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Open As Darkness Falls

((Why the hell doesn't anyone care about me? =) ))

Cmon! anyone! I need some help. Staree then noticed a note in the corner. It said, 'Prepare yourself. Your battle will begin soon enough...' "Thats just weird..." Maybe I should try attacking again. As he attepted to do an aerial ace, he noticed the door was unlocked. Well, ok. As Staree left, he saw the morphs all talking. "And whats up? I think I also found something interesting... Look at this... It seems that someone is recording records about us. Look. See? It has descriptions on all of us..."
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((The warehouse is a storage room next to the HQ, not the actual building....))

Great, just great. Crystal had a quadruple-weakness to Fighting. If she started to fight back, she would immediately lose, whether the consequence was death or merely fainting. These people had a reason to capture her.

She tried to use Double Team, but she couldn't move. Was there anything else she could do? Focus. There was Icy Wind that would cause a cool sensation that would probably distract them... Carefully, she breathed outward, trying to summon some cold air of any sort. It relieved the Sneasel morph as it washed over her, but she still didn't feel completely safe. The Machoke wasn't distracted as it dragged her along.

Suddenly, she was thrown off. Did it work after all? She landed arm first onto a stone floor. At least it was cold... and dark... in here. Looking around, using the Sneasel eyes that gave her the night vision, she saw walls on every side of her. Except a small tunnel at the other end. Where was she? Some extension of the warehouse? If so, that tunnel led back.

As the Machoke and odd human disappeared, she sprinted towards the exit. But she was stopped by another Pokemon there. A Houndoom stood over her, drool dripping madly from its jaws.

What's going on? Crystal thought, alarmed.

The Houndoom lunged, its mouth wide open.

Do I have to fight?
((I hate to mess up your post, but a)Noelle doesn't own a cell phone, b)she has no pockets for the non-existant phone to be in, and c)she didn't like Staree very much, so she never even got close enough to touch him or his cell; even if she had, she had no reason, then, to give him her non-existant number.))

((…Did Staree just come out and talk to Noelle and Oliver, or some random group of morphs? Assuming it was the former…))

Noelle was distracted by Staree walking over from the direction of the warehouse. "Why were you in the warehouse? Crystal is miss- files?" She ran over to glance at the screen. There did seems to be files on an awful lot of Pokemorphs.

It clicked. "Hey…what if Crystal got taken into the warehouse?"
(( edited Blazie. ))

"Exactly... It is possible that Crystal ((Please note that Staree learned most of the Pokemorph's names because he looked at the files.)) is in there... I checked the entire Building, A bit of the Warehouse, and got locked in a room. She might be in the Warehouse because most of it was locked off. I also heard some faint noises in there... Its a possibility..."
Tamra's claws flared up with blue-purple fire. No one took anyone under her care, and when she found.. no, she had to go get her reward for the pictures.. but that could wait. That bastard Staraptor, who she would ever refer to as, Tamra noted with a smirk, popped out behind everyone again, and she spat out a small fireball reflexively. It fizzled at his feet, and she blinked.

"Oh, sorry," she apologized, not sounding very sorry. Flicking her wrists, the fire around them died down, and she wiped her hands on her pants. Tamra quickly processed what Staree was saying, and grinned. "Locked, you say.. No locks can withstand a pissed off Salamence morph for long. Want to show us where you heard these noises?"
"Ok. We just gotta enter the Warehouse, Take a few hallways, then there are three locked doors. Not sure which one its from, but im sure at least two of them are traps. I would take a peek and fly up to see what's in them, But they're sealed top to bottom."
Out of a corner, a human appeared, along with a rampardos and a froslass. "One of your pokemorph friends seems to be in that warehouse, huh? Well, three pokemorphs cant manage to rescue a pokemorph from a group of bandits.
What do the pokemorphs think about a human and several pokemon helping them?"
The human- in fact, a 6 foot tall kid, around 14 years old, brown haired, and wearing blue clothes, chuckled. "Fair enough. If you dont want help, then you dont. Its just I do my best to defend pokemon-and morphs. Also, I know this warehouse fairly well- after all, I used to live here. By the way, that warehouse used to belnog team galactic, so either the kidnappers are galactic grunts, or they are recreating their band under a new name. Who knows... Anyway, if you wont trust me, I'll have to force you to accept my help. And if I wont help you, you're friend will probably get killed soon enough."
"Dude, I never said 'We don't need your help'. I said I don't trust humans much, ask the others. And it looks like your getting a bit tense for a battle. If you feel like it, ready when you are. 1 on 3 battle. "
Tamra rolled her eyes and shoved Staree. "Retard, he wants to help. Lay off." At the kid's last words, she narrowed her eyes. "You're going to force us to accept your help? Really. How will you do that, gonna take me on with your wonderful tame pets there?" Tamra was at her breaking point now, why did she always have to be surrounded in idiots? A spark of energy rose up her throat, and she spat a fireball at the kid's Froslass' feet.
"God damnit. I didn't say we didn't need help! IM NOT GONNA ANSWER GOD DAMNIT. I said for him to ask you and the rest of the Pokemorphs. ...Screw this... when your done, meet me in the warehouse..."
Leonard chuckled. "As you see, at the moment, your the first one who dislikes me. And even if you attack me, I have the better arguments."
He grabbed four pokeballs, one of them a luxus ball ,the rest normal, and threw them into the air. "Go out, guys!"
A togetic, a turtwig, a gible and a murkrow.

