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Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

What browser(s) do you use?

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that's their problem,
who says they even go on sites that aren't compatible with IE
It isn't affecting the people who want them to switch, hey, if he has to do extra work, then he just shouldn't make it compatible for IE, that'll make some people switch and it's less work.

I hate IE as much as the next guy. All I'm saying it that I find it pointless to go around telling people to switch when they have free choice.

I'm going to pretend I understand how it's bad for people who don't use it. I mean more coding? Just don't code it.
Or, to put it more tentatively, Internet Explorer is bad for people who don't use it.
Regardless of if you use it or not, if you're a webmaster that wants code to a) follow the standards and b) working in IE, you're in for a rough time.
'm going to pretend I understand how it's bad for people who don't use it.

How much simpler can it get: webmasters have to spend hours making their sites work in IE - the same sites that you use.
Okay, but I still think it's stupid to force people to stop using it.

Also I only didn't understand because I forgot what GB stood for for a second. I'm dumb like that.
I use Firefox 3. I like a good chunk of the Add-ons and such. Firefox has given me less problems than IE has.
Okay, but I still think it's stupid to force people to stop using it.

Internet Explorer is the most widely used browser; if a webmaster does not cater to Internet Explorer his website is likely to be less successful. Users of Internet Explorer force aspirational webmasters to spend time writing bloated websites. Why is it pointless and stupid to persuade people to do something that is in everyone's interest?
I'm not saying it's a bad idea to tell them why they shouldn't use it. I just find it so annoying when people flame you/look like they're flaming you for using a browser or refusing to use their preferred browser, because sometimes to me it looks like people are saying 'use Firefox or be hated/an idiot/etc.

I understand what you're saying about too much coding and I agree, but once it's done it's done. Unless you change something big it's not going to be that much of a problem.
People who don't use the internet that often don't care, and those who do probably go on the same sites all of the time. If they go back to the same site then it obviously has IE support already so where's the problem?

I'm going to stop posting now. It's pretty late where I am.

All I'm saying is that people have a choice, although I agree that IE is terrible, people can use it if they want.
Anyone else here use Adblock Plus? I am convinced this extension alone makes Firefox worth it for people who want/need more out of their web browing...
I use IE and Firefox. IE runs Java and other applications, because I didn't (can't) install Firefox properly to run those, and Firefox for everything else, such as browsing here, because it loads nearly twice as fast.
IE. I hate computers and can do everything I want to with it, so I can't be bothered to change it. I go on about ten different sites and they all seem to work okay, so I'm not fussed.
What she said. Most of the time, I use something called AOL Explorer, which is basically almost exactly like IE, with some minor differences.
What she said. Most of the time, I use something called AOL Explorer, which is basically almost exactly like IE, with some minor differences.
wow that is even worse good lord

have you people even tried anything else or is this just microsoft syndrome

and why do you not at all care that the proliferation of IE-based browsers makes life harder on everyone who builds things for the Web? so much time and effort and money lost.
I just find it so annoying when people flame you/look like they're flaming you for using a browser or refusing to use their preferred browser, because sometimes to me it looks like people are saying 'use Firefox or be hated/an idiot/etc.

I agree that people shouldn't be flamed because of their browser.
I don't honestly care what you use (though chances are I'll have a slightly higher opinion if you use an open-source/standards-compliant browsers!). But as a webmaster, it particularly irks me when I have to cater to IE users when perfectly standard code screws up on their screen.

No webmaster would really go through the trouble, if, you know, 80% of the internet population didn't use IE.

EDIT: Uh, yeah, stuff I use. I love Fx3. Problem being it's a memory hog and since I'm stuck with Vista on here (retarded Vista-exc. drivers :\), it can create occasional problems when I'm swapping windows with some other big thing like FFXI. I also love Opera, Seamonkey (which is also Mozilla), and K-Meleon (which also uses the Gecko rendering engine)
I use Firefox, but I'm a little bit regretting downloading Firefox 3. For some reason it seems to make my computer slower. >> But I reckon it can't have anything to do with it, so I'll just stick it out. xD

EDIT: I remember using AOL. The first browser we had.
trying to block out the memories.

No idea why, I see very little difference from Internet Explorer, but maybe it's my fox-lovingness.
Primarily I use Opera. I find it to be a lot faster than pretty much everything else I've tried. I've got Firefox for a backup browser for when something doesn't work properly in Opera, or on the rare occasion I want to use a Firefox-exclusive plugin/script or something. My laptop runs whatever version of *nix I feel like playing with at the time (Linux, BSD, Solaris 10). For internet browsing I usually use Firefox, but Konquerer gets its share of use for browsing my hard drive (Think My Computer/Windows Explorer), and occasionally for the internet when I already have it open.
I use Firefox because it loads quicker than the other three browsers that I have installed on my computer.

IE takes five minutes to start up for me, it lags and right-click takes ages to work.. it's just impractical for me. I don't know if it's just my computer or what. I only use it to read my e-mail because MSN opens Hotmail in that browser and idk how to change that.

Opera is there incase Firefox dies on me, and I have Safari because I wanted to see what it was like. :B
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