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Open As Darkness Falls

Crystal nodded. "I met her in the ruins. Along with a lot of other morphs." Staying serious, she stretched up again. "Looks like we're almost to the end." It wasn't much longer before the grass became shorter and gave way to clearer land. It wasn't raining much harder, but it was definitely less gentle than a sprinkle. As Crystal looked back at Noelle, she said, "You're rather ruffled. Need to rest for a moment?"
((^It's raining? :o Didn't know that.. did I miss that somehow? Can't really continue until you answer, so.

Alright, we have our plans! Now where should we build the Bat Cave? I vote.. the center of the earth, or the moon. :o))
((Can someone catch me up on what's going on? I tried reading the last three pages but it doesn't really process at all. Yay for sleep deprivation. D:))
(( Earlier the others left the ruins. I appeared and cause a commotion. I flew to vielstone. read the rest. all you ned to know unless you want stuff from in the ruins.

Edit: gotta leave. any new posts involving me, i will reply early morning.
((ohwhatthehell :o Dragon is oblivious to obvious weather. >_<))

Tamra shook her wings to dry the water from them somewhat, the move costing her a few meters of altitude. She quickly leveled out, and realized she wouldn't be able to fly for much longer in this rain, light as it was, compared to what she had to run through at times. Wet wings were not fun to fly with. Grumbling, she angled herself towards a clearing, a few oddly coloured dots-

Or not dots, but morphs. Specifically, that bastard Staraptor Staree, Noelle and Crystal. She couldn't get that far away from them, could she? And once again, Tamra made a mental note to get dark clothing. Her red and blue scales must have obviously stood out against the dark sky.. She started to spiral down, landing dangerously close to a tree.

"I'm not stalking you, I'm trying to get to Veilstone," she quickly justified herself. "It's hard to fly for long in the rain, and I have to get something quickly." Veilstone had a department store, didn't they? She could get some dark stuff with her reward money, but going into a clothing store was not very fun.. and not a good way to spend her money. Ah, well. Tamra nodded to Noelle and Crystal, ignoring Staree, and looked in the direction of Veilstone.

"Guess I'll be off." With that, she started towards the city.
((She won't get very far, stop her if you want. :P))
((More in-depth summary: Noelle, Leo and Lars disappeared into the cave, then came back out. Staree picked up Tamra's camera, Noelle made a fuss, he got defensive and left. Crystal and Noelle left for Veilstone, as did Staree and Tamra, the latter two flying. And I'm not quite sure who Staree landed behind at the moment. -_-;;))

((I vote the center of the earth because it's closer. As long as we can find a way to repel the magma and heat. Flame-resistant suits?))

Noelle looked down at herself. Her feathers were all sticking out at odd angles, and it wasn't very comfortable. "Yes, please," she answered. Immediately she started using her hands to straighten them out, especially on her wings; those ones easily affected her flight.

After she was sure that everything was in place, she brushed a strand of short blonde hair from her face. "Ready?" That was when Tamra decided to make an appearance. After confirming that she wasn't a stalker, she hurried off.

"Tamra! Are you sure you wouldn't rather travel in a group of Pokemorphs who you know?" called Noelle. "It's safer to travel in groups at night if it's by foot."

((I've chosen not to notice Staree, as he said he would land behind the 'other group' after seeing Noelle and Crystal, so I think he's back at the ruins, but I'm not sure.))
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((Thank you muchly. :D))

Oliver actually was still quite silent, and had been for a while. He was when Noelle had passed out, and too much was going on for him to register. Although, he did notice that Noelle and the Sneasel morph had started walking towards some tall grass. And, having a short debate whether he should follow or not, he tried to catch up with the two morphs. He made sure to keep a bit of distance between Noelle and him, since he was still... kinda freaked out from earlier.
He made sure to keep a bit of distance between Noelle and him, since he was still... kinda freaked out from earlier.

((That made me laugh so hard. xD Noelle and her Pokemon counterpart in another RPG seem to be good at suddenly making enemies…or at least making awkward acquaintences.))
((Well, he did mention you.. And this RP is oddly popular. :o Congratulations, Darksong, you've done it again~

What about.. lava and heat resistant suits? But they probably wouldn't look cool on us, so maybe we can build the cave inna cloud, 'cause they're always moving.. and it would kick ass to have a secret hideout in a cloud. :o

Tamra turned at the sound of her name, looking back at the little group. "Well.." She noted the obvious, blaring age difference between them all, together, Noelle and Crystal probably weren't as old as she was! And she was likely four times stronger than each of them, she'd be fine on her own.. But if something happened to them, then she would be able to get it off her conscience.

"If it's fine with you both, to travel with a part time mercenary times older than you, that is." Tamra joked, and folded her wings, no point in getting them any wetter than they already were, and walked towards them. She hoped they didn't actually think she was a mercenary, or that could be a bit awkward. Though that might be something she could look into..
((Omg. xDDDD I doubt Noelle will be getting anymore trouble from Oliver anytime soon. Well, maybe he will, but he'd probably run away before she could respond. x3 ))
((Bump. I had errors with the site so I couldnt post till now. Damn.))

Lars groaned- he was still stalking the sneasel and noctowl morphs, and a salamence morph joined them.

excellent. I am stalking a group of female pokeomprhs. In the rain. Did I ever do a smarter action?

