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Barack Obama! The 44th President!!


eta: dammit beaten to it :(
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I've been lurking the election topics here and on another forum, and it's pretty interesting to watch. The majority of the posters in the other thread are a lot more conservative than I'd have thought, hmm. I kind of want to see what would happen if I took you guys and set you on them.

Everyone's said this already, but I thought the concession/acceptance speeches were both really nice. Very cool of McCain to take it so well (publicly, anyway) and tell off his supporters for booing and stuff. (Even cooler that Obama's supporters had the grace to applaud when Obama mentioned McCain, although I guess they're in a better overall mood, aren't they?)

McCain didn't even come close to winning.

But I did like how he was a good sport about it because when they started booing he just held up his hand and said stop.

Although I seriously don't want the Republicans to mess up the country again.
I KNEW he would win for some reason! Everyone only voted for him because he's black! Holy crap!

Wasn't the original complaint that nobody would vote for him because he was black?

Anyway, this is definitely good for America. Europe, not so sure, but it's going to hopefully make America a better place. Congratulations, Obama.
Haha, that was an absolutely amazing speech. And he said the G word (gay) and the S word (science) which can only mean good things~

...Well, except for the fact that tonight, amentments preventing the legalization of same-sex marriage were approved in Arizona and Florida, and Prop. 8 gonna be passed in California and Arkanasas also made it illegal for gay couples to adopt... if Obama's serious about getting all US citizens equal treatment, he's got his work cut out for him. :/

It had to be done.
that is fucking brilliant

Lol I woke up today and was all "DAD WHO WON" and he said Obama so I was like "YES"
thank you Americans for not electing a dumbass this time :)
Everyone was talking about this in school. I didn't contribute to any conversations because they didn't get any more interesting the 'Every time I hear McCain, I think of oven chips'.
What was really annoying was that everyone thought that they were clever because they heard about this, and assumed nobody else knew.
'Did you hear that Obama won?'

Anyway, minirant aside. Yay!

I'd like to say I didn't see it coming, though.
Haha, heard about this in school today and spent an entire English lesson talking about his speech, it was amazing.

Huzzah, America, you've done your planet proud =D
Well done to him. He deserved it, McCain was a good sport so good for him as well...

Seriously, Outstanding speech.

That's one hell of a combo breaker, too. At least McCain conceded quite gracefully; it's nice to actually see a good sport on TV.

I think Obama has the war as his top priority, then the economy; he was Bush's first enemy when the asshat announced the US vs Iraq thing.
No; the economy was pretty much the main thing on voter's minds, so I think that's pretty high on his priority list.
Woo, Barack Obama. I listened to a speech of his on the radio this morning and it was awesome; it nearly made me cry. It's so wonderful that he won. Seriously, what a great thing to happen for America. :D
Very cool of McCain to take it so well (publicly, anyway) and tell off his supporters for booing and stuff. (Even cooler that Obama's supporters had the grace to applaud when Obama mentioned McCain, although I guess they're in a better overall mood, aren't they?)
Oh, yes. The booing was pretty awful; I wasn't sure if I ought to be expecting it when the rival candidate is mentioned at a party of the other's supporters, but then Obama made his speech and the mention of McCain prompted cheering, it made me feel very happy inside. :D

I was also ridiculously happy to hear Obama include "gay or straight" in his speech.

If Obama gets assassinated, I will cry and hate the world.
But still yay! my aunt was one of his campaign managers, And now america won't have a senile white dumbass in office ^_^

And hai butterfree! -waves-
Alaska elects a convicted criminal to the Senate. Why am I not surprised?

Incidentally, does anyone know how ballot measures work? Is it just an amendment to the state constitution (and if so how do they amend it back? >:( ).
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