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Barack Obama! The 44th President!!

My dad is so happy. Most of my teachers will be happy so I most likely won't have to do work tomorrow. I shouldn't even be up right now.

To Non US Countries. Are US elections publicized over there sometimes?
I most likely won't have to do work tomorrow, mainly because we'll end up spending every class discussing Election Night.

Oh, and half of the school is choosing not to attend if Obama wins.

Taking it a little to hard there I think...

Seeing as I'm homeschooled, I doubt classes will be any different. They were more effected when the election was going on. Shame.
But now they will watch Obama more closely and every little thing he does will be in the news. If he does good then good but if he does bad then say bye bye.
Well, it didn't go as I'd hoped, but, unlike Pancake-guy, I will admit that Obama ran a very well-planned and well-organized campaign, with some good strategical tactics, while McCain did make some key errors. (Sarah Palin? Are you kidding me?)

*politely applauds*
Someone told me that he was using Sarah Palin as a token. And Obamam did spend his money wisely too.


Someone put this up a few months ago but some Non Americans didn't know who the hell it was.

I'm looking at you Castform.
But now they will watch Obama more closely and every little thing he does will be in the news. If he does good then good but if he does bad then say bye bye.
Oh, I'm not denying that. I'm just saying classes might not be affected immediately.

By the way, does anyone listen to Obama's autobiography? It's awesome. Whenever we're in for a long drive, we listen to it on the way.
That he is.

Well, I guess there's only one way to go from here. (up, obviously)
And, I hope Obama's ready, cause he's got some major problems to fix while he's in office.

And right now he has 338 electoral votes. :)
Brock Obama made me LOL :D
Listening to his speech nao....
Listening to it right now, I think the part about his grandmother was sweet. :'3
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