He thought to himself, and if he would say it, his voice would be the core of sarcasm. He chuckeld at the thought about that Oliver fool, and put on his jakcet- although not many would notice it, he was naked- expect the fact he had so many chimchar genes in his blood that he looked like a normal pokemon when not wearing anything. He put on his jacket, which was somewhat similiar to his body, and put his hoodie on.
Chimmy groaned too, and Lars put a mini-jacket on him. He then put on some water resistant troussers, so did Chimmy. ((Lol, the only 'human' that takes everything he needs twice- once in his size, once in chimmy's))
After that, he looked like a- somewhat- normal man walking in the rain. The only expection was that he didnt wear shoes, and that his feet were these of a monferno. "Wait up!"
He shouted, planning to try his luck and reveal himself. Should they decide to attack him, he would be pretty much lost, since the only way he could defend himself in that weather was scratch and bite.

((You ignored my post!

$%§&§%"§%$"§%*Rest is beeped))
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((I think everyone had the error. I was freaking out until I realized it was a server error so everyone was stuck. xP Aww, Oliver, don't be scared! Noelle doesn't bite people's heads off unless they deserve it. xD Seriously, though, she pretty much forgives him. She finds him irritating because of his flirty tendencies, but if she got to know him she would be more like Misty was for Brock in the first seasons. Hey, I might have something there…))

((CLOUDS ARE AWESOME I LOVE CLOUDS YES! Should we make it white, so it blends in, or some neon colour so others will be jealous and wish they had a mansion in a cloud, not realizing we have a Bat Cave too?))

((/long OOC post. :/))

"Don't be so degrading, Tamra," Noelle said. "You don't look or act very old, and I personally find you nice to talk to. Refreshing, I guess." Fiddling with a feather on one of the wings attached to her arms, she asked, "Crystal? Are you ready to leave?"

A voice suddenly called out for them to wait up. "Lars? What are you doing? Don't tell me you're going to Veilstone too!" Either way, it seemed that fate, destiny, or some other unseen force was compelling them all to come together and stay together.

((Hmm, wonder what the 'unseen force' is…it couldn't be us, could it? xD))
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"I dont really have a reason to, but I do so, yes. I heared there is a so called 'pokemon Gym', so I decided to check it anyway. Also, the reason that Im following you is that, first, its safer for all four of us if I stay with you, since even the smallest help is still help, and second, Im following you because Chimmy and I hate water. Well, acctualy, Chimmy hates water, I just dont want to catch a cold."
Lars put his hands on his chest, and released a thin stream of fire, making them become scorched. Then, he did the same to his feet. "Also, Im following you because im taknig a liking in you."
((lol. Before you get any ideas, when my characters take a liking, if they arent female or mega flirters(lolololol) then that means that they find the person someone who's worth befriending with.))
"Why the hell aren't they noticing?! God damn. I'm gonna see what the Sneasel morph and Noctowl morph are doing..." Staree then flew away and headed towards the Noctowl and Sneasel Morph ((god damn i gottaremind myself if shes weavile or sneasel.)) When he flew overhead he saw them. WHAT THE HELL! NOW THERE'S FOUR! Sigh... Wait.... Oh yeah... It's that God Damn Chimchar morph and the Salamence Morph...
((Question- what is the character limit per player?
Btw, I think I might quit Lena.))


Name: Leonard Zap

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Team: Human

Appearance: Leonard looks quite silly- he wears a blue jacket that looks like a police jacket, and has a salamance painting on the left chest side. He wears long, blue troussers, which are quite much flexible. He wears a hat with the form of a (pokemon anime) police hat, although it is completely blue.
He sometimes wears blue gloves, which are made of leather. The parts that cover the fingers are white, and there is a white star shape in the gloves palm. He wears a long, wihte and thin shirt under his jacket, and a long, and thicker, blue shirt over it. There is a white star shape on the left side, on the chest. He is quite pale, and has long, brown hair. It goes down to his shoulders. He has a scar on his left shouder- the first time his starter bit him.

Personality: Leonard is a serious person, and, unlike many others, can almost always look straightly into someones eyes- even he tells that someone things most would be shy to say. He extremly loves pokemon, and is facinated by pokemorphs- one of the many reasons that he always tries to become friends with them.

History: Leonard's first pokemon was Lenny, which he chose because the little turtwig had overgrown leaves.
Froslass-Clara-F(attacks: Ominous wind, water pulse, ice beam, shadow ball)

Turtwig-Lenny-M(Crunch, giga drain, energy ball, razor leaf)

Murkrow-Lance(lot)-M(Sucker punch, drill peck, shadow ball, assurance)

Togekiss-Zap(per)-M(ancientpower, double edge, metronome, sweet kiss)

Rampardos-Larry-M(Assurance, Zen headbutt, Ancientpower, Focusblast)

Gabite-Chompa(da)-M(dragon rush, dragon claw, dig, earthquake)
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Twiggy, as far as i know, there is no limit unless darksong says there is. most roleplays do allow at least two characters. so your fine for now. Darksong, in the first post on this thread, did't specify a limit if a saw it correctly.
((Choa spriter, your character isnt supposed to nitce my character's a morph- wears a jacket that covers his whole body.
He would, at best, think it is either a monferno morph, or a monferno pet.(He has monferno feet, his only visible organ)))

I have the keen vision of a piggiot. Read my form. my mom was staravia and my dad was piggiot. or maybe the other way. and whaat if i was looking at him the other way when i could see his feet and FACE.
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