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Open As Darkness Falls

Gilbert winced as a shriek cut through the air
"What the..." he muttered, and reached for his belt. He detached one of the four pokéballs that were mounted there, and looked around. With the fire generated by Asher gone, two dim lights were visible in the direction which the shriek seemed to come from. As his eyes began to reacclimatise to yet another change in the lighting, a shape seemed to appear around them, but Gilbert couldn't make it out properly.
A ghost pokémon he wondered.
Hi. Can I join? Now, I know you need humans, but...I got inspired by reading the forum, and am desperate to send in a morph. ^^; I'll probably give you an unnamed band member later on.

Name: Noelle
Gender: Female

Age: 12/13ish. Twelve and a half?

Team: Primarily a Noctowl morph from her father; however, her mother influenced her as a Taillow morph.

Appearance: Noelle was rather lucky, being part Noctowl, that she did not inherit the large head crest that her father had. However, the rest of her is quite lacking normality. Her most prominent feature is her height and stature - coming in at slightly under four feet with appropriately tiny proportions. Her bones are hollow for the most part, making them slightly easier to damage and making her extremely light for her age - around sixty-seven pounds. Next is the fact that her arms are actually chestnut-brown wings, the tips of which reach to her mid-thigh and are two hand-lengths wide - not her naturally smallish hands that are placed at the end of the wing, growing alongside the very-sharp wingtip, mind you. Human hands. The other obvious Pokemon quality about her is that her face, along with her entire body, is covered in light brown feathers, apart from her brown-blonde hair cut to chin length and a red neck and collarbone area. She has the black triangular pattern on her chest attributed to a Noctowl, but Noelle wears clothes in an attepmt to feel more human. Her eyes are large and her gaze piercing, never unsure. Her thin (width-wise) feet are toughened and a scaly faded gold. Her three toenails extend into points that touch the ground, and there are small nibs of nail developing on the back of her feet, all plainly visible as Noelle doesn't wear shoes. Her feet have three toes, the separation starting closer to her ankle (the spaces between her toes are longer down the foot), and they are extremely strong. Also, if she wishes, she can curl her foot to grasp am object.

Her normal outfit is a burgundy tank top and black cotton knee-shorts in all but the coldest of days, as her feathers provide satasfactory insulation.

Personality: Noelle has many tendencies, most of them pertaining to her above avarage wisdom and intelligence. For example, she hates not knowing something. She always, always points it out when somebody is factually incorrect in what they say. She herself is like a wise old owl, seeming much older than she actually is. However, due to her Taillow genes, at the strangest of times she will act her age, or perhaps below it. For instance, she has been known to become almost giddy when flying, only serious if it is part of a training session.

Noelle is generally courteous, but puts making sure facts are known before that. She only grudgingly helps people with homework, battles and such, wondering why they can't do it themselves. She doesn't really understand that some of the things she finds easy, like advanced math problems, are considered extremely challenging by others. As well, she hates when others critisize or judge by her height, point out the obvious, or say that she looks odd. All of these things contribute to her often being grumpy.

History: Living in quiet Solaceon Town all of her life, Noelle appreciates peace and quiet. She went to the small local school hosted by a neighbor, and was the top of her small class, skipping grade levels and always looking to expand her knowledge. She also battled wild Pokemon to perfect her skills, able to use the moves Peck, Tackle, Take Down, Air Slash, and, when she is calm and able to concentrate, a mild Hypnosis. Having only one close friend, a bookish teen who was the only good conversation she was ever able to find, her friend skills are lacking. She has never traveled to a big city; only Celestic Town a few times for research.

Phew. That was fun.

EDIT: Wow, I just realized that this has been dead for a week...maybe this'll start it up again? >_<
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Accepted, BlazieAura. It probably didn't do anything because I was gone on vacation...

In Character:

Crystal flinched, but at least felt comfortable with the dark. Her decision not relating to the scream, she said, "I think I'll go to the surface now." Carefully, the Sneasel morph used her sharp eyes that were accustomed to the dark to reach around the corridors and lead her to the small amount of light that was coming from above. Night was beginning to fall, and she looked around cautiously.
((Yay! Well, then, here goes...))

Noelle was walking to the ruins. She loved going places at night; nobody was around, and she could see perfectly fine in the gloom. She wished that she could just fly there, but she knew that, considering the effort it took to fly, and the time it took to take off, land, and recover, it simply wasn't worth it. It irked her not to have a reason to fly, one of the things she loved about her morph status. Well, at least I don't have a beak, she thought, placing her index finger on her gold-tinged, but otherwise human, lips. That would surely add to my problems. Especially eating.

As she completed her thought, she made it to the entrance of the Solaceon Ruins and was surprised to find a disproportioned Sneasel...no, a Sneasel Pokemorph at the exit. People rarely remained in the cave after sundown, and there were practically no Morphs in Solaceon...and this one most certainly didn't live here.

Noelle turned her head as far sideways as possible, thinking hard in a very Noctowl-esque style. She could introduce herself, which had an unknown outcome, but if she simply ignored the Morph and walked inside without acknowledging her (for Noelle was sure that the morph was a female), she might become offended...better to introduce herself and hope for the best.

