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Open As Darkness Falls

After a while Staree found the group. "Ugh. I hate this weather... Hey, since two of you are fire types, can't one of you use Sunny Day?"
Lars coughed, and grabbed a bottle of water- it contained around 2 liters- and started gulping down the water in it. After a short while, he put it down, revealing it was now empty, and that the blue spot disappeared. "We should be fine if we stay under this tree!" He shouted towards the three female morphs, before going to the other side of the round tree, and, however strange it was, dropped his clothes on the ground.
((Augh! But, no need to worry, he is so much of a chimchar on his lower part that there is nothing to see but hairs.))
Chimmy did the same, and the, both spat two fireballs, one on each hand, and put their hands on the other's shoulders, quite scorching them. Then, Chimmy released a thin stream of fire towards Lars' legs, while Lars shot fire on Chimmy's head- a proccess that made sure they would stay warm.
Noelle jumped. "What the hell is it with male Pokemorphs and coming up behind me and freaking me out?! And in case you didn't know, you can't use Sunny Day at night, as the sun is on the other side ofthe freaking planet!" Finally having lost it in the cold, she ran over to the large tree where Lars and Chimmy were warming up and sat against it, keeping a good distance from the wild spurts of fire.

((…Either my lack of sleep is showing, or Noelle really hates the cold. o.o))
Lars and chimmy turned their head towards Noelle, Lars' Face turning as red as a tomato. "DONT LOOK!" He shouted, quickly started wearing his clothes, obviously embarrased.
Chimmy didnt have ot put on clothes- he was a chimchar, after all. Lars released a big stream of fire on his hand, making it beocme black from heat, and then liften chimmy, holding the little monkey in his hand as if he would be a baby monkey.
((your turn. Hope you stay a bit.))
((Gtg for 10 minutes))
"What?" Noelle snapped. She turned her head and saw him hurriedly pulling on various arcicles of clothing. She quickly looked away to spare him further embarrassment. "I wasn't looking." She shivered again, and shook out her wings in an attempt to dry them -it didn't work.
Tamra grumbled something under her breath, and went over to the tree everyone seemed to be under. "Y'know, it's not a good idea to be under a tree in a storm.. well, I'd move once you hear lightning. Reluctantly, she joined them. "Crystal, you gonna stay you in the rain forever?"

Huffing, she rubbed her hands together and spread her palms to the side of everyone, and gathered some heat from the air. Using a spark of elemental energy, Tamra concentrated the heat into a wave, which she released around her. There, at least her clothes were some form of dry, now.
((Heat Wave :P))
((lol. Im back))
((Acctualy, I checked it, and Salamance cant use heat wave- however, Chimchar and Monferno can by breeding.))
Lars started shivering again, and decided its time to waste energy for another attack- flare blitz. He dropepd chimmy, and whispered sometihng. Then, both unsheathed their claws, and started slashing in the air, their claws releasing fire, unitl there was a bubble of fire around each of them- then, they started spinning ni the same palce, the flames forming around them, somewhat like a flame wheel, only that ist only warmed them up. Then, they quit spinning- their bodies were scorched black from the flames, expect for the face. The clothes released a lot of steam- the steam was from the water drops that colected on the clothes, that is. "Anyone interested in a walking oven?"
He said in a friendly voice, while grinning.
((Meh, I editted my post if you didnt notice. Btw, Tamra cant use heat wave, unless pokemorphs can use moves normal pokemon cant use.))
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The heat of whatever attack Lars had used reached Noelle. She reveled in it, but it disappeared quickly, and it only left her more longing for a warm bed in a Pokemon Center with heating. She registered Tamra's words late. Well, if lightning struck the tree, at least she'd be warm when she died. She was losing energy anyways.
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((Well, that veekun thing didnt work on my computer. Nevermind that, I edited my previous post.))
"Hmm. If the rain wont stop soon, there's a chance that we will all freeze."
Lars noticed that the noctowl morph seemed to be suffering from the low tempratures- much more than him and chimmy, that was sure. He umpd voer to her, chimmy following him, and stopped 5 feet from her. "Say ,you seem to be freezing! Would you like to use my jacket? I dont really need it- im able to keep myself warm"
If Im already going to stay here, at least I have to help them as much as I can..
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Noelle finally processed Lars calling himself a walking oven. She was hearing things so slowly…"If you have fire, I'd like some," she forced herself to say. The sooner she warmed up, the better.

