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Open As Darkness Falls

((Guessing I'm allowed to control my Machamp, yes.))
Tamra let one of the Rock Slides hit her, before ducking and kicking the Machamp who threw it in where his balls would be, if he had any. She stood up and waited for the other to throw his own Rock Slide, and dropped to let it hit the first one. This was easy, and getting-

In the blink of an eye, the haze of Outrage started to fade, and Tamra's eyes returned to normal, followed by a huge headache. The fiery aura around her dissolved into the air and she was left with blue-purple aura around her claws, which she looked at confusedly.
"What-" A blow to her back made her cry out, before she turned and kicked the Machamp in the chest. He caught her foot and spun her around, landing her on her chest on the ground. The two closed in on her, and thinking quickly, Tamra blew a spout of flame into their faces, knocking them back, and as they fell to the ground, she brought a Dragon Claw on each of their chests, hopefully breaking a few ribs.

"It'll heal in a few months," she told them flatly, and ran towards Crystal. She would be the weakest against these bastards, one of which who tackled her legs and brought her down. These bastards, and her headache, were getting pretty annoying.. but if she moved too quickly, she might strain something. Uh.
"Crystal! Dragon morph! Stay near my turtwig- He has just used a shiled that makes physical moves weaker. That is, if you stay close!"
Leonard grabbed a dark ball, and threw it up, releasing a Clara. The moment she saw the Charizard, she understood what she had to do. She released a water pulse towards the dragon, and the moment she landed, she used attract on the nearest machamp. Gabite released a dragon pulse, while growling something that sounded like a challenge towards the Charizard- a challenge to a battle, maybe. Zapper released a shockwave, and Lancelot flew forward, diving into a machamp's stomach with his beak, and leaving a big wound. He then released a shadow ball and flew backwards.

((Leaving Darksong the control over the attract's effects. The shield is reflect, BTW.))
Another Machamp backed Crystal up, while two grabbed Tamra since she was confused. These two were who they wanted. It would be a test just to get them back. The Machamp with Crystal went out of sight as the wind died down. She didn't struggle; she knew it would be hard. Where to was the question.

Suddenly, she was thrown into the back of a truck, it sounded like, along with Tamra. Crystal didn't even try to struggle as shackles were put over her, keeping her against the ground. Wait... this wasn't a truck. What was it? Another storage room? Some extension that could only be reached by the HQ now that the door had disappeared...
Leonard groaned- he couldnt do anything about it. He groaned. His eyes were ablaze- he was so furious that he could kill the machamps himself.
He recalled his pokemon- he was fighting on his enemies groun,d and his pokemon were tired. He ran out, and noticed a noctowl morph outside. "YOU THERE!"
He shouted, and ran in her direction.

((Meh, Im trying to help the plot thicken. Also, I cant handle 10 machamps using a murkrow and togetic.))
Tamra bit into the hands of her captors, and found that somehow, it was her tail. She probably shouldn't try anything like this.. along with Crystal, she was held down as shackles were put on her, and she thrashed against them. Did any of them really think shackles could hold her down? She'd get loose.. after she got her energy back. Tamra pushed herself up into a kind of sitting position, noting that she seemed to be in a different room. Where..

"Crystal," Tamra called out. "Can you tell where we are?"
((O.O I sleep in and all this happens. So basically, Tamra and Leo battled, they went to rescue Crystal, a bunch of Crobat attacked, then they saved Crystal from the Houndoom only to be attacked by a bunch of Machamp?))

Noelle had watched, almost in awe, at the battle between Tamra and Leonard. She had never seen such an intense battle fueled by hatred alone. She had followed them to the warehouse, but then Leonard had used a giant protect bubble, and sh hadn't been able to get close enough to be heard over their bickering. And after the freaky Crobat had settled, she'd run to the door where everyone had dissapeared into to see a giant brawl between her allies and a lot of Machamp.

Finally mustering up the courage to go in, knowing that her attacks weoud be super-effective, she slowly walked in and Air Slashed the nearest Machamp. It turned around and tried to Karate Chop her, but Noelle ducked and screamed in time to avoid it. Trying and failing to use Hypnosis, she instead used Take Down twice; the first time it made it stagger back, the second time knocking it over. Noelle dashed away, not really caring if it was unconscious or not. People needed help here.

She noticed Tamra and Crystal being dragged off by Machamp, but couldn't do anything, still winded from using Take Down. When the police officer yelled at her, she called weakly, "I suggest we run! There's no reason to fight; we'll be overpowered, and Tamra and Crystal are gone!"

((EDIT: Wow, ninja'd. You guys post fast, so I edited.))
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((1 sec))

leoanrd nodded. "We are. You go out, I'll come straight after you."
Now was the time to act:
Turtwig released a leaf storm, hoping to hit many machokes, and doing so.
((Y'get used to it, after being in RPs for a while. :3

And uh, Tamra was just dragged away. With Crystal.))
The Machamp seemed to ignore the Attract -- for now. But it glanced back at Clara. Still, they were aimed to capture these morphs. They had to. One looked around, then confirmed that there were no other morphs that were of use. There was one over there but she didn't look too strong. They retreated, with the Machamp affected by Attract going last. Two Machamp stood back to guard the entrance to the other room, along with three Houndoom. The only way now was out.
((Yep, Dragon, I edited. Sorry, forgot to refresh before I posted.))

