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Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

What browser(s) do you use?

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Most of the major add-ons have been compatible since sometime during beta-testing.
I like Opera better than IE and FF, and I really quite like the Speed Dial function. Newest version's removed and changed some keyboard shortcuts, though, and I can be arsed neither to find the option to change them nor switch back to the previous version.
Oh. Well, it works with Opera, so I assumed it was Firefox. :L

i think opera is a pretty cool browser. eh is immune to windows clipboard bugs and doesn't afraid of anything

also for the record, I'm for both Opera and Firefox, I use both because they both kick ass

Maybe Safari does too, I should go try it out. IE8 + IE7pro isn't too bad after discounting the Trident engine's longstanding inferiority.
I'm pretty sure opera just gives it a white border instead of a black one. I haven't touched Windows in half a year, though, so :V

EDIT: Also a minute of research reveals that opera is proprietary and rejects native theming (more importantly, being uniform with everything else -- wooo special snowflake browsers) so I now hate it on principle
Adblock Plus is fully compatible with Fx3 and has been pretty much since its release, iirc.
Oh I didn't think that Adblock Plus wasn't compatible with Fx3; I didn't mean my two statements to be related really. :P

(Oh and thanks for the links to the User Agent Switcher and IETab. ^_^)
okay since it's clear who the winner is here, I have a question

... When/what exactly is Part 2 of this epic battle (it says part 1 in the title so um)?
Has anybody tried the beta version of Google's new "Chrome" browser? I haven't, but it does intrigue me.
Not yet, but one of my friends has and he says it's pretty good. -shrugs- Don't take his word for it, though, he just squirts water at me in Computing.
no, the giant pain in the ass it is for Web developers is enough to flame IE users for

I don't care if you use Firefox or Opera or Safari or Chrome or Flock or Konqueror or SeaMonkey or K-Meleon or whatever
I was using Internet Explorer 7 up until a few months ago when I downloaded Mozilla Firefox 3 because of all the hype over it. I've been turned off from downloading Chrome by various friends online who've told me that it's not worth it. I find Mozilla Firefox 3 to be the best browser I've used, but I don't use browsers for much more than searching the web and taking screenshots so my say doesn't really count too much.
no, the giant pain in the ass it is for Web developers is enough to flame IE users for
No, but it's enough to flame the IE developers for. Most end users of IE don't know better.

Firefox is great for the extensions, but very slow. Chrome is nice but doesn't install on Windows 2000 (my lone Windows system); it's also irritating that they regressed on standards support when Webkit has been passing Acid3 since March. I've heard good things about Konqueror, but I really don't want to have to install KDE...
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