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I think when someone resets their account, you should first give up their pokemon on the black market.
If a pokemon with double team clones uses substitute, will the clones also produce more substitutes?
No. And if a pokémon with a substitute uses double team, the substitute won't produce its own set of clones, either.
What happens when someone orders a move that their Pokémon doesn't know, but ordered other conditionals? Would they do nothing or go with the other moves?
So come March 4th (6th?) when B/W are released, will we get the Beautiful Scale to evolve Feebas, or will it just stay as it is?
It will stay as is.

What happens when someone orders a move that their Pokémon doesn't know, but ordered other conditionals? Would they do nothing or go with the other moves?
It's up to you. Typically I have the pokémon do nothing, but if it seems reasonable enough that they might want to use one of their other conditionals, I might let them use it. If I'm feeling benevolent.
When B/W will be released, will trainers have the choice to change their pokemon's abilities to DW ones, or they will stay as they are.

Im thinking about making a DW ability thread that will last like a weekm where you could change your pokes abilities ONE TIME, and then it will be closed and trainers will have no more change to do so.

Or a business where we would have to pay for the that (the poors like me say no)

What do you guys think? (i know the subject has been treated before but i cant find where).

Thanks in advance
When B/W will be released, will trainers have the choice to change their pokemon's abilities to DW ones, or they will stay as they are.

Im thinking about making a DW ability thread that will last like a weekm where you could change your pokes abilities ONE TIME, and then it will be closed and trainers will have no more change to do so.

Or a business where we would have to pay for the that (the poors like me say no)

What do you guys think? (i know the subject has been treated before but i cant find where).

Thanks in advance

Negrek's already said before, no DW abilities except (A) at some point in the future which she's being pretty vague about, and (B) the one free DW ability on a freebie pokemon in the Isshu Expedition (which, BTW, is the thread where you could have found her post on the subject if you'd looked).

On top of that, Negrek has repeatedly said no to the ability to change normally-immutable properties of individual pokemon (gender, ability, etc) because they're not supposed to be little pieces of data that you can alter at will, they're supposed to be thought of as actual creatures or pets or whatever. You can't take your poodle to the vet to be changed into a golden retriever, and you can't change the ability of a pokemon you've already gotten.
Actually, there have been records of Pokemon changing abilities when they evolve, and iirc Negrek has approved at least one of those Pokemon. But abilities can only be changed when evolution occurs, as far as I know.
One way or the other, if I recall correctly, even in the games, you don't get a Dream World ability without getting a Pokemon that has it in the first place, so, I'm guessing that this evolutionary ability change won't stretch to include Dream World abilities.
She'll probably either open a business, add it into the PRO, or let someone else open a business that sells dream World ability Pokemon for a few bucks more.

((if its the latter I so want that business))

The said Pokémon who want an ability change could actually make a trip to the Dream World, meeting other pokes from their species that live there, spend enough days there (3) to actually learn how these pokémon act vs other pokémon (i.e. ability) and learn themselves how to perform these defensive reactions.

The trip would cost a few bucks, of course. I don't see how this is different from signature attributes that change the poke's ability.
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