Unbending her neck, Noelle slowly walked up to the Sneasel Pokemorph, and, in her most respectful voice, said, "Hello. I'm Noelle. What were you doing in the ruins so late?"
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hey darksong,ccan i join? Here's a form:

Name: Leo
Age: 18
Team: pokemorph, linoone.
Appearance: Leo has long, brown and white hair that almost comes down to his hips and continues to grow down his spine and eventually edns in a short tail. He also has fur covering his arms and legs and small claws on his hands and feet. He has bright blue-green eyes and slightly brown skin. He likes to wear a white t-shirt and long, grey pants. he also usually wears a blue jumper and a pair of black shoes.
Personality: Leo is smart, but he is also shy and raely uses his knowledge. He prefers quiet places where he can sit down and do what he likes without being disturbed. he used to get teased alot at school so he isn't very social.
History: His dad was captured by Team Galactic and was mixed with a zigzagoon. When he escaped he met up with a woman who had been morphed into a linoone and they married and had him. On his first day at school he was teased for being different and that made him into the shy loner he is today. He ran away from his house in Pastoria in search of a quieter place, which is what led him to the Solaceon Ruins.
Other: No other for me!

So yeah thats Leo. Oh and also what is a Mary-Sue character? Just curios....oh well....
EDIT: never mind I found it out.
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((Sorry my reply is so late.))


"God! Keep the screaming down a bit!" Lilac replied, covering her ears - well, they were technically Vaporeon fins, but still. She looked around. That Sneasel morph had left, and she, sinse not far in the cave, heard voices from the outside. She decided to go too. There was that Sneasel morph, and... some sort of bird Pokemon morph? It looked like a Noctowl morph with some Tailow markings.

((Make with that what you will *grins*))
((yaaaay accepted! Ok hmmm...))

Leo walked furiosly along the path, muttering to himself and getting a few strange looks from nearby trainers. "Come on, i've been walking for ages, theres gotta be somewhere quiet around here..." he said. Just then he heard a few voices comeing from nearby. "The ruins? What would people be doing there?" he wondered. Curiosity eventually got the better of him and he decided to go investigate. "A pokemorph?" He said, nearing the entrance. "No! Two! Wow!" he exclaimed. "I wonder if there friendly?" Leo cautiosly walked up to the pokemorphs. "He-hello?"

((yeah thats all for now i'm being kicked off the computer.))
Noelle jumped at the sound of another voice. A boy with long white and brown hair...a Linoone Pokemorph? Looking back to the cave entrance, where the Sneasel morph had yet to respond, there was now also one more morph, obviously a Vaporeon. Surrounded by people, Noelle uncomfortably said, "Why are so many morphs here all of a sudden? I only know one morph around here, and he's at least fifty, which you three are obviously not. I want to know why everyone is here, in Solaceon, because it seems kind of fishy to me that suddenly there's a large group of Pokemorphs in a town that barely sees any." Her eyes gleamed, satisfied with her answer, and she shifted her weight as she waited for the three answers she had demanded.
Leo looked nervously at the newest arrival, a third pokemorph, a vaporeon. Suddenly the first pokemorph, a noctowl spoke. "Why are so many morphs here all of a sudden? I only know one morph around here, and he's at least fifty, which you three are obviously not. I want to know why everyone is here, in Solaceon, because it seems kind of fishy to me that suddenly there's a large group of Pokemorphs in a town that barely sees any." Leo tryed to reply, but found himself stuttering. "We-well y-you s-se-se-see I-I was just..." Leo sighed deeply. His first real chance to make friends and he was screing it up! Come on Leo. Just answer her question. No big deal... Leo sighed again, then said: "I ran away from my home in Pastoria to come live somewhere quiet. I was planning to go to Celestic Town, but then I heard you guys speaking and came to see what was going on..." Leo finished speaking, and nervously awaited the noctowl pokemorphs response.
((I know Noelle's feathers are brown, but I don't know if everyone would for sure know that she was a Noctowl morph, much less that she was part Taillow. Just a note.))

Noelle cocked her head. The boy seemed shy. He stuttered too much. He really had nothing to fear from her; most people underestimated her because of her size.

But, appeased with his answer, Noelle gave a jerky, quick nod and turned to the girls that had yet to speak.
((Late Dragon is late :/ Anyways, can Tamra know Noelle somewhat, since they both've been/lived in Celestic Town for a while?))

Tamra hissed and followed the Sneasel morph to the surface, and was rather surprised to see a few other morphs there. She could make out some vague forms as her eyes flashed, letting loose some light, and as she got used to the much brighter dusk. There was a rather short, bird-like morph that she couldn't make out, and a boy with incredibly, almost impossibly long hair.

What. She was still taller than everyone except that guy, Gilbert, who was still in the ruins below, and she'd still be able to overpower him, being a morph. Tamra looked down at her claws, making sure she had the camera and dispelling the small flame she had summoned. Great, now that she had what she came for, might as well leave.. Something inside her stopped her from dashing off, though. There was something she was forgetting, or something interesting here..

