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Butterfree VS Beedrill

Butterfree. It can learn more differently-typed attacks. Also, it's cuter and stinging things are not fun. And because I like naming Caterpies Cherry Pie (starts with 'C' and ends with 'pie').
Everything about it is so much better. The STAB moves it now gets, for one. Compoundeyes are always nice. And, it's pretty.

Plus, I absolutely DESPISE bees of any sort.
Butterfree, because it has(Compopundeyes-boosted Sleep Powder).Also it Always helped me in RBY againist Brock and it was with me and helped me through the game easier. It was one of the pokemon I trained hard in GSC and in RSE and DP the sprites have better graphics so I can worship Butterfree's cuteness and beauty.Also cause of Sleep powder and Psychic which are some of my fav moves. Oh, and TCOD is my fav website and butterfree is butterfree's second fav pokemon so yeah.
Wow that was long. I hope that Butterfree continues to be popular and for nintendo not to make more butterfree rip offs[like beautifly]Bye.

From the Butterfree over beedrill girl EeveeSkitty
Butterfree because it can learn Psychic attacks, and because it is a special attacker. Also because bees aren't very nice.
I love them both... they both used to be my favorite Pokemon at one point (before I realized how cool Scyther was, back in the olden days)... Please don't make me choooose...

I kind of feel sorry for Beedrill... it's gotten shafted completely, void of any real playability... But it's so cool looking, much cooler than Vespiquen. But then again Butterfree is so pwetty... augh...*head spins*

For the numerous other reasons stated above~ Also because I hate bees. :D CAN YOU FEEL THE BIAS TONIGHT?
Beedrill. I never really used Butterfree. Meh, I had one, but really now. Psychic on Brock's pokemon? Mankey is much more suited. <3

That'd be the only reason I'd use it.
Butterfree, I have a shiny pink one on Diamond that I caught at the begining of FireRed. It was my first shiny other than the red Gyrados.
I originally liked Butterfree, but Beedrill was the first Shiny I ever saw, so its sentimental value makes it more appealing. ^^;

Edit: Zomg Roxxor I'm your evil twin.
Butterfree saved me in Yellow version against Brock. :D (then I threw it in a box and never saw it again.) But I will always have a certain fondness for it. I was once watching Teachy TV and the guy sent out a shiny Butterfree D: It was random too, because we rewatched it and when he sent it out again it was normal... Pity we couldn't catch it.
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