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Open As Darkness Falls

As Gilbert's eyes readjusted to the normal level on lighting within the ruins, he became aware there were others in the corridor ahead of him. He couldn't see too clearly, but there was someone where the fire had come from - not exactly unexpected, since someone or some pokemon had to produce it. There were two other people on the corridor, one of whom fell down just as a fifth arrived. Gilbert's initial thought, based on the basic shape and size, was that they were human, except that as more details emerged they seemed to have charictaristics of various pokemon. One of them had wings, and most of them looked as though they had tails. The Sneasel also looked a little more human than a sneasal should, and he could have sworn that it was a person who looked like a bipedal Arcanine which launched the fire.

Something in Gilbert's memory pushed itself upwards. For a moment Gilbert's spaced out, and he never heard the Mismagius calling. Then he snapped back into reality with a sudden realisation, one which seemed insane to him, and yet seemed to be the only option.
"No way," he exclamed, "they can't be..."
((I really need to post more. xD))
Rachel had finally given up. There was too much noise here! Ridiculous! This was Solaceon Ruins, after all. She turned and started to leave, but somehow ended up in a room with several Pokemon.. or people? They looked humanoid. Pokemorphs? A couple looked vaguely familiar.
"Whoa, is there a party here is something?"
Tamra grimaced. What the hell, everyone was younger than her, they all looked like they were fifteen. What were they doing here?

And why was she hiding? None of them could be stronger than her, then, unless they were part legendary or something. And that was unlikely. She could just pretend she'd stumbled in, and saw the flash of fire.. Or not. One looked more human than anything, Tamra noted as her eyes caught a flash of light from above. Anyways, it would make no difference if she just left, what would she lose?

Shuffling around, Tamra turned towards where she hoped were the entrance and the stairs, and walked right into a wall. Yelling, she fell onto her back, before hopping up as quick as she could. Now this was embarrassing..
Lilac got up. Looking around, she saw most of them had noticed her clumsiness. She blushed, and turned away. He saw me, he saw me! she thought as she slowly turned back around. "H-hi, I'm Lilac." she finally stuttered out.
Suddenly, Stephen heard voices, a lot of them, they seemed to come from somewhere else in the ruins. Walking down some stairs, there was several other Pokémorphs, which shocked him enough to nearly making him fall down the stairs, which he managed to save himself from doing in the last second.
"Eeh.. Hello?" he said, not really sure what to say, as there was a seemingly awkward feeling in the area already.
Oliver smiled, flashing his rows of teeth. "Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl... I'm Oliver," he replied. But his concentration was broken when he noticed other people coming from around corners and joining the group of Pokemorphs and humans. Then, it really got him thinking. Is there some sort of reason that we all met each other here... Nah, I'm just imagining things. He chuckled slightly and returned his gaze to Lilac.
The pokemorphs - which what Gilbert had now realised they were - seemed to be gathering here, although none of them seemed as though the meeting was planned. Certainly with all the falling and the nervousness it was clear that chance had just brought at least half a dozen of what had to be a rare...race to this place at the same time. He considered it strange, but as his eyes began to pick out more he saw the pokemorph with wings - who resembled a Salamence almost as much as a human - turn to leave, and fall. He or she picked themself up quickly, but Gilbert was intrigued as to why one of them would be leaving, and, backed up against the wall, shuffled around the other pokemorphs towards the Salamence.
Brushing herself off, Tamra stood back back and saw the guy who looked around her age trying to creep towards her. "Alright, I see you there, no point trying to hide." Looking around at the faint shapes of the other Pokemorphs, she sighed. "And I see you all there too, speak up, no need to hide. We're all Pokemorphs, aren't we? Got to stick together?"

Inspecting each shape closely, her eyes fell upon the guy behind her. "Except you.. you look mostly human." Tamra paused, wondering if this was such a good idea after all. "So.. anyone part Charizard or something, or can make some light?"

Blinking, she realized she could herself, and sighed. A small flame appeared in her palm, an Ember, but in the dark was enough to light up a small portion of the room, and illuminate the others' outlines.

