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Open As Darkness Falls

Tamra grinned. "Well, I seem to be the oldest one here, I'm twenty-five." And could easily take on everyone here, she thought, keeping that to herself. "And I guess it's nice to meet you.. again. So know I want to know; what are you doing here?"
Watching a couple of the morphs leave, Oliver sighed. Even the cute Vaporeon morph, Lilac, left. Bored but curious as to where they were going, he followed, but not closely behind. He decided to take his sweet time getting to wherever they were going. What seemed like forever, he finally tracked down where the others had gone. Except, it was slightly different... there were two other morphs with them. There was a Linoone morph, but Oliver didn't find him to be interesting... but there was the other morph, and she was a girl.

Trying to get her attention, he started speaking. "Hey cutie! I'm Oliver, what's your name?"
((gaaah late post. Also i can't post on any Tuesday (East Australia Time) so yeah just thought i should let you know. Anyway...))

Leo had decided it was time for him to leave, but as he was turning around he heard someone speaking. He didn't catch the first bit, but he did hear:..."iver, what's your name?" Leo turned around and stared in amazement as more morphs arrived! One he recognised as an absol, but he couldn't see the others, so he decided to stay for a little bit longer.
Lars, while rolling on fire, forgot that the wool he used wasnt heat resistant- it simply became dust. He heared someone say 'hey cutie! Im oliver, what's your name?"
He quit rolling, and started rolling backwards, while laughing out loud.
Lena noticed this, since she started walking on her ampibom arms(twin tails) to speed up. She wondered why he rolled without his fire, and decided to find out. The moment she took the wool balls out of her ears, she screamed "yowch!".
The reason: Lars and chimchar laughed a little too strong.
lena grabbed him, lifting him and wispering "why the hell did you start laughing, and why so loud?". Lars and chimmy slowly stopped laughing, now a few tears on thier eyes from the laughing. Lars grinned widly, before saying "Well, theres another of these 'hey cutie' guys around here. They spread faster than rattatas. No wonder- I would call them rats."
He then laughed for a short while, this time not as loud. "Lets go check whst kind of fool that was." Lars said before sprinting forward and releasing a jet of flames from his tail- pushing him forward quickly. While doing this, he shouted "wheeeeeeeee!"
In a childish way. Lena growled and followed him sielntly, walking on her human legs, her arms crossed and her ampibom tails up in the air, doing movements meaning no doubt very agressive thought that moved in Lena's mind.
Lars noticed a morph- the only male he could notice- that should have been the source of these (funny) words.
((Well, I expect there should be a chance you notice my characters since they are heading you direction, and Lars is covered in flames, plus he shouts aloud.))
Oliver's eyes wandered from the morph he was talking to, to a couple of other morphs who were walking in his direction. Of course he was still curious as to what the other morph's answer would be, he decided to do two things at once when he saw a female Ambipom morph. "Hmmm... another lovely lady coming my way. It must be my lucky day or something, huh?" he accidentally said aloud. He shrugged at slipping those words like it was no big deal and continued smiling. He felt pretty daring at this point, and he went so far as to wink at the Ambipom morph.

"Same question to you, beautiful. What's your name?"
Lars started laughing aloud, so loud hordes of unknowns flew around in panick, all above the morphs. Then, when he quit laughing, Lars whispered to Oliver "You'd better think twice before talking, romeo! Or should I call you 'Oliver, the one who has a hormone attack'?
After these words, Lars and chimmy rolled backwards once again, laughing and getting covered in flames (flame wheel).
Lena grabbed both chimmy and Lars with her ampibom tails, and lifted them, taking them to the opposing side. She released them, and crouched towards them, the only oppurnity for Lars to notice how red her face was- defintly from blushing. She wispered "I bet im not the only one tha strange guy tries to flirt with. What should I do?"
Both Lars and Chimmy, who looked almost the same, expect a small size difference(Lars can make himslef appear small), started saying "Chim! Cha!"
Lena groaned loudly. They did it again- the imitating trick- both seemed to be ordainy chimchars.
((You can see that as a girl that spins around after having what seems as an argument between friends))
((hope you stay a while))
Noelle was broken out of her thoughts by an Absol morph. "Hey cutie! I'm Oliver, what's your name?"