Oh. Instead, he'd offered her his jacket. "S-Sure. Thank you."
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Lars smield. "Fair enough. Take this as a start."
He grabbed his shirt-jacket and handed it to noelle. He kept his troussers fr obvious reasons- now he looked somewhat like one of hese guys who rip their shirts apart.
Then, he released a stream of fire on his hands, and grabbed one of Noelle's wings, that is, if she wont move her wing to the side. "You have ot trust me if you want me to hlep you- few enough people do so."
He sighed after his last words.
Since her wings didn't really fit through the arm holes of the jacket, she instead wrapped it around her. When his hand, covered in flames, had tried to touch her wing, she'd instinctively shrunk away. Finally he persuaded her to hold her wing and hand out to be subjected to…whatever the fire morph was planning.
Lars closed his eyes, holding Noelle's hand tightly. Then, he slowly gathered a red glow, until his whole body got covered in flames, expect the hand, wihch instead got cocered in a violent red glow and started becoming hot- around 35 (celcius) degrees.
Then, after delivering some heat, he sat down, his body still emanting heat. "Well, stay near me, and you'll stay warm. Im covered in flames, somewhat like a fire..."
Then, Lars suddenly jumped up. "Thats it! A fire!
Noelle, do you think you could fly a few meters up and cu some beanches from the tree? I will then heat them and make us a ssmall fire- that will spare me a lot of energy use, and is somewhat easier to control than inner flames."
((tell, BlazieAura, why is there a plus near you username?
In the 'currently active users' section.))

(("yay" twiggy for victory said flatly.))
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((Hee hee, I was asleep. You guys post a lot, but I don't have a problem with it. :)

Also, Leonard Zap is accepted in place of Lena. And, when Staree got struck, was he on the ground? xD))

Crystal nodded. "We'll start heading out." As she looked up slightly, she almost got rain in her eye, but saw that the clouds were beginning to become more scattered. "The rain should stop soon," she said, wishing she had a Fire attack to warm these morphs up. She continued towards Veilstone, at a slightly faster pace to warm herself and the others, hopefully. One could see a slight look of regret in her eyes. They still glowed by the night like a Sneasel's. Yay, nighttime... she thought flatly.

Tamra looked up at the branches and let a warm prick of energy form in her palm. Lashing out, the point in her hand became a blue-purple orb of energy which flew up and through a few branches, knocking them to the ground. "If you don't mind, I'm faster," she replied dully. "And if we're moving.." With a flick of her wrist, a fire ball appeared in her palm, somewhat larger than the one she had used in the ruins. "Uh.. Lars, is it? You could probably do this too, so go ahead." With that, Tamra started after Crystal.
"Time for a stroll, Lancelot" A voice said in a rather bored tone. It was Leonard zap, a trainer woh had his pokeomn for over a year .However, most of his pokeomn were unevolved snice he liked them small. "Its nightime, your favourite time, huh?"
The murkrow laughed and grinned. They were in veilstone city, plannig to challenge maylene. However, they decided to to that later, after all, Veilstone city was an amazing palce. "We'll hea dto the meteorites" He said, and staretd walknig to that direction, Lancelot flying ahead.
"Im not sure what you meant, but, eh."
He stood up, and released a stram of fire into his hands, scorchnig both. Then, he released another noe, thistmie moving his hands in circles around the fire, unitil a ball of fire, the size of a rugby ball, was created. Then, he stretched it, unitil it took on the form of a spear. Then ,he grabbed the fire spear, and released it towards the tree, hitting several branches and maknig them fall on the ground. He collected them, and put them in his pocket, then turning to Noelle. "You coming?"
"We're going! Finally!" Noelle stood and smiled weakly at Lars. "It was a good idea. Keep it in your head for next time we get stuck somewhere cold?" Still clutching Lars' jacket around her, she ran to catch up to Crystal, who looked soaking wet, but didn't shiver or show any signs of being cold. It must be worse for me because I'm part flying, or because I'm so small, I suppose.

((Haha, I usually sleep in soo late. But today my body decided that 5:30am was late enough. =/))
Lars walked to Chimmy, noticing that he was busy punching something- the tree. "Come on, we need to get going."
Chimmy smiled, and both started running after the group, running on four legs. Lars was faster, being bigger.
Lars reached Noelle, running next to her. "Well? Isnt it warm, the jacket? Anyway, jusd dont forget to give it back once we find a place to sleep in."
He chuckeld at what he said.

((you leaving?))
((Leaving for around 25 minutes. I have to leave the house sometimes, y'know.))
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