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Business Approval Office

Would it be possible to run a business where you write signature attributes/moves for other users? Like they would give you the name, the pokemon, and some general oversight of what they want, and then I do the actual formatting and composing of it? More info if its possible.

would it be possible to run a sig move/attribute erasing company?

I guess not but oh well just trying
Currently you are stuck with signature move/attributes except when a pokémon evolves or when you first get it from another player. I might be changing this, though. In general, I don't think you would get much business at all from this idea, even if moves and attributes do remain fixed--it would work best as a service attached to something like what Chief Zackrai is proposing, I think.

~The Lazy Man's Emporium

Here at our little shack, we write up signature moves, attributes, and heck, even name pokemon, for those suffering writers block, or, like our name, are just lazy. services are as follows:

Naming ($3): All you need to do is tell me if you want the name to be ironic, serious, or of any other genre you cam think of, along with the pokemon's species and gender (we don't want any Tauros walking around with the name Betty, do we?). Our experts (i.e. me) will generate a list (5-10 names) of possible names for yo to choose from. $2 more for an extensive list (11-20 names) Or, if you don't find one you like, I can get more for the same price increase.

Signature Attribute writing ($7): All you need to do is give me a brief description of what you would like the attribute to do, along with your pokemon's species (and name of pokemon/attribute if applicable). Any other specifics that you find to be important would be nice as well. Give me about a week (I never expect I will take that long, but I'm unpredictable) before yelling at me, if you would. Any re-writings you request will cost an additional $1. (unless one of those approving tells you you need to work on it- that will be free) re-writing for Signature Attributes that already exist will cost $3, unless they ask for a complete re-do. This will cost full price.

Signature Move writing ($10): The only thing I require is your pokemon's name, the name of the move (if you've already decided), the type of move (damaging or status), and a brief description of your expectations. Any other specifics that you find to be important would be nice as well. Give me about a week (I never expect I will take that long, but I'm unpredictable) before yelling at me, if you would. Any re-writings you request will cost an additional $1. (unless one of those approving tells you you need to work on it- that will be free) re-writing for Signature Moves that already exist will cost $4, unless they ask for a complete re-do. This will cost full price.

do I need overhead now? If so, could someone explain how I determine the overhead? That would be dandy.
Hey Chief if that business works, I would actually like to help you a bit with that. I would at least have something to do on that damn forum where nothing happens within a week.

Ok im kidding but gee you guys are slomows

EDIT: we would also share the cost of the business.
I see Cosmic's already jumped on this and I imagine a lot of people will too, but if that gets approved and you ever need/want any help I wouldn't mind interning for you, Zack.

IIRC overheads are usually a little lower than half the buyer's cost, but I don't know if there's an actual formula or rule; I've only noticed that from looking around at shops.
I am so ninja-esque

EDIT: I just realized that that post was useless so ill say something serious to avoid a warning

---Hum, hum... maybe Negrek and other sig move/attribute would want to watch that thing over a lot, it would require a lot of supervising. And other serious words like chronophobia and overestimation and thermometer
I see Cosmic's already jumped on this and I imagine a lot of people will too, but if that gets approved and you ever need/want any help I wouldn't mind interning for you, Zack.

Sounds interesting. depening on how much business I get, I might take you up on that.

IIRC overheads are usually a little lower than half the buyer's cost, but I don't know if there's an actual formula or rule; I've only noticed that from looking around at shops.

Okay, but dumber question that maybe I should have asked first: What is an overhead? *goes to check the first post to avoid quotes that would make me feel dumb*
If you want to go in jointly on this business with other people, you'll need to arrange that with them yourself--figure out how you'd want to divide up the work/profits and so forth. It's on the business owner to work that stuff out.

I give you overheads. I'm just wondering, though--why did you make signature attributes cost less than moves?

You can't re-write existing signature moves or attributes that have already been approved, so that part of your service won't work. Other than that, it's fine.
I give you overheads. I'm just wondering, though--why did you make signature attributes cost less than moves?

