Crystal looked back at the others, with no idea why she felt like staying with them. She just felt more safe in a group. Not like she needed it. It wasn't like she was a wimp or anything. It just felt good with a little company. "Something wrong back there?" she asked, glaring at everyone else. I didn't even find any stones.... now's not the time to go back in though. They seemed to be bickering. The Sneasel morph noticed this and gave a small sigh.
After the camera had been returned to Tamra, Noelle once again noticed the Sneasel morph. She walked over, trying not to get pulled into the bickering. "Hi. I think I might have asked who you were earlier, but then everything got all crazy, and I forgot. But why're you here?"

((I like plot building. =D))

((Yay! A buddy! Sounds good, Dragon. We'll work together to stop the evil forces of bad grammar, spelling and punctuation from attaining forum domination. =O))
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((And we will start here.. with the RPs that need rescuing! Rah rah, off to the.. uh.. do you have a convenient secret hideout we can use?))
((…Uh…Not really. We'll need to build one, unfortunately. Any ideas for a temporary base that will be functional?))
"Oh. I'm Crystal," the Sneasel morph introduced. "I was in the ruins looking for a rare stone. Not really in particular; they just interest me," Crystal explained, looking as if she were about to shrug. Her hazel eyes darted around, as if she had noticed something. "I could have sworn I just heard something other than us," she whispered to herself, shaking her head. Am I imagining things? With a sigh, she began to turn around. "I'm not sure where I should go next, but I was going to head towards Veilstone or something. Somewhere empty. If I crossed Veilstone, I could find an alternate entrance to the ruins, probably."
"An alternate entrance? Really?" Noelle was too excited to chide herself for being so childish. Another entrance meant more ruins to explore, more Unown writing to read…"Do…d'you think I might be able to come? I live around here, so I know the ruins pretty well, and I'd love to see if there's another part of it by Veilstone! And I'm Noelle," she added quietly.
(( god i need to update myself! i cant edit it now. just ignore it... And the hand and wing thing, my DSi was actting up and i couldnt put an important thing. He can transform the hands to wings. my mistake...))

"Sigh... I'm gonna recap this. My name is Staree. I'm here because an urge inside of me made me come here. I've been in the ruins, and now I'm here. I didn't steal the camara, I found it laying here, and I wondered whos it was. Then that damn Chimchar (morph) jumped out and tryed to take the camara. then you took it back. Ok? Now excuse me, I'm heading to Veilstone. I will be there if you need me. And god damn I won't be in the Pokemon center. Don't even try to look there." ((yes my character is a bit pushy but thats his aditude.))

After that, he flew away.

((Edit: I'm gonna be going for now. I might come back at 9 EST Time.
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((Im here now for a short while))

Lars decided to follow Noelle when she walked- or flew- off into another direction. Then, he noticed she talked to a sneasel morph. Chimchar ran near him, both running on the hind legs. Should the sneasel have bad intentions, it would run away at the sight of a flame pokemon and morph.

((Not much to post atm))
((Ugh, why are my posts (almost) always ignored?))
"Hi, Noelle. Sure you can come along." Crystal's voice still had a hint of flatness in it, but she hoped that it wouldn't make Noelle think she couldn't come along. As the Sneasel morph went on, her voice brightened slightly. "It's a long way, but it's not good to go alone for that distance. Come on." Beckoning, she began to head towards the north entrance of Solaceon town, knowing there was no shortcut between there and Veilstone city other than this rainy route. As if on cue, a few drops began to land on their heads.
"Yes!" Noelle whispered to herself. Then, louder, she called, "Meet you at the edge of town; I have to tell my parents!" She giddily took flight labourously and made it to her house in record time. There, she was able to pull herself together and calm down as she left a note for her parents.

When she stepped outside, she instantly noticed the drizzle that would surely intensify into a downpour. Hesitating, she decided against grabbing a poncho. It would only get in the way. Noelle ran to the north entrance, hoping that Crystal hadn't gotten annoyed with her. She hadn't sounded too enthusiastic - had she abandoned her?