She shot him a confused look as she realized that he had just tried to hit on her. And he was, what, seventeen? Something like that. Her confusion turned into a glare.

"I'm twelve, for your information," she stated flatly. "Go find someone who cares." She huffed, shuffling her wings as she subtly turned her body away from the…flirt would be the nice name, she supposed. But really! Doesn't he notice? My face is young, although covered in feathers, and I'm barely four feet tall! He can't really think that I'm a hormone-affected teen.
Lars noticed, from the corner of his eye, that the absol morph was trying to flirt with yet another girl. "forget about him" He wispered, before zooming towards the noctowl morph(or isnt it a noctowl morph?), his tail releasing a cloud of smoke towards Oliver. He sped up, so did chimmy, and cut the noctowl morph's way. There, he stood before a noctowl morph, fire covered, along with his friend. "Hi! whats uou name? Im Lars, and this si my partner Chimmy? Want to play?"
He said the last words while closing his eyes, grinning ad jumping around with Chimmy.

His whole body jerked, not expecting being made fun of, and also not of the other morph's reaction. "T-t-twelve? No... no way... that's i-impossible!" Maybe he was a horrible judge of age, but to Oliver, she seriously seemed older than that. "I'm... really sorry... really," he sighed, hoping that maybe there'd be a slight chance the girl would forgive him. Although, now that he thought about it, Lilac kinda looked around the same age as this girl, and when he called her cutie there wasn't any bad reaction, right?

Oliver stepped back, dejected. But when a cloud of smoke came his way and the other morph, Lars was it?, went over to the girl, Oliver sorta cracked. "Hey! Who do you think you are, huh?!" His fangs were bared and his claws were ready, but when he realized what he was doing, he closed his mouth and immediately dropped his hands to his sides. It was a rare thing, but Oliver actually shut up, fuming over everything.
Lena chuckled when she saw her 'brother' cover Oliver in smoke. She took a few steps forward, looking at the absol morph. After looking at him for a while, she decided to talk. "Your name is Oliver, right? Im called Lena. If I could, and I can, I will give you an advice- you shouldnt try flrting with every girl you see, especially when there are other around."
She chuckeld again, and started climbing on a nearby wall, which was extremly high, using her hands, and of course, her elgs and ambipom hands.
Lars, seeing the noctowl morph didnt react to his action, decided to do something funny- he ran on a wall, one which was near Oliver, and jumped off directly over him- and maybe landing on him along with Chimmy.
((Sorry it took so long, my brother snatched the computer for a short whiel, meh.))
Watching the girl talk to him and listening to every word, he sighed. "Lena, huh? Pretty name. But, I can't just change who I am, you know? It's a part of me, and I'm stuck with it." Although, he did smile. He was sorta happy that the girl, after arguing with her friend for a bit, actually did come over and start talking to him. And, oddly, he didn't feel an once of sadness in his body at all. Guess I was just being overdramatic?... Haha... nah.
Lena jumped off the wall she was on, landing 5 feet in front of Oliver. "Everyone can change, acctualy...."
Just when she said that, a blazing Lars landed no her back, pinning her on the ground. "....expect my brother Lars." She said that whiel tipping on the floor with her fingers nervously. Lars chuckled again, and jumped towards another wall- they were in a corridor, hardly 10 feet wide. He kicked the wall, getting covered in flames and jumping to the othe,r and doing so again and again. "We arent really brothers, we only see each other as brothers, just like me and my friend" Lars said when he reached a hieght of 20 feet, and jumped down, make a forward roll in the air with Chimmy. Two fireballs jumping around. This was, ironicly, a rare sight in a cave. When they landed, Lena walked over to the now not flame covered Lars and wispered him something He nodded, seemingly agreeing what she said. She then looked towards Oliver. "Well then, Oliver, what would you say if we asked you if you want to come with us?"
Chimmy jumped from Lena's to Lars' head, the first (ironically) nerved by the action, and the later amused.
Leo walked back to the morphs and noticed two more morphs. Is every morph in Sinnoh here?He thought. When he tried to see what type of morph they were he saw that one, who was climbing a wall, was an ampibom morph, and the other appeared to be a chimchar morph, who also ran up a wall, but he jumped off half way up and landed on the ampibom morph, who had jumped off a little before him. Leo walked over to the ampibom morph and prepared to offer her a hand up, but she got up before he could get to her. He then had to duck to avoid a ball of fire bouncing from wall to wall. The chimchar morph. He continued walking to the ampibom morph. "Are you OK?" he said.
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((Unsheathed is the word you're looking for? Maybe? I dunno. x3 *is going to post tomorrow cause this Alaskan is tired* @.@))
((Whoa, missed lots.))

