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Barack Obama! The 44th President!!

Incidentally, does anyone know how ballot measures work? Is it just an amendment to the state constitution (and if so how do they amend it back? >:( ).
It's just a different way of making laws... ordinarily the state legislature would vote on the issue, and if the law is passed by them it goes on the books. Any ballot measure is one where the citizens vote directly, and if it passes them the law goes on the books. It's not a constitutional amendment, either state or federal, just a normal law that can be later changed. So far as I know, amendments to state constitutions are really rare and take place by a different process entirely.
It's not a constitutional amendment, either state or federal, just a normal law that can be later abolished.

Oh good, for a moment I was getting worried.

Incidentally at least Colorado rejected the "human life from conception" measure by 70-30.
I was really upset this morning when I learned about Prop. 8.
It was the lowest thing humanity has done in a while.
I was happy. Kinda got annoying hearing people shout "OBAMA" all day, as well as the people who kept saying "McCain is our real President." >.<
Oh good, for a moment I was getting worried.

Incidentally at least Colorado rejected the "human life from conception" measure by 70-30.

South Dakota at least also rejected Measure 11, which would have had a huge ban on abortion. There is still some hope.

Although Prop 8 passing? Screw that.
someone with a higher IQ than a dolphin leading us
That's insulting to the dolphin population :[
Seriously, they're very smart.


but huhuh did anyone else not feel bad for palin whatsoever when she started getting all "sobsob I won't be a vice president :(("
are you kidding


I LAUGHED when that happened.

It is going to be quite interesting when I go to school tomorrow, considering the fact that 99% of everyone at my school were die hard McCain supporters, and the other 1% that was an Obama supporter is a total bitch and will probably be an arse about Obama winning.
Obama isn't as smart as Einstein and Bush isn't a forrest gump...

Here is what you would say at my school with that phrase that you used for yours.
It is going to be quite interesting when I go to school tomorrow, considering the fact that 99% of everyone at my school were die hard Obama supporters, and the other 1% that was a Mcain supporter will be very upset about Obama winning.

Edit: Also I found out that NBC said that in montana 100 million people voted for president :P LOL
I am a little nervous about this, but I'll have to get over it. At least the democrats(being in the majority) won't be able to make any excuses now.
Obama isn't as smart as Einstein and Bush isn't a forrest gump...

Here is what you would say at my school with that phrase that you used for yours.

It was an analogy. Einstein was a genius and Gump was a (Fictional) moron. It was actually a VERY good analogy.

Excellent! :D that brightened up my day! ^^
I would rather have prop 8 pass and Obama as president than Prop 8 rejected and McCain as president.
Either way, I'm happy. Prop 8, however, can go die for all I care.
I'm so happy. I was worried in the beginning, but Obama pulled through!
opal: Zoolander.
My republican friends are freaking the fuck out. I just want to kick their asses and knock some sense into them. Some want to leave America due to Obama being elected.
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