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Open As Darkness Falls

Tamra landed with a skid beside the bastard Staraptor, and smiled as she found her camera was still fine. After all this, being kidnapped and escaping, making a new enemy and having a mediocre battle, and being able to go insane with Outrage, her camera was still fine.

That was fun.

She looked around, her eyes focusing on the bastard Staraptor for a second, before moving on. The name was more an affectionate nickname than anything now.. Tamra winced at 'affectionate'. The name still had some truth, after all, he did take the side of the other kid in their fight, even for a single attack. She grabbed Noelle's hand and steadied her, she was looking a good bit tired.

"Don't fall," she joked, weakly. "It'd probably be good for us all to take a rest a soon as possible, but I guess we have to keep moving."
((Who exactly were you talking to? Me? Ok. Noelle. I got it now.))

Staree noticed that Tamra had just appeared. "Least you could do is stop calling me 'bastard'. (He wasen't mind reading. If i remember correctly, When it was raining a few pages back, she called my character a bastard.) I joined this group of morphs, Saved you and Crystal, Not for love, endured lightning, went through a hell of a lot just to get here. All just to get a Sh*tload of Revenge on This Reformed Team Galactic. The least you can do is stop calling me Bastard."
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Crystal's ears twitched as she listened to what Staree had to say, and then began to head in, ignoring him mostly. In here, it was echoing but quiet. There was nothing sparkly, but the tunnel was very long.

And cold. And dark.


She looked back to the others. "I'm going in." She began to head through the tunnel.
((Um. Tamra called Staree a bastard once, so that could barely be counted as something she should 'stop doing', and that is mind reading, since Tamra didn't even talk to him, just barely looked past him. :x))
As Staree heard Crystal say that she was going in, he decided to just fly away to the top of the ruins and just stay up there until Crystal was ready. "Screw the secret room... God Damnit... It's become obvious that my life was ruined by becoming a morph... It might be better if I was just captured... My life is already ruined... ((Most of the things he said didn't have to do with Tamra.)) Can't be any worse..." Staree mumbled to himself.

(Dragon: I think it was twice, but sometimes, Staree can get easily annoyed. He also wanted to talk to her about it but never got the chance. )
((Crystal's thoughts about the cave made me laugh. xD))

Noelle found herself steadied by a clawed hand. Blue scales; Tamra. "Thanks," she said quietly. She needed rest. She had just stayed up all night, she realized. Ooh, if Mom and Dad were here I'd be dead.

Happy to be distracted, she eagerly followed Crystal into the cave. While it was a little cold - she ruffled her feathers to fluff them up a little - it was nice and dark. Something about being able to see in the dark when not everyone else could made her feel less unimportant, less weak.
Leonard, after landing with Zapper next to the tunnel, recalled him. "I think it would be better if the 'fresh' of us would stay behind, for the case we are followed. However, I believe it wont be stupid if the dragon morph would stay in the middle or front.."
Leonard plucked a pokeball from his jacket, and threw it up- a hyper ball- and released Chompada. "Also, If anyone will see me from behind, there's not much to suspect."
Completely ignoring what the human was saying, Oliver decided he'd be the next one to go in the cave. Even though he had a mane of fur to provide a bit of warmth, it was still quite cold in there. He had no problem with the darkness, however, since his eyes readjusted almost immediately as he stepped inside. It was actually kinda of... what's the word... creepy. Maybe he had heard too many horror stories, but this cave was definitely not pleasant at all to Oliver. Oh well, I decided to go with this group, I guess I really can't complain about the places we go, huh?
Leonard shurgged, and searched in his pocekt, until he smiled and took a drilling machine- jsut what he needed. It wa sable to drill as fast as a gabite, allowing him to help in the tunneling. "We'll created a side tunnel. Anyway, dont you think we're too slow for you!"
With that, he started drilling ni a wall to the left of the tunnel, around 20 feet from it, and Gabite released dragon pulses and dragon claws, shownig a secret passage that seemed to be just left of the other tunnel. The passage was just big enough for him and Gabite, and was quite warm. He shrugged, and entered it.
Noelle noticed Oliver enter the cave and smiled. Ironic as it was, considering their awkward first meeting, he was really her only real friend in this group at the moment. Maybe it was how he'd been visibly trying to be less flirty, or…something…but he was nice.

She was immediately distracted by runes on the walls. She rushed over and ran her hand over them. New words and phrases to decipher. Probably thousands of years old. In a word, Noelle was happy.
Leonard walked trough the secret passage, when he suddenly noticed something- a skull was stuck in the wall. "augh!"
He shouted in surprise, and then saw it laughing- a duskull. Leonard groaned, and gritted his theeth, activating his drilling machine, and maknig the duskull panic and fly away. Leonard smiled. Then, he noticed strange runes on the wall. It was easy to dechiper- it was wrotten in unown letters, looking like normal sentences. Leonard grabbed his notebook, and wrote what he read. Then, he grabbed Chompada's hand, and walked towards the exit of the passage.
Nodding, Tamra followed everyone into the cave, and immediately winced at the cold. "My name is Tamra, kid. And you're Leo or whatever, from whatever everyone said."
((Ppppfffarg Tamra is 7 years older than everyone :x))
Leonard chuckled- there wa a connection between both tunnels. "Fair enough, tamra. And im not called Leo, Im called Leonard. Hear the difference, 'Tamra'?"
Chompada laughed evily when he heared what Leonard said. Then, they finally reached the tunnel's exit. ((Leonard and his team))
((Chao Spriter, don't you think you're sort of…plot-controlling at the moment? I mean, Darksong is in charge of the plot and the unnamed band, so the person kidnapping you is a character of your own who you don't have permission to use and Darksong chooses who gets kidnapped…shutting up.))
"Yes, Leonard," Tamra stopped to bow deeply, drawing out his name so it became a twisted thing. "How old were you parents, were they born in the 18th century?" She spat and stood up again, vowing to rip that Gabite's head off sometime.
Leonard rolled his eyes. "tamra sounds like some name of a twisted mad scientist. Expect the part of the scientist. And yes, I am from the 18th century, sant here by master dialga to stop the one choosen to spread hawok and who was filled with evil. Master dialga also said that soemone is called 'Tamra the stupid'-"
Leonard broke into a wild laugh, so did Chompada. Leonard released Clara, who looked at them confused. ((Meh, of course he says that in a sarcastic tone. Also, I almost puked after the amounts I laughed from this post.))
((Still in the tunnel. The only connection between the two tunnels are several 1 inch holes in the higher parts of the walls.))

((Seems Leonard has soem stable relationships-
Tamra as an enemy,
Noelle as an unnice person,
Oliver ignores him,
Staree doesnt even count.
Lars neither.))
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When Oliver saw Noelle see him enter, he distracted himself for just a moment, but ended up tripping on a rock. Great.... Looking like an idiot and flailing his arms around, he managed to stable himself and not fall onto the ground. "Idiot... idiot... idiot..." he muttered to himself, half amused, half embarrassed. There was a faint redness to his cheeks, but he looked down a bit and let his hair cover his face. Then he just listened to Tamra and the human -- Leonard -- going back and forth.
"I need to work on being better... no friends at all, barely Oliver, maybe Leonard... Whats taking them so long? They're as slow as Wurmples..."
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