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Open As Darkness Falls

((Back now))
A togekiss flew over Oliver and Noelle, and landed a few yards from them. A familiar blue clothed form jumped off its back- Leonard. "Im back now. I couldnt get reinforcements, but i bet my partners are more motivated now. Also, I snatched some healing items, like sitrus berries, healing sprays and that stuff. And in case they bring machamps again, I brought the right stuff...chople berries. One for each of us. That is, me in case I need to fight too, although I wont be of much help, each of my pokemon, one each of you, but, err, I didnt notice the bird morph."
He grinded(is that the word?) His theeth- but at least, the bird morph seemed quite friendly.
He handed a chople berry(halves fighting attack damage) to Noelle and Oliver, expecting them to take them.
It had been Ten minutes since Staree entered, and the Zubat Started to get up. "Cmon! Anyone!? I need a little help!" The Zubat started surrounding him and covering him as Staree fell to the ground. He tryed to fight them off, but it was no use. He was completly covered, and if he was pinned to ground like this, he couldn't use any moves. His best chance was for Oliver, Noelle, and if he made it, Leo because it seemed that the two that were captured are still. "Oliver! Noelle! I need some help here!"
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Lenoard heared sounds from the warehouse. "So you got some reinforcements, huh?"
He ran towards the warehouse, and saw a horde of zubats fly around it, attacking the staraptor morph. "Catch this and eat it!"
Leonard grabbed a sitrus berry, and threw it, aiming quite good, the berry landing a few feet from the staraptor morph. Leonard then jumped on Zapper's back, who flew forward in surprising speed.
((Zapper evolved, for those who didnt understand. Leonard has the needed stones- or at least, had.))
((Right now, the only unevolved in my team are Lenny(turtwig) and Lancelot(murkrow).
Chompada(Gabite) is in the middle stage))

((Gtg I'll be bakc in around 30 minutes.))
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"Hm? Who threw this? Oh well." As Staree ate the berry, he managed to get the Zubat off of him. Even though he wasen't completly healed, he could fight back. "So you came Leo? Perfect timing!" Staree attacked the Zubat again with another whirlwind. "We better take them down! The last time I used Whirlwind, it only stunned them! Probably the same thing here!" Staree used aerial ace and KOed some of the Zubat. Right then, Four more Machamp walked out. "GOD DAMNIT! HOW MANY POKEMON DO THEY HAVE?!"
"Many, but no longer!"
Leonard reached the warehouse, now flying over it. A swarm of golbat came out of the roof, which seemed to be opened by a special mechanismus. The golbat all released wind slashed towards Zapper. "Zapper- Dodge, charge, shock slash!"
Zapper flew forward, dodging the wind slashed and flying trough the golbat swarm in different angles, and spreading his wings, which glowed white and yellow. He released an elecric shockwave from his face, releasing a barrage of elecrtic 'knives'. They flew trough the golbats, and then, he started spinnnig around in the middle of the golbat swarm, releasing electricity to all directions. Meanwhile, the roof closed- they were around 5 feet over it, and it was flat. "From now on you fight alone, Zapper! Good luck. Use flamethrower s and discharges."
He grabbed a sitrus berry, and pushed it into Zapper's mouth, making him smile.
Leonard grabbed a dusk ball, and released Chompada over the flat roof. Leonard jupmed off Zapper's back, and landed on the now materializing Chompada's back. They landed on the roof, which suddenly opened again, revealing the staraptor morph and lots of zubats. Chompada fell downwards, whiel Lenoard landed on a Zubat and made him crash, while he landed on his feet with a loud thud. "There I am, along with my partners."
"I think I see... The alarm is calling most of them... There must be a frequency thats calling them like this. We destroy the alarm, Most of the pokemon go away. There will still be some to deal with, but not much." Staree flew up next to the alarm and Tackled it. That broke it. "Ok guys! We got Four Machamp and a swarm of Zubat! We ready?" "Zubat- Zu-!" The Zubat started to get up as well as the Machamp "MACHAMP!" Staree attacked the Zubat until there was 3 left. Staree flew through the roof to see Leo's Pokemon fighting a group of Golbat. "need some help?' Staree said as he was attacking the Golbat with a Double Edge attack. He collided with the Golbat, doing serious damage to them, but also to Staree. Let's finish this with the final blow! "Fury attack!" After that, Staree lost his ability of Flight temporarily due to damage. He had a few Wounds, but he was ok. "Looks like I can't do any Flying type moves now... Whatever. Staree then used Astonish on the Machamp and they seemed to flinch. "I think you guys can take care of the Machamp!" Staree ran over to the Zubat and used Endeavor on the three remaining Zubat. He had taken a lot of damage, but that means so did the Zubat.
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OVer the big building, a Togekiss called Zapper released flamethrowers and discharges around the air, until finally, there were no more Golbats in the air- all were flat on the ground, KO'ed.
Leonard grabbed two dusk balls, and shouted "Go, Clara, Lancelot!"
Both Clara the Froslass and Lancelot the Murkrow were released in the air, murkrow zooming forward and using tow sucker punches, one with each wing, and hitting two zubats. Clara used attract on one of the machamps- this one seemed to have eggs. Probably only these that were used as battle machines didnt have them. Calra then released an ice beam, freezing several Machamps- acctualy, two.
((Hey dragon, read a few posts back. I broke you out of your shackles and were fighting a whole bunch of pokemon.))

