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Closed Battle Royale

"Alright." Carnage grabbed onto them, and used a Double Team attack, and soon there was a replica of themselves a few feet away. Carnage began and lunged at himself. Just as the replica vanished, Carnage inhaled quickly. He became enveloped in a white light for a fraction of a second, and when the light faded, the necklace was gone. "Your turns," he said.
Bumpy went next. He attacked the clone to his left, inhaling immediately. He jumped around and said, "YAY! The collar is off!"
Then there was a loud BOOM! Fire shot everywhere. When it faded, Bumpy looked through the scattered dust. He poked Hanabi, who was lying still on the ground. The Zigzagoon nudged her a bit. When she still didn't budge, Bumpy tried using Headbutt.
She didn't respond.
He looked at the collar. It was just as he feared.
The collar had been activated.
He rested his head on his dead friend's body and closed his eyes. She had been the only one to guide him, and now, how could he see his world clearly? He had nothing to do.
He was completely alone.
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Fist closed his map and stood up. He marched on to where he was aiming to be: That hill just one and a half miles away. The Machop sped up the pace, but not so much that he couldn't keep up with himself.
Scissors focused on the shape. "Looks like that Leafeon... Excellent. His neck will snap quite easily, don't you think?"
They both used Agility and charged, bodily weapons raised.
I see a Machop approaching. Fist, was it? He'll die quite easily. Slash thought, still in his burrow.

he started to burrow up to the top of the hill.

(If you want him to die, PM me)
((Fist is past the forest; you shouldn't be able to see him from there, Flareth))

Fist marched onward. I'm going to be where no one can find me! He thought happily. Surely nobody would have had time to reach the hill before him...?
((Flareth, make sure to read the locations I have posted. I know I don't update constantly but its good to check. Fist is at another hill that's west of the forest that's west of you.))

Time: 2:30

Metro gasped as she saw the tail begin to glow. "Oh no you don't," she growled as she quickly ran past her to grab Pierres claw in her maw and attempt to quickly drag him out of the way.

"Hey! What are you doing I was having a great time feeling her up!" he whimpered. Metro growled slightly and dug her teeth into him. "Ow! Don't do that. We're fighting someone here!"
Itsuki swiped, but at air, as the 2 Pokemon scrambled out of the way. But then he turned at a quiet noise. He saw, hurdling at the shed, a familiar looking Scizor and a Drapion charging not in his general direction, but at him, killing intent all over them. Itsuki slashed at the back wall a few times, and bashed through it, and ran. Though it was impossible to outrun them, it'd be just as difficult to fight, maybe they'd run into the couple inside the shed...
"Shit! We have to get out of here!" Pierre yelled as he heard the crash, finally using his own two feet to run. The two headed out of the shed through the door in the opposite direction of the Leafeon.

Time: 2:40 AM
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Fantasy began walking in the opposite direction of the commotion, aware of her surroundings and ready to attack anything that moved. Raith, however, was spared from this as he walked next to her silently. As they continued on, they reached a clearing, where a gigantic tree was planted directly in the middle.
"Passing through here will make us quite vulnerable if anyone's here...but we must." Fantasy muttered. Raith said nothing.
With his claws at the ready, the Blaziken's eyes flickered with heat, his splint burned to a crisp within seconds. The tattoo on his arm began to glow crimson, as if fuelled by his rage.

Unable to keep the energies inside him, Horus unleashed a mighty Overheat. All of its power was focused onto the bunch of trees in front of him, which incinerated upon contact with the flames. Calming himself down for the kill, Horus stood perfectly still, taking deep breaths. Once he regained his composure, the Blaziken realized his mistake.

All around him was only ash and soot, with the giant tree in front of him reduced to a burnt crisp. "Guess it was no one." Horus sighed to himself, disappointed that he used all that power over nothing. "Nevermind, then."

He marched up the hill, hoping to catch some fresh air. If this would be the last three days of his life, then he might as well spend it peacefully. The Blaziken grabbed another splint, eager to finish his last pack before dusk. His dusk.

