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Open As Darkness Falls

"well God Damnit Tamra. F**k you. We lost someone, and just because you don't like him, doesn't mean you should do this. You know, people say, if you constantly insult (or whatever) somebody, that means you like them." Staree said as he walked around the cave looking how damaged the walls were. "At least I gave him a chance."
((Whaaaa- but fighting was fun :<

You can't just run from this >:/))
"Yeah, sure, god damn me, fuck me. Go ahead and try." Waving off the comment, Tamra turned to glare at the disappearing spot in the sky. "I 'gave him a chance' at first, and what I did was just teasing him. Who attacked who first, if you look back? Then who's the trigger happy, insane asshole now?" She traced a ruin, hiding a grin at the thought that these letters started all of this for her.

"And sure, I liked Leonard," she spat, sarcastically. "From the bottom of my heart, I did. His Pokemon were so wonderfully mindless, and his insults were so lovely and witty. I'm going to miss him, I think I should go into a corner to cry. A hoo hoo."
((Tamra will find him, even just to fight over him running :o))
After saying what he did, Oliver just decided it would be best if he just wasn't involved at all. His red eyes trailed over to Staree, who kept insulting Tamra. Actually, it really pissed him off. It was no way to treat a lady, although he was fairly certain that Tamra could kick all of their asses if she felt like it. And I seriously doubt that she would like Leonard in a romantic way. Not at all, he deduced. His gaze on Staree turned into a cold glare, but then Oliver looked away after a few minutes had passed.
Noelle was failing in the awake department, but she was desperate not to fall asleep. People would probably fuss over her and stuff. And what if they left and she didn't get a chance to finish looking at the ruins?

She registered Tamra making a sarcastic remark about Leonard. She sounds kind of…pleased with herself. Oliver is glaring at Staree, for who-knows - wait, he stopped. Weird. She sighed and closed her eyes. She snapped them open instantly. No sleeping. She needed a conversation to keep her awake, but there wasn't much to talk about with anyone. Instead, Noelle turned her attention to straightening her feathers.

((Gah, running out of ideas.))
"I can see that Leonard really did do a lot of damage to the writing..."
(might come back at 9:30 EST. Watching Othersiders.)

"I think I can still make out some words...But it doesn't make any sense..." Staree was heading towards the next area of Unown writing and looked at some of the visable writing. A few seemed to be readable, though. Staree decided that he should just leave because most of the morphs here, especially Tamra, seemed to be pissed at him.
((Meh, we seriously need more human characters.))
However, what the morphs didnt know was that he flew over the tunnel- It was a tunnel inside a small hill. Leonard landed on top of it, and released Clara. There was a small hole on top of the hill, from which he could see what happens in the tunnel. "Go, screech."
He whispered, and closed his ears as the froslass looked at the hole, and released a screech so strong that the sound waves could be seen.
((-sigh- I'd nitpick on Twiggy's post but I'm feeling lazy, so I'll just keep going…))

Another Screech filled the cave. "Damn him!" Noelle yelled, clutching her head. She really wanted to curl into a ball and stay that way, but the screeching had already stopped. She covered her face with her hands, groaned, and lay back onto the cave wall. She couldn't take this. She wanted to go to a Pokemon Center, sleep in a private room and have a good night's sleep on a comfy bed.

It probably wasn't going to happen in the near future, but she could dream, right?
"God damnit... Staree was about to leave when he heard the screech. When he was about to cover his ears, it was already to late. The screech had ended. "This sucks. Now I know how you guys felt when he did it the first time!"
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Oliver cringed when he heard the piercing screech echo through the cavern. He quickly covered his ears with his hands, accidentally scratching himself on the cheek with his claws. A small trickle of blood trailed down the side of his face, and when the screech finally stopped, he wiped the drop away. At the moment, however, he wasn't concerned about himself; he was more or less worried about Noelle. She had put her face in her hands, and Oliver didn't blame her. The screech really had been ear splitting, so anyone was lucky if they didn't have a headache from it. He walked over to Noelle and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Noelle... are you going to be okay?"
"... Really smart move... sigh... When Staree turned around, he noticed Oliver and Noelle. He walked over. "What happened with Noelle? If she got a headache, I could easily believe that..."

(( might come back at 9:30 PST. Watching Total Drama Island.))
((OK! XD))

Crystal covered her ears as the screech split a cavern, and she ran as fast as she could to get out; using Agility earlier had helped. Even with the injury on her side and arm, she had to see. Her head poked out of the entrance. "Something wrong?" she asked urgently, and groaned slightly when nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. But her side had started hurting again, and she plopped down on the ground. "I probably need to heal before exploring," she said to herself.
((I keep forgetting to say this, but I love Oliver as a character. He's just so…likeable. ^^))

Noelle shrugged the hand off of her shoulder. "I'm fine. Just sort of-" Noelle paused when she looked up. "Oliver? What…why are you bleeding?"
((Awwww... Thanks. ^-^))

Okay... maybe the hand on the shoulder was a bit much, huh? he wondered, but then shook the question from his mind. It wasn't important. "Huh? Oh. I just accidentally scratched myself, it's really no big deal," he chuckled, trying to be reassuring. In all honesty, the cut did sting a bit, but it really wasn't much compared to the ringing in his ears.
"Looks bad," she observed skeptically. But if he didn't want to admit it hurt, he was either distracted or trying to be chivalrous. She snickered.

She could barely hear herself laugh trough the woozy ringing in her head. Ouch. Sighing, Noelle said quietly, "This kind of sucks, though. We're sitting here, unable to go to Veilstone because there are morph hunters there, and Pastoria is a ways away. And I don't think any of us have eaten since yesterday," she suddenly realized. Ugh, bad time to realize that; now I'm consciously hungry on top of everything else.
Staree left and exited the cave. "Sigh... So much in so little time... And where the hell did Leonard fly off to? With all these questions, my head also hurts... If Leonard can hear me, don't take this the wrong way As you know... everyone hates you... but I'd still like to be your friend... Nothing interesting happening..." Staree said as he sat against the wall of the cave. (Please note Staree is outside.)
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((gah i missed alot! oh well, thats what you get when youre computer crashes...And what has happend? Can someone sum it up for me, cos right now I cant be bothered reading it all. I will at some point, but not right now))
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