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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom


I need to be more active here, things always get so interesting :3

*dumps buckets of glitter on the fire* Sparklehhh <3
Re: Café of Doom

Oh, right.

Have a sammich. BLT, obviously.
And you kin has sum ice cream, WUE.
*noms macaroon*
Re: Café of Doom

My ravenous Tirtouga would request some saltwater.

He's very hungry, so-

(Tirtouga gets pulled away)

Oh shit, the invisichomp's got her.
Re: Café of Doom

phew. That was scary.
I got some stickers from a guy in the forest.
WHO WANTS ONE?*waves them in the air*
Re: Café of Doom

I want stickers!

*trades stickers for gummy bears*
*Gives salt water*

*finds a unicorn*
Re: Café of Doom

By popular lack of demand...






Re: Café of Doom

YAYSSS!!! *eats cookie*

Huh? *feels a tug on my leg, then gets pulled away*


*5 minutes later, wakes up in a snow storm*

uggg...whu? damn it, someone sole my kidney!! *gets pulled back to the cafe.*

Anyway, YAYS! COOKIE!!
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