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Calling all spriters!

Those drawings look good! I've never attempted one, but they look difficult.

You should do your legendary for your game like that. If you do, I'll sprite it! ;)
Thanks, I've also just finished another sugimori style pokemon, this time I did Ornado. I'm going to put a link in my sig.
Also about the sprites and stuff, I've currently got about 70 sprites but only about 10-15 which actually have back sprites. I wanted to have 150 pokemon in my game which will include new pokemon and any evos or prevos from the nintendo pokemon. I still need some more sprites to fufill that amount.
This has nothing to do with my game or spriting but it turns out that on 8th Dec I'll be going over to NZ for Christmas. I'll be staying with a friend from when I lived there before. I'll be staying just outside Havelock which is at the top of the South Island near Blenhiem.
Hi, I just wanted to post that I've finished another sugimori pokemon, this time I did Blizziord, made by Tropiking, if you want to see any of my pokemon art, the link's at the bottom of my sig.
I haven't the time to do any sprites this morning (I have to go to school early as always), but I'll get to the back sprites of Ornado and Sharpoon sometime in the afternoon. I get home at about 4:00 PST, and it doesn't take me too long to do sprites, so, yeah.

I needed Manectric for a few parts. I can't scratch that well!
And it's CUTE!
Great, thanks. Nice backsprites, I've never been able to do backsprites properly, I just can't get it to look right and facing the right way. Thanks.
Sorry I haven't come out with some new sprites for awhile, I've been busy with schoolwork. Anyway, I managed to finish Aquatter's back sprite and a Skarmory pre-evo.


I'll to get some more done soon. Perhaps over the weekend.
Great Aquatter back sprite, the Skarmory prevo looks awesome, great idea.
Also if anyone can make a sprite for my Pinsir prevo that I drew, it would be great. It's in my DeviantArt account, there'e a link at the bottom of my sig. Thanks.
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