Signature Attributes are easier to write (for me, anyway) and they have far less fields to fill out. It's like, the three for Signature Attributes, and around (and this is off the top of my head) seven or eight for Signature Moves. And you have to come up with power, effects, and typing (which isn't necessarily provided by the customer), and this is more taxing.

You can't re-write existing signature moves or attributes that have already been approved, so that part of your service won't work. Other than that, it's fine.

I was actually talking about the ones that are still in the process of being approved-namely ones that I composed.
I'm confused, then. First you say that any re-writings will cost a dollar. Then you say that re-writings caused by the move being rejected will be free. But then you back and say that if someone requests a re-write for a move in the process of being approved will be more--but why would someone want a re-write on a move that was in the process of being approved if it wasn't because it had been rejected?
Let's say I wrote something, but the customer wants something added, or taken away, I charge an extra dollar for that. But, if the customer demands a re-write because their move/attribute (as written by me) is rejected, I accept that as my fault and fix it for free. I could clarify that.
I think my thought process there was if someone wrote something, and it wasn't getting approved on its own, and they wanted me to enhance it, that would cost four dollars. I think. I could make a separate section for it/ remove it if this is getting too complicated.
I think if something wasn't getting improved, enhancing it (which I take to mean "powering it up") probably wouldn't be the best way to go if you actually wanted to see it on your pokémon anytime soon, you know? You can keep it if you want, but I'm not seeing much point to it myself, and you might want to try and explain it more clearly.
Well, I suppose "enhance" is too powerful. "Improve" is better. and I'd like to keep it, but maybe add a section like this:

Signature Attribute/Move Re-writes ($4): Have a Signature Attribute or Signature Move that just isn't getting approved, and you're getting tired of fixing it? No problem! Just post what you already have, and what the person who rejected found to be wrong with it, and I'll fix it for you!

something like that.
Okay, so you're talking not about something you wrote, but about something that a different person had come up with and trying to get approved? Yes, that works. If you reformat your re-write section like that, you're probably good to go.
Okay, so if the whole thing was:

~The Lazy Man's Emporium

Here at our little shack, we write up signature moves, attributes, and heck, even name pokemon, for those suffering writers block, or, like our name suggests, are just lazy. Services are as follows:

Naming ($3): All you need to do is tell me if you want the name to be ironic, serious, or of any other genre you cam think of, along with the pokemon's species and gender (we don't want any Tauros walking around with the name Betty, do we?). Our experts (i.e. me) will generate a list of possible names (5-10) for yo to choose from. $2 more for an extensive list (11-20 names) Or, if you don't find one you like, I can get more for the same price increase.

Signature Attribute writing ($7): All you need to do is give me a brief description of what you would like the attribute to do, along with your pokemon's species (and name of pokemon/attribute if applicable). Any other specifics that you find to be important would be nice as well. Give me about a week (I never expect I will take that long, but I'm unpredictable) before yelling at me, if you would. Any re-writings you request will cost an additional $1. (unless one of those approving tells you you need to work on it, and I wrote it initially- that will be free)

Signature Move writing ($10): The only thing I require is your pokemon's name, the name of the move (if you've already decided), the type of move (damaging or status), and a brief description of your expectations. Any other specifics that you find to be important would be nice as well. Give me about a week (I never expect I will take that long, but I'm unpredictable) before yelling at me, if you would. Any re-writings you request will cost an additional $1. (unless one of those approving tells you you need to work on it, and I wrote it initially- that will be free)

Signature Attribute/Move Re-writes ($4): Have a Signature Attribute or Signature Move that just isn't getting approved, and you're getting tired of fixing it, or can't think of how to fix it? No problem! Just post what you already have, and what the person who rejected it found to be wrong with it, and I'll fix the problems for you!

like that? further fixings can be added.
Looks fine.

Overheads are as follows:

Naming - $1
Attributes - $3
Moves - $5
Re-writes - $2

It would cost $25 to open.
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