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Open As Darkness Falls

((Dammit, you guys, couldn't you at least hold off the posting for.. at least twelve hours? >_<))

Tamra looked around in confusion, she must have half fallen asleep. Well, if everyone was gone, or not paying attention to her, she might as well leave.. Whatever. The Chimchar and Ambipom were too hyper for her liking, so she edged away from them as they.. carried Noelle out? She seemed to be asleep, but..

Shrugging, Tamra let her wings hang at her side and nodded to herself as she noted a more or less clear path through the trees. Starting to run, she flapped her wings as powerful as she could, soon taking to the air and leaving the ruins behind. Or.. was she missing something..?

The camera, where was the camera? Searching her pockets, Tamra realized her camera was still back at the ruins, she must have dropped it when she bent down. Hoping none of the others would pick it up, she dipped a wing and brought herself 180 degrees around, diving towards the ruins. Idiot.

She could see the others running around below her, and they could probably see her, blue against the dark black sky was still obvious. Tamra made a mental note to get some black clothes, or something dark green and brown. Ugh.
((Sorry Dragon! I guess we just got carried away. Eh, don't worry,
at the moment Noelle's sleeping, so I'm going to lurk until I find a good time
to wake her up.))
Name: Staree (Pronounced Star )
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Team: Pokemorph (Staraptor)
Appearance: Staree usually wears a T-shirt to match the pattern on his stomach and chest while the same with his pants. While Staree has claws on his feet, he has five toes like a normal human. Due to this, he tends to go barefoot. He only has a beak when using his bird abilitys. He has dark brown hair. Staree has no hands but only wings. Due to this, Staree only wears T-shirts or sleeveless shirt so he doesn't damage his wings. He is not the size of a normal 15 year old, but is a bit bigger than a normal Staraptor and also has a Staraptor crest on his head. His body is covered in feathers but only on hs face when in flight.

Personality: Staree is a kind of person who tends to hide in the shadows and has a darkish type of personality. He doesn't quit until he succedes. Due to a past experience he doesn't trust humans until they prove to be trustworthy.

History: When he was little, both of his parents died. Ever since then, he has been living around Hearthome. He then felt an urge to go to The Solaceon Ruins. Ever since then, he has been watching the Pokemorphs and Humans that ventured into the Ruins. While having the instincts of a Pidgiot and Staraptor, he can also fly.

Thats my profile! please accept me.

Edit: You should at least add some people here to manage this roleplay (accept profiles) for when you aren't here. then you can look if anyone submitted an accepted profile and add them. I would really like to post now but rules say I can't...
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I'm often here, I just don't post much.

And I can't accept you right now, because there's no Personality. Just two History tabs. If you add that bigger section of History to the proper tab and give him a personality, I'll accept you. :)
((hey guys, letting you know I won't be online for the next 2 days, I really need to study for a bunch of tests. Grr. I hate tests.))
"Do I have your attention now? Good," said Muji, a bit irritated but generally happy at scaring everyone.

"As I said when you were ignoring me, hi. Just in case you're still ignoring me, I'll say it again, really loudly.

You should at least add some people here to manage this roleplay (accept profiles) for when you aren't here. then you can look if anyone submitted an accepted profile and add them.

In my opinion, you should really try the idea for when your not here. im not telling you to do it, im saying it might be a good idea.
((I liked the history, but accepted ~ I'll be thinking about a person to take over for me during the last week of August, since I'm going on vacation again, to the SAME PLACE >< ))
Thank you. I guess I better start.

While Everyone Else was Running around outside the ruins, Staree watched them.
So what were they doing there...? All together? I was even attracted there along with them... It's like it was our destiny to meet... But I can't reveal myself just yet... I'd better wait until the right time... But what are humans doing here? What are they trying to do? So many questions... So little answers... But where was the group heading? Staree had no clue. God this is hard to figure out... may be I should reveal myself... then, Staree swooped down in front of the group. I've been watching you all as you ventured through the ruins... Don't worry, I'm not evil. And whos camara is this?
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((Um, Noelle's not flying at you. She's sleeping. Please read the last page or so so you know what's going on! Also, you're not allowed to control the actions of characters other than yours. The only reason a morph would be flying at you is because the creator of the character made them do it. You may not make others fly at you or attack you; you can walk into their path, however, and let the other person decide if they hit you.))

((And if you meant Tamra, she's Dragon's Salamence morph. Read other people's forms if you want your character to meet them so you can describe them accordingly. Sorry if I sound mean!))
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(( Sorry my mistake. i will tyake that out... )) ((Edit: Fixed. Unfortunatly, I'm not the best at role plays, but im getting a bit better. And i accedently messed up the salmence with Noctowl. also,I wasen't controling her. Read this. she dipped a wing and brought herself 180 degrees around, diving towards the ruins. I was there the same time she did that in the RP since after that, i don't think there were any more posts continuing the roleplay until i did. ))
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((It's okay. It's basically like writing a story except you only control you. And although you mostly have italics in those thoughts, you might want to use quotation marks if you want the other characters to hear Staree. And if a paragraph looks long to you, feel free to separate them into multiple paragraphs. /nitpicking. Grr, I would do something, but people generally don't fall asleep in exhaustion and wake up again in less than a minute. =/))
((back and up for RPing if anyone is on. I saw GiantNoob's post.))

Leo didnt seem to react to Lars' question- meaning he had to carry Noelle with Chimmy's help. He grabbed his pocket, and searched in it, until he found, and smiled because of the success- two small, pink pills. Sugar pills- after being eaten, they give the eater a sugar rush.
Just the right thing to carry someone for a short distance. He gave Chimmy one, and threw one into his mouth, gulping and eating it. After a short while, Both chimchar and morph started shaking. It took effect. Then, both made a 20 foot jump, landing on the ground and shouting "Woohoo!"
Then, both grabbed the noctowl morph, Chimmy under the wings and Lars the legs- and started carrying her, both looking to the direction they walked.
Since they were (not just quite) hyper, they could easily carry her a good distance before having to drop her. Also, they ran while carrying her, adrenalin rushing trough both "creature's" body.

((Meh Meh, these pills were orignially planned to be used in a story I wrote 2 years ago, involving a trainer called Leonard giving Lars and Larry(turtwig chimchar) these pills after they are beated up to the core by a mad steelix.))
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((xD I'm going to assume that you've dropped her.))

Thud. "Mmph." Noelle sat up. Had she fallen asleep? Oops. "How long was
I out?" she said blearily. Looking around, Tamra was missing, and there was a Staraptor morph in her place…with her camera!

She stood up and yelled, "Hey, that's not your camera! What are you doing?"

((Yes, Noelle energizes herself quickly after waking up.))
Lars and Chimmy dropped Noelle after she started shaking- and then, she jumped up and looked at a staraptor morph, and after she said something about the morph stealnig a camera, he decided to put his hand on her shoulder and ask "Say, who'se camera is it anyway, and how do you know it belongs that someone?"
His tail flame started growing, for two reasons- he felt he had to fight soon, and because he was hyper and couldnt waste the energy he was granted. Chimmy did the same, staying near him and getting covered in flames.
((flame blitz))
She jumped away from the sudden hand on her shoulder. "Why is it that every few
minutes one of you feels obligated to freak me out? The camera is Tamra's. She's that Salamence morph up there; I met her in Celestic Town." Noelle gestured towards the sky. "And it's not for sure that he's stealing it, I just want to be careful."

(Gotta go, I'll hopefully be back in a few hours.))
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