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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

Re: Café of Doom

can we

can we have like cheesecake on a stick, dipped in ~awesome sauce~?

~Awesome sauce~ is so awesome you need to always use tildes around it or else, you'll be punished.

Did I mention I brought along my ASB Pokemon for a stroll? Come along, Mintleaf.


She demands pure chlorophyll.

As soon as someone comes. Otherwise she'll whip someone with vines.
Re: Café of Doom

*sets up a stand*

Here Mintleaf, have some Cholorphyll.
Yagami, here's your tea-- I hope you like lemon chamomile.
Pyre, here your berry pie.
Bay, you and Legsee can have some pie too.

*nom pie*
Re: Café of Doom

Mintleaf's happy, but where is my cheesecake in ~awesome sauce~ :(

Oh. Blazetail's also here.


She wants lava, with a side of igneous rocks.

She's nicer though, she won't hurt anyone. She'll just howl if she doesn't get it.
Re: Café of Doom

Blazetail sniffed the berry.



Look, now she's howling.
Re: Café of Doom

okay, Blazie...



okay fine you know what *recalls into Poke Ball*

Hello, Swift.


*chirp* She is now flying around. :3 She's really nice.

*chirp* *tweet*

She says she'd like some leaves but it's okay if no one has it...
Re: Café of Doom

My Charmander came along for a stroll, and she demands to have nothing but the spiciest peppers in the world!

Charmander Now please, or she'll burn me and everyone to a crisp.

I'd like just some oranges and strawberries.
Re: Café of Doom

*gives cod*
*gives uberspicypeppers*
*gives oranges and strawberries*
*gives cheesecake in ~awesome sauce~*

When did I become the official food distributor?
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