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Calling all spriters!


As I said, it's small cause it's a baby and FR LG sprites are smaller anyway.
I designed a new Spinosaurus pokemon and it's in my DeviantArt (link at bottom of sig) and was wondering if someone could make a sprite of it please. It's a water/dark type and sometime I'm going to make two prevos to make a three pokemon set and maybe an alternate evo.
^It's a sprite. An icon is like 10 pixels by 10 pixels or less. That's 28 by 34.

I've also made a Pidgeotto evo that's Flying/Dark, except only a fraction of it is scratched. I have a whole Veekun-style document on it.

EDIT: I'll try the Tyrannosaurus!
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Hey people. I've been dead for a while, I think I'll end up not doing anything for this. Sorry White Wolf. I'll try, though D:
Okay, I've scratched it...


I don't have a name for it, though. Maybe Tidrench as tide/drench or tide/trench?

It's just a suggestion. You can name it if you like.
Oh My Gosh this is a bad sprite! But can it go in?


EDIT: Wait, I need to make it fit in sprite restrictions first...
@Ken #1: You want to be made fun of, eh?

First one: Way too large, needs shading and outline colors other than black.
Second one: You just resized Charizard, which makes it look terrible, and then you added Steelix parts. We need pure scratch.
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