((If this is plot-modding, tell me and I'll shut up :x))
Lots of new people. Asher crossed his arms. He didn't really like meeting new people, but he had to know someone, otherwise he would never be able to do anything. Almost literally.

He glanced around until someone spoke. She had asked whether anyone could make light. Her only brightness was a small ember, and he could barely see her by its shine.

"I'm fire," he said, and held his hand palm up in the same way. A flame appeared in it, dancing about in its frantic search for oxygen. "Tell me if this is too dark or bright." There was a totally unnecessary sentence.
Gilbert had managed to get past most of the group when the Salamence saw him and spoke. Gilbert ignored her for the moment. He wanted to be past them, since he didn't know how well they'd react to a strange human. Once he was clear of the others, up to the Salamence, who he suspected was female, Gilbert responded.

"I wasn't exactly hiding, and if I was, it wasn't from you. I was more wondering why you would leave, since I can't imagine that there's many pokemorphs still around."
Tamra nodded her thanks to the.. Arcanine morph? Wow, things were getting weird down here. She turned to the guy who looked mostly human, wondering if he was a morph too. "Errm, I was leaving for the exact same reason as you. Why are you edging towards the entrance?"
Gilbert gave a small chuckle. "I wasn't leaving, I'd just rather not be surrounded when I'd not stand a chance if everyone turned on me. If I wanted to leave I'd have gone back the way I came in.
"Gilbert Blake, by the way," he added suddenly, offering a hand, "and you are?"
Tamra paused, a bit surprised. Blinking, she took Gilbert's hand and shook it. "Uh, Tamra. No last name." She flared up the flame in her other palm a bit more, making it just a bit smaller than the Arcanine morph's. She turned towards the still shadowed shapes, looking around.

"And you guys, you are?"
The Absol had just called her pretty. She had never been called pretty before.

Then another morph had asked who we all were.

"Well, you must have missed my introduction; I'm Lilac Freshwater, a Vaporeon morph, if you couldn't tell." She slapped herself inside her head. Shut up, Lilac. she argued with herself inside her head.
Crystal narrowed her eyes at the growing crowd, glancing around at each. She flinched when the Arcanine morph brought up a candle-like blob of fire above his palm. The Sneasel tried not to look at it, and listened carefully to the conversation, her ear feather twitching occasionally.

"I'm Crystal, and I came here to look for rare stones," she said seriously, glancing around to see if there was any particular glitter coming from a section fo the wall.
Asher looked around. Someone looked rather wary. Others were making introductions. And the one called Crystal flinched when he brought up his fire. Might as well follow along.

"If you need my introduction, I'm Asher," he said. "I'm here to explore, and to meet maybe a few Pokemon. I heard there were odd things in here."
Flashing one last smile at Lilac, he turned to face the others. The dark passageway had grown lighter since some were using fire to be able to see. Oliver blinked a few times, not used to the sudden light, but was happy he could see the others more clearly. He heard the introductions and decided to make his own. "Well, there many lovely, beautiful ladies here," he commented, his red eyes glancing to every girl. "I'm Oliver. Pleased to meet all of you... especially all the girls..."
Are they ignoring me? How rude! thought Muji, fading into the shadows.

Invisible, she snuck to a place where the whole group could see her. She mistakingly brushed against the Arcanine boy, and vaguely wondered if he would feel. She was insubstantial, after all.

The Mismagius, her plan on the top of her mind, flared out her - would it be called a dress? - to full size, letting out a banshee-like shriek, her eyes faintly glowing and giving off an eerie vibe.

((That was supposed to be Astonish, yes :P))
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Tamra glared at Oliver, wondering how old he was. He couldn't be any older than 19.. and she was 25, dammit! "I would sh-" She yelled as a sudden screech cut through the air, and turned towards the source, the claw without the fire in it raised. "Who's there," she yelled, and her claw flared up with a lightless blue-purple flame. Dragon Claw.
"What was that?" Asher jumped back, instinctively unsheathing his claws. "Who just did that?" He was practically growling.


He snuffed his flame out. Someone was either trying to get attention or killed.

"What do you want!"
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