I use IE. Just wondering, what is so bad about IE because I don't have any problems with it at all. I'm not allowed to download other browsers so IE was the one already there so I just went with it. But really if IE is that bad I will consider getting another browser but probaly not, to me extra features don't matter so if that's the case then no thanks.
From EeveeSkitty
1. Opening up new tabs takes forever.
2. Firefox and Opera have the ability to save your session.
3. Firefox is completely customizable.
4. Opera also has a fair amount of choices.
5. Nintendo makes the game systems which run Pokemon, Microsoft doesn't. Thus, Microsoft loses.
6. Firefox, Opera, and Safari are all faster than Internet Explorer, as well as more secure.
7. Being the most popular browser, as well as being used mostly by "business people", Internet Explorer is a giant target in security.
8. Opera has a widget where a little Mew bouncing a Pokeball appears. Nothing beats that. Nothing.
9. Speaking of widgets, they will keep you more busy than anything else you'd be doing on the internet.
10. Firefox has an automatic spell check with multiple languages available for download.
11. Opera has a semi automatic spell check, along with a grammar check.
12. When you zoom pages on Opera, it zooms in on the images as well. Firefox has an add on that can do that, also.
13. With add ons such as NoScript, Firefox can become even more secure.
14. By adjusting Firefox's port settings, it can go much faster than it usually does.
That's enough for now. I'll be happy to share more if you want it, though.
If you want to open up the ports, here's how, to anyone wondering:
A Friend said:
1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:
network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true” (simply double click)
Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” (again, just double click)
Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages MUCH faster now!