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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Nope. I don't have inspection powers, at least if my PM is to be trusted.2. Every player is an inspector, though by inspecting a player they are unknowingly performing another action, such as healing, roleblocking, or killing. The mafia do not know they are mafia.
My role PM pretty clearly states that I can sniff people's butts to inspect them (though I guess it doesn't explicitly refer to me as an inspector).
i dont know whats going on in this game
My role PM pretty clearly states that I can sniff people's butts to inspect them (though I guess it doesn't explicitly refer to me as an inspector).
Actually, Altissimo has also claimed butt-sniffing isn't her role iirc! But I'm fine with lynching Metallica Fanboy.And given that the only one so far who's actively claimed that's not their role is MF
Well, can't say I'm surprised to be on the chopping block. I think I'll take it, though; my power isn't particularly useful, and besides, flipping innocent here and now would be a good way to prove that the game's gimmick isn't actually that all the innocents are buttsniffers (and, more importantly, that the buttsniffers are not necessarily innocent, and in fact there are very good chances at least one of them is scum, so mark my words here for future reference).
So, let's bring the guillotine down on ol' MF, eh?
Full disclosure doesn't always help the innocents. My power is easy to paint as a convenient mafia claim, so claiming it wouldn't change the poll much, and knowing it was once there also doesn't give the innocents much useful information at all; claiming now wouldn't do a lot more than let the mafia know exactly what they no longer have to worry about. (Just because my power isn't particularly useful doesn't mean it's necessarily useless, ultimately.)Well, I mean, if you do want to be helpful to the innocents, you could try telling us what your power is, right?
broken dog emoji:![]()
Full disclosure doesn't always help the innocents. My power is easy to paint as a convenient mafia claim, so claiming it wouldn't change the poll much, and knowing it was once there also doesn't give the innocents much useful information at all; claiming now wouldn't do a lot more than let the mafia know exactly what they no longer have to worry about. (Just because my power isn't particularly useful doesn't mean it's necessarily useless, ultimately.)
(can't think of an appropriate dog picture for that, so I'll just c/p that thing which doesn't show up as a dog emoji in a laptop:)