((Laptop almost out of battery cant recharge.))

The froslass jupmed to the side, and released an ice beam from her mouth, wihle releaing a ball of water from her hands.

((Leonard's not an idiot, he simply doesnt accept people saying no about him helping them))
"Oh wow, unevolved Pokemon," Tamra growled. She stood still and let the Ice Beam strike her in the side, and took the ball of water to the chest, not flinching. It hurt a lot, but she wouldn't let them see that, hopefully. "What're you gonna do with that water, clean the dirt from between my toes?" Tamra ran forwards and swung her claws forwards to land a Brick Break on the Togepi, and twisted to the side to catch both the Turtwig and Froslass in a sweeping Flamethrower from her mouth.
((This all happened right when Staree was walking towards the warehouse I guess... thats how he got hit) "GOD DAMNIT THAT HURT! AND I DIDNT SAY NO! I SAID I WONT ANSWER! And I don't hate you. It's a past experience with humans... I'm not getting into it... Yes I will accept you, but its not my decision. Thats what I've been trying to say! And Tamra, theres no point in battling him anymore... It's my fault.... "
Leonard's previuos smile became a rather annoyed face. "I see. Now I understand why os many humans hate Pokemorphs. Humans dont liek the different. And when half of each group hates the other group, both groups automaticly hate each other. Sad, but true."
Whie Tamra charged forward, the Froslass released an ice beam towards her chest, and a water pulse towards her belly- Larry(rampardos) released an ancient power attack towards the charging Tamra, so did Zapper(Togetic). Lance(murkrow) sat on Lenny's(turtwig) back, and they created an energy/shadow ball combo, and released it towards Tamra. Only Chompa(Gible) presisted to stay on Leonard's head.
"Maybe morhps do get the genes of their pokemon side...."
"God damn. We don't hate you. We are not saying we don't need your help. we would like your help, but trust me, don't get me started with the past experience thing. And fine. I trust you. But as I said, it's not my answer that matters. It's theirs. I just joined this group a while ago. Ok? Now please stop fighting. None of us hate you. And you heard correctly. A pokemorph is missing, and we do need help. Sigh... Screw you all. See you later. I told you the directions Tamra. You should know them. "
Staree then flew out of view, but it only looked out of view. He was really just standing next to the Galactic Building.
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((Look up, I've already attacked you. Pfft, ignore me, then.))

Tamra leapt backwards, and was right away attacked by each of the kid's Pokemon. She sidestepped the Ice Beam and Water Pulse, the dumb Froslass didn't expect her to move obviously, since she had aimed at where she was. At the telltale rumbling of the ground, of Ancientpower, Tamra ran forwards at the boy and took to the air, slamming her tail into his head and knocking the Gible off as she passed. Now directly above him, she spat a Dragon Pulse at the Murkrow and Turtwig, an easy target.

Faintly, she heard the bastard Staraptor yelling something about stopping. She laughed, and did her best to dodge a Shadow Ball from below. She didn't do too well, taking it to the arm, but shook the odd feeling away.

"If you're annoyed, why don't you help?" Tamra yelled, and flew to the roof, sitting on one of the support beams. She could throw down Flamethrowers and Dragon Pulses from here, Tamra decided, and spat down a ball of the blue-purple energy, not really caring if it hit or not.
((It was a time-skip. Ahem. And saying that you atumaticly slam your tail inot my head is AUTOHITTING! Ever heared about Combat rules? Time-skipping means acting whiel you do some of what you said- I attcked while Tamra still charged forward.
Since Im NOT frozen, you cant just say you hit Leonard.))

((By frozen I mean that Leonard is NOT frozen in the legs and hands, not unable to move, and not entangled/whatever.

If Leonard would be pinned to the ground by Tamra, thats another story.))
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