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Black Bolt Pokemon Mafia [Sign Ups]

Oh god... Doctor or Ace Trainer? RNG tiem.

EDIT: Someone: Be the Doctor/Nurse
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ILS, please look at the top of the first post, and then join. I do not see your name on there.

just refreshed. X3. Ok, your role will be sent in a minute.
Why's RK-9 still on the player list if he's the co-GM? If he's seeing the death queue and night actions then obviously he can't really play. :P
he see's the actions that happens at night, but not from who. he then organizes it, so it'll be easier for me
When it's secret roles, that's not good, really.

What if it's something you don't see, like an inspection or redirection? I don't think that's a good idea...
well, i just made it so he could belp with the game, and still be apart of it.

...confusing...a lil
You must be REALLY new, but if you want to sign up, look at the top of the first post of the sign up list, and then i'll be happy to give your role =P
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