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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

I can bring cookies to invite people to the dark si... ermmm party. Yeah that's what I meant. *shifts eyes*
Re: Café of Doom

I will install the speakers, which will only play the Team Plasma battle music until more songs are downloaded.
Re: Café of Doom

Speakers Installed, I added some other songs, such as Still Alive and Harder Better Faster Stronger.
Re: Café of Doom

Finally finished the dance floor. Sorry it took so long, but I had no idea how to make one so I just put a bunch of TVs in the floor and put a thick glass window over all of them.

Sorry, I broke it when I used it as a soccer ball. SORREEEEE

But... but... I made that in art class in kindergarten... HOW COULD YOU ;_;
Re: Café of Doom

Great, now all that blood in her avatar is gonna be yours.
I'll go get another one. In the meantime, get a playlist or somethingg
Re: Café of Doom

^ Oh goodness, it's awful, but addicting.

Meanwhile, someone please tell me WHAT IS LOVE
Re: Café of Doom

Meep...back to the "Cafe" theme...
Bleargh, pineapple. I think I'm the only one who doesn't like it.
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