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Open As Darkness Falls

"Not really" A voice came from Lars. "There isnt much to miss, y'know."
He said these words in a cold voice, almost as cold as a blizzard attack. Then, his voice started getting warmer, along with his butt tail. He stood up in a speed that could beat an extremespeed attack, and jumped off the rock bed. He moved his gaze to Noelle. "Say, did you see any unkowns around, Noelle?"
Chimmy was still fast asleep, obvious for a normal poke.
((I don't think we're allowed to timemod...meh, whatever. Ready for more cynical-Noelle-ness?))

"No, if you count me looking at the walls for a minute or so 'nothing'. I was hoping to leave, but you and Lars hadn't woken up…"

She flinched when the mentioned fire-type spoke and flashed to her side. "What is it with you guys and scaring me?! No, I haven't seen any Unown. Only Unown writing. I'm going back outside, and probably home for now, so see you." She stifled a yawn and edged around Lars to the hall.
"Not really" said Lars answering about Leo's question of missing anything. "There isnt much to miss, y'know." Leo was aboust to respond when he suddenly said: "Say, did you see any unkowns around, Noelle?" "Well I've been here the whole time and haven't seen anything." Leo said. "Dunno about you though Noelle."

((gershamergel, refresh!! oh well these two posts dont ruin each other so ill leave it. Also whats time-moding?))
Lars rolled his eyes- that Noelle might be clever, but she surely had problems. She simply ignored the fact he stood before him- something which always heats up fire types minds, even if they are only half fire. He jumped up, doing a forward roll in the air, and getting covered in flames. Then, he started jumping around as a ball. that
should get some attention. Chimmy laughed and followed him, also in ball form. ((flame wheel and jump.))

((its too confusing! aah my eyes! argh my ass! 0h my cat just scratched my ass oh the pain the pain! my porygon just leveled up and got 9 sp. attack points oh the pain of the golem he pwned!))

((Meh, altohugh Im still a caterpie im good in RPing, expect in competitive RP fights. I know tihngs about not interupting PPL without their acception.))
Chimmy and Lars seemed to object to her leaving, and started jumping around using Flame Wheel. "Hyper again? Guys, I just want to get some fresh air and then go home and sleep. I'm getting tired. Why can't I just leave?"
Leo agreed with Noelle when she said she was leaving and went with her. He said he didn't know the way back, but he was really trying to get away from the hyper-active chimchar morph that was bouncing around the room. He hurriedly caught up with Noelle and exited the cavern.
((Aah, super-fast posting and refreshing and missing other people's edits! Aah!

Time-modding is when you skip an amount of time. Well, I guess we could now, since the other people could probably catch up now, but it's inconsiderate to skip, say, a day without the creator's permission, or else the permission of most of the players. Eh, your ten minutes was fine and well timed, though.))

Leo had quickly left the room, so she took the opportunity to get out as well. She took a deep breath of fresh air and sat against the rocky wall just inside the ruins. "Finally I'm out of there. Jeez, I come here for some peace and quiet and this is what I get."
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Lars quit bouncing the moment Noelle said what she said, and Chimmy did the same. He shurgged, and quickly followed the other morphs on two legs, although soon enough he figured that chimchar walking is faster, meaning- walking on all fours. Chimmy ran next to him, both with some energy left, yet tired. "Wait up! You guys arent the only ones who are tired!"
When they reached the two morphs, Lars stood up and Chimmy jupmed on his head, falling asleep the moment he landed.

((meh, as a chimchar morph, Lars' body is built to gather energy, and then waste it all super fast. Thats the reason he could bounce- it codt him a lot of energy, but in the rest of the day he is quite, friendly and not very active, expect when someone offers to paly with him. He is still cihldish, since he is half chimchar..))
"Huh," Noelle muttered from her position on the ground. "Must be really tired, or just weird."
Leo sighed again. Lars had stopped bouncing and had caught up to them. "Wait up! You guys arent the only ones who are tired!" he said, reverting back to walking on two legs, or at least for the moment. "Hey Lars, you never answered my quetion, why are you at the ruins?"
Lars chuckled, and then suddenly jumped in surprise- an unown in the form of the letter 'L' was over him. He smiled, and pointed towards the unown which was 4 feet above his head. "There you have my reason."

((current activity: kicking Chuck Noriss' sad ass.))
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Noelle looked up to find what Lars was pointing at. An Unown wasn't that big of a deal to her; she saw them every week or so inside the ruins. She leaned back and let her thoughts continue along a similar path, until she fell asleep, even though she hadn't wanted to without going home first. Being forced to become non-nocturnal and stay awake all day, even though she usually stayed up extremely late, took its toll.

((EDIT: Yay! Metapod!))
Lars sighed. "Its a very long story. Lets say, we arent really brother and sister- we were simply made by the same woman. Our genes are completely different- there's no way we could be blood siblings. And since we are both monkey morphs, we decided to stay together and call each other brother and sister. Got it?"
He said it quite slowly, to make sure they would understand.
Lars noticed that Noelle fell asleep- that mgiht be problemous.
"Your name is Leo, right? Well, our compainon has just fallen asleep. This place is dangerous at night- I was attacked by a horde of scizors in here. Why do you think I can bounce in here so easily? Well, we better take her out. Care to help me?"

((Well, now that you are here, what do ye think about RPing?))

((Noticed we're the main RPers in this thread?))
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((Eh, since you just asked him a question, and you can't just leave him standing in the tunnel, and I was hoping to keep Noelle asleep, I think we should stop for the night. …There are, like, two full pages of just us three and Mercedes/Oliver.))
((Umm, he is still online, so how about we (all three) kept RPing?))

((Lol, if Oliver would be the one to carry Noelle, he would do it by himself and kiss her lips one time for every 10 meters he carries her. Meh meh meh.))

((Meh, did you read my joke?
Edit if you wantto tell me your opinion about what I said.

P.S. The information above is 100% Lie. If he was to carry her, he would kiss her 50 times for each step.))

((If it was a character like Lilac, he defintily would do the certain action I said. GiantNoob disappeared again.))
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((Yes! He's back! Okay, then. We should wait for him to post so he can answer you…))

((EDIT: Are you kidding? He wouldn't kiss anyone in the RPG - yet. But he would stare at any of the girls lovingly, except for Noelle, who totally freaked him out with her age and attitude. xD Since he keeps poofing, I'm going to go to bed (it's 1:30am here), but if he posts within the next ten or so minutes, I'll be back. =D))
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