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Calling all spriters!

This better?

Great, thanks.

Also, what do people think of the my idea of instead of having shinies, there are slightly different pokemon, with slightly different body parts and different colours?
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=_= I can't seem to do Quaxiatu, so if anyone wants to take a crack at it, go ahead.

I'm working on a few concepts ATM, too.
Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Here's the final stage of the raptor line and I think it's my best scratch to date.


Line still needs a name...
It turns out Darksong won't scratch the evo for Ornado, so I'll do it. I'll name it Sharpoon (Shark + Harpoon/Typhoon), but I haven't sprited it yet. Check back in awhile.
Okay, here's Sharpoon.


Ornado Data

HT: 5'2"
WT: 142 lbs
Type: Water/Flying
Killerwhale Pokemon
Pokedex entry: A popular topic of discussion is how fast it can swim. The average speed is 75 knots.

Sharpoon Data
HT: 7'9"
WT: 375 lbs
Type: Water/Flying
Glide Pokemon
Pokedex Entry: Using its gigantic fins, it can glide over the water for up to four minutes at a time. It attacks fiercely if provoked.
Great sprite, it's nice except for the weird bump on it's tail and also thanks for the stats and descriptions, I've always had trouble with the sizes and weights.

Tropiking = Thanks for the raptor full evo, it looks awesome and I'm still trying to think of some names for the raptors, but great job.
Very nice sprite, very original idea. But the only thing that I can see that is wrong is that it's heads are facing the wrong way, they need to be facing our bottom left. I'll have a go at changing it if you want? I won't change any of the sprite except turning it's heads around and reshading the heads cause they will be the other way around.
But still very good sprite.
Very nice sprite, very original idea. But the only thing that I can see that is wrong is that it's heads are facing the wrong way, they need to be facing our bottom left. I'll have a go at changing it if you want? I won't change any of the sprite except turning it's heads around and reshading the heads cause they will be the other way around.
But still very good sprite.

oh, I didn't notice that. you can turn the heads the other way if you want.
How's this?

EDIT: Also I tried doing some Sugimori style art for Tropiking's first raptor pokemon, it's my first attempt at doing this as I only downloaded Photoshop Elements yesterday night and here it is. I know it's not very good, the shading's a little weird as it's my first time using the burn tool and the outline is too thick. Please tell me what you think
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