Suddenly all of the Machamp retreated, making running not as necessary. They all blocked the other door, though, so the only way out was the door they'd come through. Eager to get out of the room, Noelle walked to the hallway and sat against the wall. "Now what? They have two of us, you only have a bunch of Pokemon, and while I'm a morph I never have any good opponents, so I'm not very strong. And I'm twelve, which doesn't help." She glared up at Leonard.
Leonard nodded sadly. "They need healing, too. I always wondered when they will be ready to evolve.."
He grabbed two stones from his pocket, a dusk and shiny stone. "Now is not the time, though. I think we should leave and get reinforcements- also, the fact I look like a junior policeman makes it easier to get police help, hehe. Whats your name, then?
Im Leonard, and my pokemon have lots of names."
((I'm just going to pretend that Oliver was there all along? o.o))

Watching as everything was happening, Tamra and Crystal being dragged off and the Machamp retreating, Oliver was frozen. He didn't know what to do, he just stood there. Coward, he thought harshly. He saw Noelle and forced himself to follow her. There, he saw her with some human, and he was curious to find out who this person was. On the other hand, he was still inwardly kicking himself because of how cowardly he had been.
"I'm Noelle. And I don't know how much help police are going to be if we get attacked again." She resignedly stood up, unsure what else to do until she saw Oliver walking towards them. "Oliver! Thank Mew!" She ran up to him and hugged him before she could stop herself, although she released him quickly. Looking down in embarrassment, she asked, "Where were you? I was worried you'd gotten kidnapped, too."
Leonard chuckeld. "So the egg group rule doesnt exist between pokemorphs, huh?"
He chuckled again, and then released Lancelot. "We'd better head to a pokemon center, or else I wont be able to help you."
Shock spread over his face when Noelle got up and hugged him. He gave a small half smile, amused at what she had done. "I'm okay. I just..." Oliver had no idea how to tell her that he had flaked out on the rest of them. Maybe if I had helped Tamra and Crystal wouldn't have been gone. Nah... I couldn't have made that much of a difference, he thought, a guilty expression on his face. "I'm sorry... I couldn't face it," Oliver started.

"I'm sorry, I was a coward. It won't happen next time. I won't let it happen," he was very serious and strangely determined. He had never been in such a serious situation to make him feel so... well, serious.

((EDIT: Oops didn't see the post above me.))

Oliver heard the human's comment, but didn't say anything. Instead, he just made a low growl sound to what he said.
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"What the hell was that?" snarled Noelle. "We are not Pokemon! In our minds we are completely human, and if you had a brain, you'd remember that I'm twelve and Oliver is in his late teens! He is my friend, so I was worried about him! You have a very sick mind, and I am sick of putting up with you!" She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, but she was sure that the skin beneath her feathers would be red with rage.

Too worried that Leo would make another comment, she only nodded at Oliver, biting her lip, hoping he knew that she wasn't upset with him. After all, she had chickened out for most of the fight as well.
Leonard broke into a wild laugh, so did Lancelot. "I didnt know that he was in his late teens. And Im not sick minded- its just that the dragon morph has heated me up ,and im still nervous. Anyway, back to the point- we dont have time for these 'oh so romantic' scenes. We have to catch these dirty dogs of..Well, I think team galactic remakers...and free the morphs!
So, as a frist step, Im going to heal my friends at once. I'll meet you here, near the warehouse, In one hour. I'll try to get reinforcements."
Noelle's temper flared at the word 'romantic', and personally found their age difference obvious what with the height difference and all, but managed to keep her mouth shut and stormed out of the warehouse. I hate him! He started a fight with Tamra, then does this! And there's just some quality about him that makes him just…so…annoying!

A Spearow flew overhead, and Noelle desperately wished that she could knock it out of the sky to satisfy her anger. But she only could pull off physicalmoves at the moment, and her psychic skills were limited at the moment to Hypnosis, and that only worked when she was focused and calm. Instead she picked up a small rock and savagely threw it at a storage bin left behind by Team Galactic. I don't want his 'reinforcements'; they're all probably just like him. Noelle miserably sat down on the steps that brigded the height difference between the warehouse and the ground.
Leonard secretly grabbed a small notebook, and scribbled something down. "I do see you're angry at the moment, but its not my fault that that salamance attacked me and my friends, anyway. Well then, I'll be back soon enough."
Leonard then zoomed off, and stopped abruptly- he forgot something. He ran back, and looekd at noelle. "Could you please stand up for a second?"

((Gtg really soon.))
Oliver couldn't tell if he was angry at the human for insinuating that Noelle and him liked each other, or if he was just going to start laughing. Either way, he kept his mouth shut and did his best to lock away his flirty tendencies. He had to face it, Noelle and him were alone, and if he even dared to say anything remotely flirty, he was sure the next thing that would happen is that he'd have his head smacked against the ground. But he watched the human come back and ask Noelle if she could stand up.

He kinda found himself a bit angry. "What the hell do you want from her, huh?" he asked, almost shouting it out loud.
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