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Open As Darkness Falls

Maybe I was too energetic. Perhaps. Nevermind, Im out of fire for the moment anyway...
Lars silently followed the noctowl, so silent she would probably even think he went back to the other morphs. Chimmy sat on Lars' back while Lars walked on all four legs. After all, he wasnt naturally as small as a chimchar, he just knew how to fake it.
((A true word. It really is addicting. Anyway, I m gonna stay since its morning here and I dont have anything to do expect play DS or do stuff in this RP anyway.))
Noelle sat on her 'thinking rock', as she called it. The facts are: there are a lot of morphs here. They all happened to come tonight by chance - or so one would assume. And we've all started to meet up with each other…What about Lars? Come to think of it, where is he?

She scanned the room and found him with Chimmy on his back. It seemed that he hadn't transformed as much as made himself seem Chimchar-sized. The resemblance to Chimmy was uncanny; there had to be some kind of morph element involved. "Lars? Why are the three of you here? I mean, at the Solaceon Ruins?"

((Gah, I'm such a slow typer. -_-))
((Defintly true -_-))
Lars chuckled. "Well, I came because I heared there are strange pokemon called unknown here- I saw one before a year, and they facinate me. Chimmy came because we are friends, and Lena, my 'sister' came because I become hyperactive when Im in caves."
Lars stood up, showing his true size- 5 feet of hieght. The size of an average kid of his age. "So then, yuo still didnt tell me your name. Why did you come, anyway?"
Lars grabbed chimchar, and grabbed some rocks, creating a flat rock surface, big enough for him to lay on it. He sat down on it, Chimmy sitting down next to him.
"I didn't?" It was so annoying to have to look up at everyone. Lars was a full foot taller than her, and everyone else she had met was the same, if not taller. "I'm Noelle. I live in Solaceon Town. I come here every few nights to think and enjoy the darkness and the runes on the walls."

She watched him lie down on a rock bed of his own design. You don't seem that hyperactive at the moment."

((This wasn't slow typing; I didn't notice you'd posted. >_<))
Lars sighed. "Well, when im in caves, I get a blast of energy and start jumping around like mad, as you have already seen. Until I finally ru out of energy, and, ironically, calm down."
Lars stretched and yawned. "Its nice to see I am not the only one in this world that is a combination between pokeomn and animal. There were times, when I was six, that kids were staring at me and shouting 'cool'. Now, I understand that it is some kind of curse- however, if you use the fact you are half pokemon right, it can make life interesting. Much more than that of normal human."
Lars stood up, and searched in his pocket, unitl he found what he looked for- a bunch of chimchar hairs kept in a wool container(dont know how its called- the thing you put your head on when you sleep). He had three of them- two in human head size, and one in Chimmy's head size. He put them on the hard stone bed he created, and lay down, now able to sleep without waking up and finding out his head is ruined from the hard stone. "If im not wrong, noctowl's are nightwalkers, right? Well, I plan to relax a little. Thats what I do after these bursts."
He yawned, and closed his eyes. Although it seemed he sleeped, he didnt acctualy sleep.

((While you are writtting im EV trainnig a male snorunt in sp attack and attack(and some def).
Already had some cases the SP. Attack rose by 9 in one level. lol))
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((Nightcaps? It's all I can think of...))

"Wait, I…" Lars seemed to instantly fall asleep. What if she wanted to leave later and he was still asleep? It didn't matter, really; it always took a while to sort out her thoughts.

All harmless reasons that happened to coincide, except Lilac. Lilac's case is odd, like because she had no proper reason to come she was simply given an urge to come. That means someone - or maybe fate - wants us here, together. That means more socialization. Oh…it means more seeing that Oliver. Truthfully, he seemed like he wasn't evil or anything behind his flirtiness. She disliked him, but would probably be able to like him if they talked to each other and got past his annoying trait. Which'll be easy, I suspect, considering his reaction when he wrongly guessed my age. She chuckled softly at the memory. I've never seen anyone that flustered.

((I'm going to leave; it's late here and we probably shouldn't take over more of the RP's pages than this. =) Bye Twiggy!))
Leo looked up at the brightening sky and wondered what was going on. What are all these pokemorphs doing here? he wondered. Leo groaned. Why did I have to become involved in this... When Leo looked back down he saw the noctowl morph and the chimchar morph, Lars, were going back into the cave. He started to follow, then hesitaed, thinking again. Where are they off to? I wonder what they could be doing in there? Maybe they're looking at the strange glyphs on the walls. If thats the case then I'll come to. Plus that Noctowl girl seemed pretty nice. Yeah... Leo walked into the cave, and immediately regretted it.

((whew. That was long...ish))
((hahaha my 50th post was on this thread. yay. caterpie.))
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((Are you kidding? Have you seen how long my posts are? There's just so much that I want to put in one post...and I'm going to assume that Leo is heading in Noelle's general direction.))

Footsteps. Other morphs? Probably. Noelle rose and walked out of the room, glancing back at Lars. He'll be fine, he has Chimmy. She turned a corner to be met by the shy Linoone morph. Not a new one, thank goodness.

