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Closed Battle Royale

Scissors noticed that the breathing had settled down, and peeked through the boards to find the Leafeon asleep. She snickered silently in her mind, and snuck down, grabbing it by surprise.
A painful grip enclosed around Itsuki's body... He opened his eyes, causing him to realize this was no nightmare. The battle-scarred Scizor grabbing him was real as ever, and Itsuki struggled pointlessly out of instinct. He scattered magical leaves and targetted the points at which the Scizor's armor didn't cover, as that was about all he could do.
Fist fished through his bag and came across a tightly woven pouch filled with water. It appeared to be full, so he gulped down some of the clear liquid and stood up, placing the pouch back into his bag. The Machop continued toward his destination.
"That's right," Bumpy replied. "We just need to survive." He continued west, where the crack in the ground became larger. He had a feeling that there was something at the end of it. However, he couldn't see where he was going well without Hanabi, so he had to feel along the crack.

As he thought of his lost friend, tears welled up in his eyes.
Hanabi... why did you have to die?
Scissors screeched in pain as the Razor Leaf hit and opened up her old scar, which began to bleed heavily, and her right eye, where a cut appeared and, rather than blood, flowed eyeball juice. She tightened her grip out of anger.
Itsuki figured he would be cleaved in half at this rate, the grrip grew tighter. He wasn't sure another spray of magical leaves would help, and razor leaves didn't home in. He tried nonetheless. He shot out more colorful magical leaves, which tried to home in on the Scizor's arms, to try and free Itsuki.
"I'm sick and tired of waiting," Lunar said, swishing his tail like an angered cat. "Let's just go out and hunt them! They won't be expecting that! I want to get off of this island, and go home," he chanted.
"Stop whining. You're acting like a 5-year-old school girl," the Grovyle said casually. He had been cleaning the statue of Mew out of sheer boredom of waiting. "Why don't you do something to take your mind off of the waiting?"
The feline sighed heavily and closed his eyes. The moss immediately jumped off of the temple, piece by piece, almost like a mexican wave. It started where Lunar was sitting, and finished once it had looped the wall surrounding the shrine. The moss then collected itself into a pile, and was placed just outside of the shine's walls. The shine was now clean, all of the text along the walls was now at least legible. Some of the characters had eroded over time due to weathering. Others had become worn due to exfoliation. The worst characters were the onces where the moss had been originally planting their roots.

Lunar opened his eyes.
"Done," he said heavily, in a tone more bored than before. He shut his eyes and fell asleep before the Grovyle could get a word in about how he shouldn't go to sleep incase he gets killed. Xyvine sighed.
"For a friend," he thought, "Lunar sure can be abusive..."
He pushed the Espeon out of sight, behind a few tall rocks of a mishapen stone circle, behind the large idol of Mew before curling up to sleep next to the Espeon, leeching off of each other's body heat to keep warm.
Was Glion following him? Voyne looked back; no sight of the little creature. He had left him behind, it seemed. Maybe he would catch up. He could fly and all...

Suddenly, as Voyne wandered among the bushes and the trees, he caught sight of something - a bonfire? Whatever it was, it was fire of some kind; an obvious signal as to someone's whereabouts. Unfortunately it didn't reveal whose whereabouts. But any target so willing to give away their location was stupid enough to be killed, Voyne figured.

The Cacturne changed his direction, heading towards the fires. It would be a long time until he got there - perhaps the fires would burn out before he arrived - but he had already memorized the location. It might take some time, but he would get there.

And when he did, anyone still there would suffer.
Flying around looking for Voyne, Glion noticed some fire.
Going high to where he could see but not be seen he saw that it was the Espeon and Grovyle team.
Turning around he followed a trail until he saw Voyne.
"Damnit Voyne you can't just leave me out there!" he said swooping and landing in front of the Cacturne.
Xyvine awoke from another vicious nightmare. It had been attacking his mind again.
"As soon as we get off of the island, it should stop..." he thought to himself. The burning beacons were still stong. They'd be here any minute. Xyvine looked above, only to see Glion circling above. "They're here..."