Sighing, Tamra pressed herself up against the wall, near the entrance to the ruins again. If anyone wanted to see her, they'd notice and talk to here. And again, blue and red against sandy brown stone wasn't the best camouflage...
((Sure, Dragon. Noelle would probably remember another morph.))

A sound at the entrance attracted Noelle's attention. Nobody…that wanted to be seen. She sharpened her vision in the gloom and easily picked out a blue and red shape…blue scales with red wings. A Pokemorph - a Salamence?

Wait - hadn't she seen a Salamence morph before? Maybe in Celestic Town? Yes, that had been it. The girl was the morph that had always popped up somehere different. She had always seemed to be moving around, but it hadn't looked like she was vicious or bloodthirsty, which meant it was safe.

Noelle groaned, "I know you're there," in the direction of the cavern. Deciding to give up on introductions, as a new Pokemorph would surely appear within the next minute, she cocked her head to the side and though about why everyone was there, on one seemingly normal night. She occasionally muttered a few things out loud, but she didn't care what the others made of it. She'd given up on being normal a long time ago.
Leo looked at the noctowl morph, who had said that there was another arrival, and desperately wished she was wrong. However, as he got closer he realised that there was another person. No...another pokemorph! Leo suddenly cowered back, as he realised that the morph he was facing was a salamence. "Who are you people? What are you doing here?" he said. What is going on here? All I wanted was a new home and now look whats happened. I never should have come over here...
((I'll post now, im part of the RP after all.))
Lars and Lena silently walked trough the soleceon ruins.
The place was normally silent, but it seemed that more and more people entered it. Both jupmed on the ground and covered their ears when they heared a blood freezing scream. Lars groaned, and searched in a small pocket, until he found what he wanted- four pieces of wool, too small to cover his ears, but big enough to make him hear less. He put the wool balls in his ears, and sighed in relief. Then, he grabbed another set and pushed it nito both of Lena's ears.
Lars grinned when he saw her angry face- surely she would make steak of whoever might have made that screech if she found that someone. Lars opened his jacket, revealing a Chimchar hidding in it. The chimchar didnt seem to bother about the scream, since he had wool balls in his ears. Lars pushed his jacket inot Lena's hands, and ran on four legs, since his body was able to do this, with his chimchar, which he called chimmy, while releasing fire from his mouth while running. Both started rolling no the gorund, while being covered in flames, creating lots of light.
Lena followed the two while grunting- surely, she didnt liked it when the two played.
She used her Ampibom tails to cover her ears, and, make sure she wont hear anything.
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Tamra stepped forwards, wishing she had been something that could camouflage, like a.. oh whatever. Being a Salamence was fun. She spread her wings as she moved forwards from the shadows, and as her eyes adjusted, she noted the bird-morph was a Noctowl.. and looked oddly familiar. Hadn't she seen a Noctowl morph before.. in Celestic town? Folding her wings sheepishly, she realized, again, she was much older than everyone there, and a morph of one of the stronger Pokemon in Hoenn.

"Hey, don't I know you..?" Tamra asked the morph. "From Celestic town, I've seen you around." She nodded her acknowledgment to the guy with the hair, noting he must be a morph, too. She'd never seen a regular human with hair like that.. Well, she'd never actually seen many humans. "What are you two doing here?" A second later her question was echoed back by the boy, and she snorted.

"Well, I guess you could ask, what with everyone running around downstairs," Tamra motioned to the ruins. "'We people' are morphs, obviously. And one human. Everyone seems to have different reasons for being here, and well, y'know." Tamra looked behind her, expecting to see someone walk out of the ruins. "And.. I'm Tamra, obviously a Salamence morph." She shrugged. She was fine with telling complete strangers her name, she could overpower most of them anyways.

A few flashes of light from the ruin entrance made her turn again, and take a few steps towards the town, before turning so she could see everyone and the entrance. "So, yeah."

((Pointless well-sized post is pointless >_>))
Noelle nodded cheerfully at Tamra. Good, someone seemingly sane who actually answered her. "Yep, I remember you. A Salamence morph is hard to forget."

Wait...she hadn't even introduced herself! "Right. I'm Noelle, and I live in Celestic Town. Let me get a few things straight - yes, I'm only twelve. Yes, I'm unnaturally short. And yes, I will kick your butts if you mention it in a degrading sense, as I am perfectly capable
of defending and thinking for myself."

Hmm...had that been offensive? Eh, Noelle didn't care much. It wasn't like they were going to stay togerther like this for more than, say, half an hour.
((Latez post is latez.))

"Well, I don't know why I ended up in the Solaceon Ruins; I just had this feeling I needed to go here. And there are more morphs inside, just so you know."

Was it OK for her to know there were more in the Ruins? She would have to see.

"Oh yeah, by the way, I'm Lilac Freshwater."
"Nice to meet you," Noelle said faintly. Her mind spun. More morphs…and Lilac has no particular reason to be here. Something…something's drawing us here…what now, though? Why are we here? She knew her head was probably bent over very far in her focused thinking.
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