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Calling all spriters!

Tropiking, that's a great backsprite, I'll put it ingame as soon as I can.
Also I'll take the 17.95 out of your final paycheck =) ha ha (=
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Hi, everyone, I had some time this morning and so I tried my hand at doing some scracthing and I came up with my first stage Stegosaurus Pokemon Tregaur

Please tell me what you think:grin:
It looks like a four-legged version of Croconaw and it's a bit small, but otherwise it's really good.

*waits patiently for Vambite back sprite*

Sorry I haven't posted the tiger sprite yet; NaNoWriMo is keeping me busy until the end of November~
How about this,

It's a fire type and the reason it's small is because it's a first stage pokemon and I'll hopefully be able to do the evo and then the next evo.
Here's a Tregaur with the outline colours changed and my new pokemon I scratched, it's Plattainous, Tregaur's evolution, please tell me what you think. Next I'm going to make Plattainous's evolution, it's going to be a fire/ground type and I'm hopefully going to give it lava veins going through it's plates.
I'm quite proud of these, my first two complete scratches :grin:

Also Terry, what do you mean can you get Shadeoom's backsprite?
Terry, as I posted a few posts back, all the sprites I recieve will go into my files and then when it comes time to insert all the pokemon into the game I'll choose the sprites that will bast suit the game.
Also I've been thinking that I'm going to have 200 pokemon in the pokedex ingame, a mix of new pokemon and nintendo pokemon and then when I either make an updated version or a sequel I'll add more pokemon.
Here's a scratch I made quickly before I go to bed, it's practically a water droplet connected to two bubbles, I might make an evo for it sometime, maybe tomorrow. Anyway here it is, it's called Droppell
Hi, I just finished Droppell's evolution and wanted to post it before I start school, anyway here's Droppell and it evolved form which I don't have a name for yet, any suggestions?
Hi, everyone, I've been working on Plattainous's (still need a new name) evolution and here it is. This took me about 3-4 hours and I think it came out very nice considering that it's only my 5th scratch and my first large scratch. Also it is a fire/ground type and if you look closely it has lava veins running all over it's unarmoured body. What do people think?
Hi, I just finished Droppell's evolution and wanted to post it before I start school, anyway here's Droppell and it evolved form which I don't have a name for yet, any suggestions?
Make it a bit bigger, I say. And the lighting is a bit off; the light source is at the slight front.

I suggest the name to be Drizzurge.
Hi, everyone, I've been working on Plattainous's (still need a new name) evolution and here it is. This took me about 3-4 hours and I think it came out very nice considering that it's only my 5th scratch and my first large scratch. Also it is a fire/ground type and if you look closely it has lava veins running all over it's unarmoured body. What do people think?

Well, I think it looks exellent. Although, it dependes on what you're goin' for with the veins there.
Tropiking = I've always thought of raptors as very smart but they always seem to be hunting something even when there's no need so I reckon dark types and I would prefer an evo line of three please.

Random Typhoon = Thanks and I was thinking of making the veins a little darker and more visible and they are meant to be veins with lava in them.

Terry .T. = Evos................let me think................I've always wanted a prevo for Lapras but no evo as I think Lapras doesn't really need to get any stronger. Also it would be cool to see a prevo of Stantler.

Grimdour = As I said to you in the Spriter's Club thread, the reason they are small is because they have to be 64x64 to be able to be used in the game as it is a hack of pokemon fire red. Also thanks for the name, I think I'm going to use it.
Tropiking = I've always thought of raptors as very smart but they always seem to be hunting something even when there's no need so I reckon dark types and I would prefer an evo line of three please.

Random Typhoon = Thanks and I was thinking of making the veins a little darker and more visible and they are meant to be veins with lava in them.

Terry .T. = Evos................let me think................I've always wanted a prevo for Lapras but no evo as I think Lapras doesn't really need to get any stronger. Also it would be cool to see a prevo of Stantler.

Grimdour = As I said to you in the Spriter's Club thread, the reason they are small is because they have to be 64x64 to be able to be used in the game as it is a hack of pokemon fire red. Also thanks for the name, I think I'm going to use it.
What I mean is that they look small; look at Manectric; it can fit into a 64x64 resolution yet it's bigger than Droppell. It's all about perspective.
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