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Open As Darkness Falls

A sigh echoed through the long corridors as Oliver boredly walked through. He liked strolling in the ruins; although, unfortunately, it gave him time to dwell on the past. He studied his claws, which were a constant reminder of what he had become. He didn't mind being different, sure, he got odd looks from people, but it was all bad. The blinding darkness wasn't as horrible as it would be if he were still fully human, since his eyes adjusted well to the dark.

And, abruptly, he heard a noise coming from not too far away for where he currently was. What... was that? he wondered. Oliver was cautious, carefully and slowly stepping towards the source of the sounds. As he got closer, he approached a figure... a girl. Oliver's mind flashed, this girl seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't think of why. He shrugged, and offered her a hand. "Hey... you okay, honey?" he asked with a grin, showing his fangs.
Crystal whirled around, stopping abruptly as she noticed the other Pokémorph. The Sneasel didn't smile. "I'm fine, I just... ran into a wall and it startled me." Her tone was as if she was about to burst out laughing, but she hardly ever did that. Her head was still throbbing, and she hoped there wasn't a bump on it. Carefully, Crystal began to enter another nearby corridor, appearing as if she had lost something among it; she was flicking her head from side to side, sometimes ducking to take a look at shiny things.
((Name: Asher
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Team: Pokemorphs (Arcanine)
Appearance: Asher
Personality: Asher is serious, protective and fierce. He doesn't like strangers and is even more wary of humans. He's usually suspicious unless he knows the other person, so don't expect to be fast friends with him. He doesn't dislike anyone, but sometimes he judges things before he decides they're OK.
History: Asher is a descendant of two more-Pokemon morphs. His mother was practically an anthropomorphic Arcanine. Some of this Pokemon's personality was given to him, so he acts somewhat like a guard dog would.
Other: Felt like I needed to make one. AND IT HOWLS! WHOOT!))
Gilbert swept the flashlight over another patch of symbols. Yet more random combinations, but they were defiantly the same symbols as the ones from the Ruins of Alph, the ones supposed to actually be pokemon. He moved on and stopped. This patch seemed to be in coherent English:
Having a lovely time in Hoenn.
Weather's great, wish you were here,
P.S. Say hi to Barry for me."

"Huh?" muttered Gilbert. This is a message off someone's postcard. What's it doing he-
Gilbert was interrupted by a shout somewhere below him. Grabbing his camera, he took a couple of quick snaps of the writing and set off in search of the source of the sound.
The cave was cold and dark, but Stephen liked it better that way, he had never been to fond of sunny days, unlike a lot of people. His sandals made clicking noises as he walked around, he liked caves, but sometimes he got lost, and he was definitively lost right now.

He looked around for a while, letting his almost-blank eyes get used to the darkness around him. He then shook his head, making spores fly out of his hair.
One of the disadvantages of having a mushroom cap on your head is the fact that you'd have to clean your hair a lot, because spores from the cap will usually fall into your hair.

After shaking his head for a while, and making sure there wasn't that much spores left. He continued walking, his sandals making a clicking noise as he stepped.
Flora, my friend has a bad guy named Marcus that looks /excactly/ like you described him (except for the eye color, but.)

Name: Lilac Freshwater
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Team: Vaporeon Pokemorph

Appearance: Her hair used to be curly, blonde and shoulder length, but it turned dark blue in the process of being turned into a Pokemorph, but it's still the same style and length. She has the Vaporeon's mane and fin things, along with the Vaporeon tail and ridge down her back, which is a part of her costume thing's design; it is all Vaporeon blue. Her skin shines blue-ish in the sunlight.
Personality: She is very blunt and sarcastic. She loves to mess around with people's heads. She is also the type to put herself in front of strangers. In front of people she knows, however, she is still sarcastic, but is hypergenic now, though. She also would do anything for friends, and Oliver, though annoying, she actually crushes on (or will when she meets him anyways)
History: Lilac was never paid any attention as a kid; her parents always left her home alone and has, like, 10 siblings due to her parent's addiction to sex. Her siblings, due to having little to no parenting at all, were always beating her because she was the only female in the family, and also the weakest. She always was at the library or a friend's house (because her parents didn't care where she went; they were too busy getting drunk at parties) because of this very reason.