"Hi. You following me?"
((hey, thats the longest post I've ever made...Yeah I know...Oh and yeah, Leo was going to the same place Noelle was. Also can we tell each other our names. It's kinda annoying typing the noctowl morph alot))

Leo turned another corner, hating the cold of the cave. Guh. When will they finally stop? Just as he was thinking that he almost walked straight into the noctowl morph. "Hi. You following me?" She said. "Oh...um...well...yeah...I thought you were going to explore this place, and I wanted to come to. And even if you weren't, it'd be more interesting than back there." "Oh yeah, my names Leo. You? And what happened to that Lars guy?"Leo sighed, he was asking to many questions. Shutup. He told himself. Give her a chance to answer.

(( oh yeah i noticed a typo in my form Leo is supposed to be 16 not 18))
"I know, you told me," Noelle said. "I'm Noelle, and I'm not exploring, really. I live in Solaceon Town, and I come here at night to think because it's dark and usually quiet. As for Lars, we talked for all of twenty seconds before he went to sleep."

She briefly pondered what to do; she could abandon him and find an empty room, or go back to where Lars was and invite Leo along.

God, why was she being so darned nice today?

"Well, come back with me if you must; I don't think it's safe to leave the time bomb alone for too long." Noelle sighed and walked back to the room.
Leo stared in amazement. The Noctowl morph, Noelle had asked him to come back with her and Lars. Wow. thats probably the nicest thing anyones ever done to me. Back in Pastoria I probably would have been bashed for following someone. Maybe these people aren't so bad after all... "Sure. I'll come back. It'd be nice to meet a fire type morph down here." Leo hesitated, then said: "Well then, let's go."
"What do you think I'm doing?" called Noelle. "Don't stand there looking so stunned; you look like nobody's ever said something half-decent to you before."

The room was right around the corner. Noelle entered to find Lars still sleeping, Chimmy stil on top of him. She shook her head and walked to the walls, looking over the Unown language she had learned to read.
"What do you think I'm doing?" said Noelle. "Don't stand there looking so stunned; you look like nobody's ever said something half-decent to you before." They haven't... thought Leo. "Anyway, why are you here? I've already told you why I'm here, so it's only fair." While he was waiting for her to answer, he went to sit near Lars and his chimchar in an attempt to get warmer. "Can you read that?" he asked, noting that Noelle was looking at the strange Unkown language on the grey walls of the cave. He got up and stood next to her, staring intently at the strange symbols on the walls. "Amazing, isn't it..."
Noelle jumped when Leo's voice came from right next to her. "Eep!" Nononono! I didn't just say 'Eep'! I sound like I'm a kid - oh…I am one. "I-If you'd been listening five seconds ago, I said I usually come here to think. And can't you read it?" She added impatiently. "Once you figure it out, it's simple. It's English in Unown, which are shaped like letters. It's usually random words - see, this says 'friendship'." She pointed to a word around her eye level, meaning that Leo would probably have to bend down slightly to see what she meant if he hadn't seen the language before.
"Eep!" said Noelle, apparently so deep in thought she didn't hear him approaching. Leo pretended he didn't hear. "I-If you'd been listening five seconds ago, I said I usually come here to think. And can't you read it?" she said. "Once you figure it out, it's simple. It's English in Unown, which are shaped like letters. It's usually random words - see, this says 'friendship'." "Oh yeah...Wow. I can't believe i didn't notice that..." He bent down to see the word Noelle was pointing at to see for himself. He walked over to another side of the cave, looking at more unkown-letters. "So this one says...the...and those ones say in the time...Wow...I wonder how they got there?"Leo jumped as he thought he haerd someone else entering the cave, but it was only Lars rolling on his bed of rocks. Whew..That was scary.Leo yawned. How long have I been awake? He thought, looking at his watch. 19 hours. Man. I'm tired. Leo yawned quietly, not wanting to disturb Noelle while she was thinking. He walked over to a small, naturally formed chair near the centre of the cave and sat down. He only meant to rest for a while, but he was asleep in minutes.

((long enough for you?))
((Oh! I didn't mean that you had to make your posts long! Sorry if that's what you thought I meant. I don't mind if they're short.))

Noelle smiled. At least he'd caught on quickly. Her mom, having a short attention span and no patience, had taken a while to become interested enough to even try to understand the writing.

She realized that Leo had been silent for a while. She turned around. Hey! What is is with these guys and sleeping? Do they expect me to carry them out of the ruins, or stay with them all night? I swear, if one more morph comes in and talks with me only to go to sleep, I can't guarentee that I won't kill them - metaphorically.
((haha, nah I was just messing around, anyway back to the cave...))

Leo woke up with a start about 10 minutes later to see Noelle looking a bit annoyed. He wondered why this was and then realised what he had just been doing. Sleeping. Hehe...oops"Um..sorry if I annoyed you, you know, falling asleep like that, I've been walking for about 20 hours straight and needed some rest. Normally I wouldn't do that, but I've been a bit stressed lately so yeah...I'm wide awake now, I never really needed much sleep, dunno why, so yeah...Any way...Did i miss anything?" At that moment Lars raced up and greeted him with an orangey hand. "Hi, Im called Lars, and thats my friend Chimmy. Obviuosly a chimchar. And I do know Noelle just told you our names. Your's is Leo, right?" he said enthusiastically. "Ye-yeah...um...hi...Lars..." Leo quickly took and shook his hand. "Anyway, Lars, what are you doing here? Noelle's here to think, I came along to explore, but what about you?"

@twiggy-gah i need to remember to refresh... oh well, editing time!*edits*
@everyone-the sky outside is a beautifull orange. The clouds, trees, everything. It's awesome. If you live in Sydney, NSW, Australia, you will understand. The music I'm listening to makes it infinitely more epic.
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