Noelle chuckled at Oliver's reaction. She supposed she would have seemed older, being smarter than most her age and being sure of what she wanted. And she had been ordering everyone around not a minute before…

She laughed harder when he was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of smoke. "Maybe I'm just touchy when I'm annoyed, but going around flirting with every girl you see in front of girls you've already hit on isn't going to result in many people liking you," somewhat echoing the sentiments of an Ambipom morph nearby.

Suddenly two Chimchar jumped in front of her, grinning like mad. Ah, the source of the smoke. One of them suddenly introduced them as Lars and Chimmy and asked her to play. She stood there a moment in shock before realizing that Lars was a Pokemorph.

Apparently losing interest in her, Lars ran along the wall of the ruins' entrance and jumped, Chimmy following, onto Lena's head. Ironically, the conversation immediately turned more sober.

And then Lena asked Oliver to join their little group, wherever they were going. Completely unexpected, but perhaps Lena saw something in Oliver that she didn't? Or maybe she was just crazy.

"I'm going into the ruins," she mumbled as she brushed past the group. She needed to think about the strange gathering of morphs, and there didn't seem to be a reason to stay.
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Lars noticed the noctowl morph, and grabbed chimmy, hiding him in his jacket and running after the noctowl morph, and, of course, being faster as he ran and she walked. He cut her way again, and grinned. He sat down, this time not showing any flames. His tail flame became noticable smalle. "Care if I came with you?".
Chimmy down near him, now both looking like normal Chimchars.

((Edit, responding to giantnoob:)Lena groaned. "Accutaly, I am, thanks."
She threw a glance towards Lars, fiuring that he wants to be with the noctowl morph. "Well, im going out. When Lars is in a cave, its better to stay away from him."
((Awww what the heck. One more post I guess. :3))

"Sure, but where exactly would we be going and what would we be doing?" he asked Lena curiously. Oliver was slightly confused, but he'd guess he'd go along with it. Hopefully these morphs had no hard feelings about what he had done earlier.
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((Awww what the heck. One more post I guess. :3))

((Err... what do you mean by that? You have to leave?))

"Theres not really a certain something were doing. One of the reasons I stay with Lars is that as a pokemorph, its safer to stay in a group. Aslo, that way were never bored."
Lena sat down on a big rock that was stuck ni the wall- either the wall collapsed or someone or ting stuck a rock in it.
Noelle turned her head to face the boy in front of her. "Who-" was all she could get out before he transformed into a fairly normal Chimchar. Oh, Lars and Chimmy. That was an interesting ability…she scolded herself. She was supposed to be answering a question.

She preferred to do things alone, especially thinking, and especially when it war nighttime in the ruins. But he seemed awfully eager, and perhaps he could answer a question or two. "You can come," she said sternly, "if you're not too loud. I came here to think, and with everything that's happened, I need to think alone more than ever. I'm only allowing you because you seem decent, you're a Pokemorph, and you might be able to help me out." She paused. Oops, she'd been rude again, she knew.

"Come on, then, if you want," she said more warmly (she hoped). Noelle followed the cavern's twists and turns to her favourite room, usually devoid of sound and movement. Tonight there were faint voices penetrating the corridors. No thanks. I'm done meeting morphs for the day.
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