The wind was perfect on the hill, just as he predicted. He lied down for a few minutes, then got up just as quickly. "Dammit I thought this was frantic!" Angrily, he grabbed his small scope and looked around the area, hungry for blood. He saw a figure, possibly bipedal, among the trees. Close to it was another figure, ethereal by the looks of it. Both were hidden between trees, looking for something by the looks of it.

"Please be for real." He thought to himself as he ran over to the forest, running as fast as his body can be pushed.
Xyvine tripped over a stone sending Lunar flying onto the offering table at the shrine. His wounds that had dried with the running re-opened and blood trickled out. The wood gecko Pokémon looked up in alarm. Lunar's blood was flowing downwards onto the mossy stone altar, ebbing into faded japanese characters, making them legible once more. Luunar closed his eyes.
"It's hopeless... just leave me to die. Maybe I can at least get a tan on this altar when I'm dead..." he moaned. Xyvine sniffed. It was sad to see the Sun pokémon in this state. His only friend within the class, dying, as if he were no more than an offering to the Pokémon Mew. The feline's blood trickled and flowed through carvings of Mew, and Xyvine read the the characters as his friend started to fade away.

"Make an offering of blood and bread,
then perhaps I'll spare your head.
If you leave this altar without a prayer,
death shall hunt you, kill you, so be aware.
Leave a gift to me, Mew,
I will make sure you live through.
Your offering is vital to save your head,
make an offering of blood and brea-

"THAT'S IT!" the Grovyle cried in amazement. He tore open Lunar's bag, and pulled out the remaining half-loaf of bread. It had gone slightly stale, but hopefully Mew would accept it none the less. It was the only thing he had to offer. Xyvine approached the feline, and gently mopped up his blood using the bread. His cuts and wounds wouldn't render him dead yet; he had the forces of bread to deal with! Xyvine kept rubbing the Espeon with the bread, cleaning him of the blood, the bread acting as a sponge.

Slowly, Lunar's eyes opened. He was immediately bombarded with the words 'get off of the shrine'. He did as he was asked, and immedately a bottle of water was soved down his throat.
"Drink up!" the Grovyle yelled, merrily. Lunar opened his eyes wide with slight suprise, but more with the fact that he would drown if Xyvine didn't stop force-feeding him water. Coughing, he turned his head away from the water. "Aww, the kitty doesn't want a drink?" he heard in a patronising tone.
"Shut up..." Lunar groaned.
"But you must be dehydrated after losing all of that blood! I'm just looking out for you. In fact, it was lucky that we came accross this temple, else Mew wouldn't have saved us, and you wouldn't be al-"
"Do you ever stop talking?" the Espeon laughed. Xyvine stopped and laughed too. "Ahaha... So uh, looks like we can set up camp here?" Lunar indicated towards what looked to be four stone pillars, covered in text but mainly moss which were supporting a stone roof, under which was an idol to Mew, of which was also covered in moss. The last people to this place must have been graffitiers, as cut out of the moss were the words: "Clean me!"

The pair placed the bloodied bread upon the shrine as an offering to Mew, to make sure that their heads didn't roll that evening. The crescent moon smilied upon them, and illuminated the statue of Mew. Xyvine bowed, he felt a need to. After all, with the help of this shrine, he'd saved Lunar's life. He felt in debt to Mew. He looked at Lunar's collar-less neck.
"Perhaps there is a way off of this Island without having to kill..."
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"I thought I saw that Machop." he said aloud, "Must have just been dust in my eyes or something."

He waited for someone to approach the hill.

I know someone'll come. he laughed in his mind.
Fist made plenty of progress in the time of 20 minutes. The steppe was big but the hill was definitely closer. At this rate, Fist thought, I'll definitely make it somewhere.
Carnage stared. The Magby, Hanabi, had been killed. He didn't feel any emotion; people have died before, but he felt a twinge of sorrow for the Zigzagoon, Bumpy.

"Come on Bumpy, try getting it off," Carnage said quickly.
Since the collar had been activated, it probably couldn't be again. Bumpy slipped the collar off of Hanabi. He then clawed it over and over, eventually scratching the metal into a million pieces. The Zigzagoon began to dig a hole in the ground.
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