She was walking home from school (well, the library) one Friday afternoon when she was pulled aside by a Team Galactic member. She had never knew who Team Galactic was, only heard it mentioned. The Galactic person asked her if she wanted power, and if she wanted freedom. She, of course, said yes, and they told her what they were going to do. She said she'd only oblige if she got to be fused with a Vaporeon, her absolute favorite Pokemon. So they fused her, and she found out what excactly they were going to do with her. She then resisted, but also was set free. When she was finally free again, she went to check on her old family. They had moved, and she later found out in the news that they had all gotten in a car rec and all died.
Other: Lilac is actually a Suicune morph, but I changed her for this RP's purpose. Also history change.
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As he watched the girl walk away, Oliver thought to himself, Cold... heh... I like it. He grinned at that, although most of his attempts to charm women never worked, he was amused. Quickly, he stopped frozen in his tracks. "She... she's a morph... like me?" he asked himself, curious. He had never actually seen another morph before, or that he could remember anyway. There was a part of Oliver who wanted to chase after the girl because, well, he was shocked at seeing another morph. After consideration, he decided not to, and, reverting back to himself, he smiled and started to walk happily. "Besides, she can't be the only other one, there has to be more morphs. I'm sure I'll run into another one."
Tamra grumbled some swear words as she rubbed a little life in her arms, this damn place was so cold and dark. The dark part didn't bother her much, as her eyes easily caught the faint glow of the crystals, but the cold was very annoying. He huffed out a small flame, an Ember, and continued on her way.

Why exactly was she there again? The cold almost made her blank out.. oh yeah. Some guy wanted to have a few pictures of the writing apparently on the walls, but Tamra hadn't spotted any yet.. And she absolutely refused to go lower. She stood across from a stairway down, and could most certainly feel the cold air coming from below. It was probably because of her types, but that was completely unimportant.. she needed those pictures.

With a muffled sigh, Tamra gathered up her nerve and walked down the stairs, trying to ignore the cold. She needed the money, and it was a lot for apparently so easy a job.. She paused. She could hear voices nearby, and turned around the corner. There was a young girl, well, not really young, but young compared to her, there, a.. Sneasel morph?

Huh. Another morph. She shuffled her wings, keeping them in view of anyone who would look at her, and walked past her, nodding her acknowledgment.
Everything was black. Dark. It was how the Solaceon Ruins were. If Asher glowed, it would look as if his black stripes had been simply chopped-off chunks of his body; it was that dark. The black was cold but welcoming.


If there was a little person sitting in Asher's mind, they would immediately be able to tell that he was a bit devilish. His claws nearly pierced the stone to his left.



He parted his jaws a bit and a small stream of fire burned from them, acting as a flashlight.
Crystal was startled as a stream of fire illuminated the corridor nearby. Giving another yelp, she cowered behind the corner, glancing around to see what it was. An Arcanine... morph... she might have to stay away from this one. Her Ice-type didn't agree with fire. Her widened hazel eyes grew calm again, and she began to make her way, but as the last embers of the fire died, they illuminated something embedded in the wall. The thing was a dark gray, with a white eye in the middle of it... for some reason, it weirded Crystal out. It began to float from the wall slightly, and she could see that it had a question mark shape.
A flash of light and another shout came from an otherwise undetectable passage from Gilbert's left. He was blinded for a second, but turned into the side chamber. Dropping down some steps he saw a stream of flame cross the end of the passageway. When he caught up to where it was he glanced at the source of the flames. There was someone there, but no apparent Pokemon. He looked the other way, where the light from the flames was still providing a little light. There was a Sneasel there, or at least that was what it looked like in the fading light. But it didn't seem quite right somehow. He got the impression it was too big somehow, and that other proportions were off, but then he wasn't an expert on sneasel.

There was something else there. Something which seemed to come out of the wall. It seemed like one of the symbols, although with the light and the angle it was hard to tell which.
"So they are alive," muttered Gilbert, "interesting."
A flash of light reflected by the walls caught Tamra's eye, and she turned around. There was the Sneasel morph, and maybe some others? She couldn't tell much, and the faint shape of a floating question mark.

