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ASB Rules

I assume switching moves like U-Turn, Baton Pass and Volt Switch are banned in set matches?
How does the ref's prize work when a match has had multiple refs? The way I remember it is that the prize goes to whoever closed the thread, no matter what, but I saw something about splitting it between two refs and rounding it up a few days ago.

EDIT: Oh. Yeah, ten posts ago in this same thread. :U Does it just get split equally among all the refs, no matter how many reffings each one posted? The first post just says "the referee earns $5 times the number of pokémon" etc.

Specifically, the number of battles a referee completes--that is, closes with the distribution of prizes to the battlers--is what can be put towards earning this reward.
So, after getting ticked off about not being able to find a couple of event moves earlier today, I decided to finally compile them all like I'd been meaning to. After a dismaying amount of work, I succeeded in scraping together a list.

Let me know if you see any problems with the list--if there are any moves on there that the pokémon later got as a tutor or something, moves missing, moves that shouldn't be there; whatever. The primary source for a lot of this info was Serebii, so... you know, lol accuracy. The old NYPC moves came off this list; in general, there's a lot of incomplete/missing information out there on the internet, so there are likely to be errors. I'm almost positive that sandshrew being able to learn vital throw is a Serebii typo, for example, but I have no way to confirm it.

Additionally, that page has some important information on the moves role play and magic coat and how veekun and many other pokédexes list pokémon as learning them when they really can't.

I also updated the Metronome Generator for the fifth generation while I was at it.

*sigh* My life, my choices...
Hey, at least your life choices helped me catch an error that would've slipped through the cracks for something else I was working on!

Just fyi, though, Marriland and Legendary Pokémon also appear to have gotten magic coat and role play right. Serebii, on the other hand, is listing a bunch of things as learning both magic coat and role play when they should only get one or the other, so ><;

And cool! Updated metronome generator. One thing: according to Bulbapedia and Ultimate Pokémon Center, metronome can't call the Gen V event-only legendary signature moves (stuff like secret sword, freeze shock, etc.); those aren't in the list of moves not called by "true metronome", though, and I just rolled v-create in a test. I know veekun and Psypoke don't say anything about them, and I'm assuming you got the list of uncallable moves from veekun, but I'm not sure which is correct. I would tend to side with Ultimate Pokémon Center in a case like this, but I dunno.
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Waaaaaaait how could Infernape and co not learn Magic Coat; it's a HGSS Tutor D:

EDIT: I read the first paragraph so ignore previous comment

but shiiiiiiiit I bought a Chimchar especially for that D:

EDIT2: Okay no but still it would've been damn useful.
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Therefore, in a 3vs3 match where the loser sent out all three pokémon but the winner only had to use two, the winner would get $24; the referee, $15; and the loser, $6. In a 2vs2 double battle, the winner would receive $16; the referee, $10; and the loser, $4.

You mean that the loser would get $6, right?
Just fyi, though, Marriland and Legendary Pokémon also appear to have gotten magic coat and role play right. Serebii, on the other hand, is listing a bunch of things as learning both magic coat and role play when they should only get one or the other, so ><;

And cool! Updated metronome generator. One thing: according to Bulbapedia and Ultimate Pokémon Center, metronome can't call the Gen V event-only legendary signature moves (stuff like secret sword, freeze shock, etc.); those aren't in the list of moves not called by "true metronome", though, and I just rolled v-create in a test. I know veekun and Psypoke don't say anything about them, and I'm assuming you got the list of uncallable moves from veekun, but I'm not sure which is correct. I would tend to side with Ultimate Pokémon Center in a case like this, but I dunno.
Hmm, well, there are several pokémon that can learn both. I omitted them from the lists I gave because in those cases the data getting switched has no consequences in ASB. This is the list I took my info from, so if Serebii says a pokémon other than one of the ones on both lists learns each attack, yeah, problem; otherwise it's fine.

And huh, it turns out there's a lot more moves that can't be called than those listed on veekun (quash, bestow, etc.). They even went and removed some previously-okay moves (nature power, snore, transform...) this gen. Weird. Updated with fixes.

You mean that the loser would get $6, right?
No, Serebii is mistaken; I was double-checking pokédexes so I could tell someone else about it, and at first I was confused because the vulpix line (for example) was listed as learning role play. Then I checked magic coat and they were listed under that, too, so they have managed to screw that up somehow.
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