The Grovyle shook Lunar. The Espeon rolled over.
"Just 5 more minutes..." he muttered, groggily.
"There's no time!" Xyvine yelled. "They're here!"

Lunar snapped awake, stood up and saw Glion circling above. The Grovyle hadn't lied. They were in danger once again.
Blade went back to the camp to keep watching Malice. Those Grovyle and Espeon were smarter than he thought. They'd be tough opponent's. When the Scyther arrived, Malice was outside the tent.
"Sorry, I was..."
"I know. I saw through you." Malice responded with a smile.
"So, what are you doing awake?"
"Trying to figure out how to take this thing of."
"I wouldn't if I were you. I heard an explosion."
"Oh, OK. Want to sleep?"
"No, I'm fine." Blade said.
"Then I'll keep you company." Saying this, Malice hovered to the ground next to Blade.
((Shadow_Lugia, what about Scorpio? You stopped posting as him. We last left with Metro about to headbutt him))
Scorpio made a noise like an angry cat as the Headbutt hit his dull red scales and chipped some off, revealing the bright purple underneath, and blindly jabbed a Poison Sting in the direction it had come from.

I don't remember another character named Scorpio, do you?
((Weird, I read through the posts and I didn't see that.))

"Gah!" Metro screamed as she sent the Drapion flying.
"What's wrong?"
"That stupid thing stung my arm!" she cried, holding a paw over the wound on the upper part of her right arm.

Pierre growled slightly before leaving her side. "You're going to pay for that. Take-- this!" He yelled as he jumped after the Drapion, his right claw glowing for an incoming metal claw.
Scorpio brought down his own tail "claws" to counter, but his aim was off by a little bit due to disorientation from the Headbutt, and the Metal Claw caught the end of his tail. He roared and tried a Cross Poison.
Bumpy soon came to a stone cave about an eighth of a mile from where the crack started. It was a hole in a cliff, and he decided it was concealed enough to rest in. The Zigzagoon sniffed the bottom of the cliff, which he barely knew was there, and his nose took him to the hole. Smelling his way through, he curled up to sleep as soon as he was concealed.


"Hanabi!" Bumpy was on a flat, grassy field, which didn't look at all like the island. He looked up to the sky, where there was a faint starry shape that looked like a Magby.

The figure appeared to move down, and took shape. It turned white, but was now in the shape of a solid Magby.
"Greetings, Bumpy."

"Hanabi!" Bumpy rushed toward his friend. "Is it really you?"

"That's right." She pet him on the back. "But you're only dreaming."

Bumpy's eyes widened. "Hanabi... why did you have to leave?" He closed his eyes and rested his head at her feet.

"It was destiny," Hanabi whispered, spouting small cinders. "There was no way to change it."

"But what went wrong?" The Zigzagoon asked.

"I don't know, but it might have been because I transferred too slowly, or I didn't breathe deep enough. But it can't be changed now. Goodbye, Bumpy."

"No! Don't leave me yet!!"

"I promise, Bumpy... I'll see you again..."

Scorpio brought down his own tail "claws" to counter, but his aim was off by a little bit due to disorientation from the Headbutt, and the Metal Claw caught the end of his tail. He roared and tried a Cross Poison.

The recoil from Metal Claw sent him just back enough for the cross poison to miss. "Don't worry, Metro. I've got this." The Zangoose's body began to glow a dark red. His eyes flared as his claws slashed and sharpened each other and made the sound of swords as he did so. A rather intimidating swords dance.
Carnage followed the Zigzagoon into a stone cave. Bumpy fell asleep and had begun to mutter something. It must be hard for him to lose such a dear friend, Carnage thought. He looked back out of the cave and saw Sling in front of him. Carnage jumped.

"What the hell? I killed you!" Carnage said nervously. He shook himself, and when he did, Sling was gone.
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