Wait, what?

She walked towards the flash to take a closer look, wanting to strangle herself as she saw the writing was on the walls. Where was she expecting to see them, on the floor? Pulling out the disposable camera she had been given, she turned away from the others and took some pictures, the flashes illuminating her a moment. Just as quickly, Tamra put the camera back in her pack and pressed herself up against the walls. She didn't have the best camouflage here, dark blue against.. she couldn't really tell what colour the walls were, but they definitely weren't blue. She didn't have the best camouflage, but unless the morph, or morphs, it depended who was there, had a great sense of smell, it would be like she was never there.

Tamra decided she would show herself if they had something good, or whatever. She was pretty obvious, just standing against the rock, anyways.. they could easily bump into her. At least the flash of fire had warmed her up a bit.
There was a shadow there. And another one.

He had been thinking of the fact that there was a Sneasel morph, and that he should probably put out his fire before something bad happened. But just as he let the flames disappear, something floated out from the wall.

What is it?

He removed a paw from the wall, hoping that if there was another one that he wouldn't hurt it.

((And that last idea gives me an idea for a short story that could turn into a fanfiction :D))
((OH! You mean me? Yeah, I was going to post that but for some reason I probably had to delete it. Lilac is accepted. :) ))
((Okay. Now to read the entire thread and make an entrance XD Edit in a minute))

Lilac was walking in the Solaceon Ruins. She heard some chattering and saw some light.

Who... else is in here...?

She crept along the wall, putting her back to it as she turned her head to see who all was there. There was a Sneasel, an Arcanine...

That Arcanine.

He looked about her age (not that she could tell; she just guessed) He looked like a male, too... in her absentmindedness, she fell over, in plain sight. As if to add to the obviousness there was someone around, she let out a small "Oof" as she hit the ground.
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Out of the corner of his eye, Oliver noticed a light in a nearby hallway. He also heard the faint traces of voices coming from the light. Curious, but still cautious, he walked to the next hallway. As he got there, he saw many people. Most importantly, though, there were more morphs. In fact, there was an Arcanine morph, a Salamence morph, a Vaporeon morph, and the same Sneasel morph he had seen earlier. "Hmmm... surrounded by beautiful women... this may not be a bad day after all," he chuckled to himself.

Oliver was oblivious to the question mark creature that was floating, and paid more attention to, of course, all the girls. The Vaporeon morph was on the ground, not only was she cute, but it made Oliver wonder what was with all these girls falling over. Hmm... it must be because they need some handsome guy to help them back up, huh? He grinned again, obviously amused at that thought. He stretched out his hand to offer her help back up. "Need help, cutie?" he asked her.
Er, can i reserve a couple spots?
I'd actually like one for both Pokemorph and Unnamed team. Although i'll probably be using Dimetri again for Morphs...
"Tell me why we're here again, Muji?"

Kira hated being in the dark like this. Being outside at night was okay - how else would she have caught Muji and evolved Aion? - but this cave was a different kind of dark. Nighttime was a natural, light darkness, more like a sheet than a blanket. This cave was just plain dark; there could've been something about to eat her that was sitting right in front of her and she wouldn't know about it. And it was claustrophobic in this cave, too.

"I can feel them," the Mismagius said somewhere off to her right. "They're here... Down this passageway."

There's a passageway? Kira thought, scrambling over and feeling the walls. She walked a couple of steps before she felt the wall turn sharply and disappear beneath her fingers.

She turned and walked down it, carefully keeping her fingers against the wall to feel if it got too narrow for her to pass. Muji wouldn't have any trouble, as she could pass through walls, but Kira was pretty solid.

"...There," murmerred Muji. "Turn left and walk forward."

Kira could faintly see the walls now; this part of the cave was covered in crystals. She had little difficulty walking down the corridor now.

"Hello!" Muji suddenly cried, rushing ahead and leaving Kira behind to greet the morphs. She was almost crying from happiness; she had grown very attached to the morphs she had created.

((No, Muji didn't create all of you morphs, unless you're really old. She just can't remember them well and thinks that she did create you :P))
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