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Ask AK

I had this really interesting dream. I was going to ask God (who looked like God from Bruce Almighty) why He made me mentally unstable. But I woke up before I got a proper answer.

Why am I mentally unstable?
How much is two divided by zero.
It is approximately 2/0.

What do you think is gonna happen in the Doctor Who Christmas Special this year?
I don't watch your stupid British shows. (Actually, it's on BBC America, I just never get to watch it even though I do want to!)

Why am I mentally unstable?
You are among the chosen ones. While everyone else will live cut-shape lives in their cut-shape world, you will accomplish something. You will break the mold. Congrats!

Can I devour your spleen?
I suppose you could.

Why do you have super awesome power of returning to TCoD every time you get banned?
o.o Everyone was allowed back when the new forums opened.

idk btw I really wish your avatar was transparent D:

Why do you get banned in the first place ._.
The only time I've been banned on this forum was because it was a mistake. o.o
Is "/r/" supposed to mean recommend or rate?

If it's recommend, go for After Forever and Invisible Circles.

If it's rate, After Forever is my second favorite album of theirs. 8D 9/10

it's require, as in mediafire plox :B

and uh what idk vee used it ; ; haet 4chan

oh wait need a question um. What's your favorite candy :D
But I don't have any After Forever albums on this computer! D= I have them on the one with the power cord broken.

You should probably ask ffmmp3 if they don't already have it uploaded. That's where I get all my stuff.
Which one of these two fellows is creepier?



Why do I like depressing music so much?
Everyone with a soul does. <3

Why do you share my taste in cheese, liking it only in molten form, hating it when solid?
Half of it's probably because of the DISGUSTING packaging it comes in... I seriously gag when I have to touch it...

Why do I sometimes cry at night?
Sometimes it's nice to just let it out. (:
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