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Closed Battle Royale

Glion was happy he seemed to make a friend.
Flying in around the Bug Buzz he bit the Yanmega with a Fire Fang.
"Get him now Voyne!" he said with a fiery mouthful of Yanmega.
Mmmmmm tasty. he thought.
Voyne was seemingly unfazed by the wall of noise he now found himself running straight into. Truth to be told, it caused him a lot of pain, but pain was something he could deal with - and, Bug Buzz or not, that Yanmega was going to get it now.

Roaring with battle fury, the Cacturne continued his charge towards his target; once he reached the Yanmega, he brought his thorny fist down with incredible force, aiming straight for the victim's face.
Sling flew out of the way with mazing agility, however the edge of his tail was hit by the Cacturne. He zoomed out of the way to the edge of the room, and let out an even louder and more irritating Bug Buzz.

Carnage, seeing this, sent some more Sleep Powder spres towards the Cacturne.
Holding on just barely by his teeth he clamps down harder on the Yanmega, attempting to take him down.
Come on you fat fly drop to the floor! he thought angrily.
"DROP ALREADY!" he said through the mouthful of Pokemon.
Feeling the Air Slash hit him Glion cringed and bit harder.
"OW YOU LITTLE-" he said before flying him into a wall and letting go.
Flying over to Voyne and used Razor Wind to blow the spores away.
Tired he flew over to a desk and laid on top of it.
"Perfect prey." Slash growled, approaching the resting Glion, "Hello...fresh met. Any last requests?"

He cackled evily, prepared to slash at him with his claws.
Fantasy slowly opened her eyes.
A classroom? Why are we in here? She thought. Already, she could feel tension and anger around the room, and as her vision returned fully, she saw battles spreading across the room. Fantasy knew that she wouldn't be able to restore order, so she glanced around the room for Raith, which she knew had been on the trip. Soon, she found him, still unconscious and a good ways away. Sprinting over, she pushed his body over to a corner, where she sat watching.
Fist looked at the battle, and then at the others. Three or more Pokemon were fighting against each other. Joining in, Fist jumped into the air, raised his arms and attempted a Cross Chop attack on Slash from behind.
Bumpy was confused with all the fighting. He whined and Hanabi stopped spewing flames. Her Zigzagoon friend cowered on his chair, while Hanabi stood guarding him. She would warn him of any attack.
((OOC: Gardevoir, are your characters really juvenile delinquents? I have difficulty picturing them as such...))
((Well, Bumpy is half blind, so he can't do much without being guided by Hanabi, and Hanabi is very protective of him, so they don't seem like it at first, but once you get to know them, you'll find they're very troublesome.))
Hanabi saw that Bumpy was asleep again. She decided to have some fun, and set the blackboard eraser on fire when no one was looking.
Itsuki awoke to the wild sounds of an ongoing battle. He looked around. This was a classroom. He suspected they didn't even really go anywhere. He then found it funny how everything devolved into violence. He looked around. A chalk eraser was on fire. Truely the start of a typical day. Itsuki looked around again. The Espeon and Umbreon didn't look like they wanted any part in this. He eyed a Machop which seemed like a fine target. He sent a razor leaf attack flying at it's back. He wasn't even sure why...
Fist hadn't even finished his attack when a Razor Leaf hit him in the back. This caused the Machop to get a long but shallow cut that bled a little. Fist landed, forgetting about his attack, and made an exasperated noise. "So you want to fight me?" he taunted. "That's fine." He launched himself at Itsuki, preparing to toss him for a Vital Throw.
Itsuki saw the Machop coming. He recognized this technique from fighting-type colleagues in the streets. There was no way Itsuki could dodge in time, but tossed a last round of razor leaf at Fist's face before getting hurled across the room. He managed to hit the wall on all fours, and fall to the floor. He got up fairly quickly and launched himself at Fist, aiming to use giga drain.
Pierre and Metro just looked at the chaos that had spontaneously erupted with amazement.

"Tch, no style at all," Pierre commented.

They just sat there, laughing.

"Well at least we won't have to worry about fighting anyone on our way home."

Pierre began to feel an itch at his neck. He reached up to scratch it only to find that a metal collar had been placed there. "What the hell is this shit?!" he growled.

"The hell...?" Metro added, noticing that she had the same collar on. Another quick look around the room made them realize that everyone had this damn thing on.

Before they had another moment to figure out what was going in. Both the front and the back doors of the classroom had been busted open by an army of Magmortars. They rushed in, quickly and shot flamethrowers into the air, out of their arm cannons.
"Settle down or be executed!"

Metro and Pierre thrust themselves off the ground and landed against the wall to avoid getting trampled by the chaos.
"Great, the damn firebags are here!" the Zangoose shouted.

"Shh... If the military is here then this must be serious. There's no way we can take this many of them down. Just do as they say for now. Don't be stupid."

"Fine." he grumbled, waiting for the rest of the class to smarten and shut up as well.
Fist was struck by the Razor Leaf, this time in the face. It just hurt, but did not bleed. When Itsuki launched himself at the Machop, he quickly dodged the Pokemon. Then he scrambled to the wall to avoid the Magmortar that were stampeding into the room.
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