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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

I think we should combine the math and food talks.

lim peanuts->peanut butter (strawberries-strawberry-flavored stuff)/((pineapple juice)(pineapple)-coffee) = -coffee flavored stuff/0 = -delicious

Something like that.
Re: Café of Doom

Yes, do let's.


That means that whether that filet mignon is positive or negative, it still owns your chicken mcnuggets.
Re: Café of Doom

g=green apples
a=red apples
e=everything else

Re: Café of Doom

I kind of like it, at least the way it sounds, I guess. I can't really think of a word I really hate at the moment.
Re: Café of Doom

@Zoltea: Coincidentally, both of them are french.

Antidisestablishmentarianism. Such a great word. Oh, and Paradox is awesome too.

I like replacing the word "minion" or similar with "Faithful Subordinate".

"Hey! You can't be mean to my Faithful Subordinate! Only I can be mean to my Faithful Subordinate!"
Re: Café of Doom

I like randomly saying "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." then people say, "You can't spell that and you probably don't know what it means." I then proceed to spell and define it. :)
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