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Best Pixar Movie Ever?

Best Pixar Movie Ever?

  • Toy Story

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • A Bug's Life

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • Toy Story 2

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Monsters, Inc.

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Finding Nemo

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • The Incredibles

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • Cars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ratatouille

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • WALL-E

    Votes: 32 42.1%

  • Total voters
I voted Ratatouille, which was really sweet, but I haven't seen Wall-E, which a lot of people like.
Saw Wall-E yesterday (it cost £11 for my sister and I to get in. £11! Madness.). It was very cute, very clever and I enjoyed it, but it's still not my favourite.
toy story, no doubt about it

i like the second toy story as well, but god toy story is like my favorite animated movie ever, i have no idea why
I chose Monsters Inc, partly because I haven't seen the latest ones besides Finding Nemo and The Incredibles and because it was one of those good ol' films that were original, and not just in setting. And I saw it before it was released where I lived 8D Monsters Inc was awesome. It was one of the movies I loved :)

However, Finding Nemo comes a close second. I haven't seen Wall-E even though apparently it's good, but I probably won't see it unless it comes on TV 8D
I saw WALL-E yesterday :3 Not the best movie I've seen, but better than the other Pixar movies.

So I vote for WALL-E
Toy Story 3.

Nah actually TS3 will probably suck compared to the first two, so I guess I'll go with the first Toy Story.

Finding Nemo was decent but I got sick of it around the 10th time I watched it. The Incredibles was decent too. Monsters Inc was okay. A Bug's Life would probably be second on my list, followed by TS2 (the rest just kinda tie for fourth I guess). The rest I haven't seen yet, but Wall E sounds interesting enough for me to check out later
Wall-E was amazing!! It really kinda scared me that everyone was totally engrossed in their technology and everything that they became fat and didn't pay attention to anything around them. But I think Wall-E and Eva were so cute together!!
Apparently the next one is an old man flying around in a house of balloons, wow, sounds crap sounds like a short not something to create a whole movie about
I liked Toy Story the best... But Finding Nemo and The Incredibles were good, too. :3
Toy Story 2, as well.
Apparently the next one is an old man flying around in a house of balloons, wow, sounds crap sounds like a short not something to create a whole movie about

But the talking cars made for a good movie? If you just stilled down the plot for pretty much all Pixar movies they sound crap (I rememer trying to explain the appeal of Finding Nemo to a friend of mine), but they always turn out to be absolutely amazing. I trust Disney Pixar implicitly to make their next movie a good one.

Which is more than can be said for Dreamworks, whose only decent CGI movie has been Shrek. I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda, admittedly, but I doubt it could ever make up for the horrors that were Shark Tale and Shrek 3.
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