Zubat finished off all the Zubat with an Astonish. ((Don't you darre say I can't use vthis move or Double edge. Read Supercheats pokedex.))
leonard smiled- this time they had good chances to win. "Lancelot, Shadow Lance!"
Lancelot started getting covered in a dark aura, and zoomed forward, while swisting. He hit a machamp in its stomac,h making it fly backwards with him. Once they reached a wall, he continued spinning, creating a hole in its stomach. Two frozen machamps left, and one which seems to have a hormone attack and simply stared at Clara. "Clara, shadow ball and Freeze Lance!" Clara released a shadow ball, and hit another Machamp, throwing it back. However, the freeze lance, a highly loaded ice beam, was easily blocked by a machamp which used a rock slide. "You deal with the rock slide machamp, I deal with the one which hsa just fallen in love with my Froslass."
He grinned- he rarely ever used attract.
Leonard groaned- more trouble. He grabbed a small, yellow orb, with a strange grey substance in it, and threw it on the groun,d creating a strange puff of smoke. Moments later, the roof exploded, showing Zapper the togekiss. "These special orbs contain a substance that I teached my poekmon to be attracted to- that is, each is attracted to his own substance and scent."
Zapper flew to Leonard, who handed him a sitrus berry. "Keep it for the battle. Nevermind- shockwave time!"
Zapper flew up, and electricity started crackling around him. Around 30 crobats flew towards Zapper, ready to deliver deadly bites. The moment they reached 5 feet from him, he released a wave of electricity, all of the crobats closing their eyes and shouting in pain when it hit them. Then, they all fell to the ground and fainted. "ha!these crobats would now say 'screw that togekiss' if they were able to!"
((But we're in a hidden storage room, not the same room. Could he have found it that quickly?))

Crystal struggled slightly, expecting someone to enter, but the room stayed silent. Normally, people wouldn't just leave their Pokemon... there had to be something else. The Sneasel facepalmed in her mind, shutting her eyes as if she had. Of course there was! But they needed to figure it out.
(( Hidden Storage room? Lets just say i found it quickly.)) Staree entered the room containing Crystal and Tamra ((I think... Am i right?)) "Don't worry. We all took care of the guards. We can leave now." Staree said hoping for no mor disruptions because he didn't have enough power to battle. "You two ok??"

((Darksong. I said the same thing to Dragon, Earlier I freed you from the Shackles. Read a few posts back.))
((There should at least be a hidden door.))
Leonard, seeing as the croabts were all KO'ed, followed the bird morph. Then, he noticed that Crystal and the dragon morph were chained. "Dont destroy these chains, it might contain a trap!"
Leonard walked forward, the togekiss following him. "We'll try to release you two, but thats no easy matter in your case, crystal. I have an idea, but you'll need to trust Zapper, whom you have already seen, and take these berries."
He grabbed a sitrus and chople berry(healing and anti fighting damage berries)
and put them in Crystals hands. "There. The best idea I could think of is using an aura sphere or wind slash on these chains, but I need your acceptance for these ideas."
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