Noelle relaxed when she caught sight of Crystal. Not leaving without her. Good.
Lars and Chimmy seemingly werent noticed by the two other morphs- not that they cared. Chimmy was interested to find unowns, and Lars was simply interested in Chimmy's good mood. The two decided to follow the sneasel and Noctowl morph, keeping a distance of around 40 feet and walking silently.
((meh. Now I dont have to care about you ignoring my posts. Lol))
Crystal noticed that Noelle seemed somewhat pressured to get to her. Try to be a little nicer, she told herself, and nodded with a small smile. Briefly, Crystal looked at the route ahead, and then began to walk calmly forward, glancing around. "There's so much tall grass. It might be a bit hard to get through. Unless..."

With a surprising move, Crystal used her Sneasel claws to cut about a foot off of the nearby grass that had previously been about as tall as her. Again, she looked at the surroundings, feeling somewhat more satisfied that she could see within a two-and-a-half foot radius. She pushed some more grass aside, and tried to stretch to see above. "This sure goes on for a while. We should get going." The Sneasel morph continued to walk, slowed down by the grass. She looked back for Noelle every ten seconds or so to make sure she was following, and made the grass shorter if it was too thick.
((Sorry Twiggy, forgot about your post. Oh well, Noelle was so excited that she probably wouldn't have given him much thought anyway. -_-;;))

Crystal seemed to have noticed that she hadn't seemed friendly, and smiled. She led the way through the tall grass, making it shorter every so often. Noelle herself could only see an inch or two over the grass, but she trusted they were going the right way.

Her feathers were getting all ruffled. Great. She would have to put them back in order when the grass was less thick.
Even from Veilstone, Staree could see the Sneasal and Noctowl heading to to the Ruins. "What the hell are they doing? I met that group of morphs, but I haven't seen them yet... Oh well. I heard there was some rare stuff around the ruin's secret entrance. He flew to the ruins, and he landed at the entrance. He entered and saw two doors. One that the Ruin Maniac made, and one that Staree built before he set off on the adventure and before the Ruin Maniac made his. he entered his room and covered the entrance. "Finally... Now I can think... why did I come to the Ruins? Why are all those morphs there? And what are the Weavile and Noctowl Morphs doing? So many questions..."
((wut how did so much happen in so few posts

Blazie we can recreate the Bat Cave :o))

Tamra took back the camera, glad it was disposable and not something expensive. "Well, suit yourself, and don't be a smart ass," she yelled after the quickly disappearing Staree. "You'll never get a girlfriend that way!" Huffing, she looked around her and saw Crystal had come out of the ruins now, and was talking with Noelle. After a bit they started off into the grass.. seeming to be heading off towards Veilstone's general direction, or something. Where that stupid Staraptor morph went off too.. And damn, her client was in Veilstone as well..

Fate was an ass.

Tamra made sure she had the camera secure in her pocket, and took off towards the grass, running. Quickly, she took to the air and let her wings catch a thermal, rising towards Veilstone faster than anyone could ever walk. Veilstone wasn't very far, and there wasn't much to stop her in the air.. and the wind was on her side. Checking once more to make sure the camera was safe, Tamra dived down a few meters and pulled up sharply, playing in the air.

((Ahaha, Tamra's starting to turn into Vai from RiTD. :DD))
((Yes! We will reconstruct the Bat Cave, complete with Batmobile, mansion, and Alfred. And now, another reason for Tamra to lament her lack of camouflage -or for Noelle to use her awesome night-vision. Well, I guess it's actually both.))

Noelle looked longingly at the sky. It wouldn't be fair to Crystal to fly, she knew, but it would be nice…

"Hey, Crystal…is that…Tamra?" she asked, pointing to the east and suppressing a laugh. The red and blue dot swerving up and down did have the same colours as a Salamence...
"The answers... hmmmmm.... well a posibility is the other morphs heading here..." After Staree left the room, he left the ruins and saw the two morphs cutting through the grass. Sigh... It's not the time yet... "Should I group up with the other morphs? I guess I should..." After that, Staree tracked down the group of Morphs and was flying overhead.
He then landed about 5 feet behind them.
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