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Calling all spriters!

I'll make a Stantler prevo.
It may suck though, cause I've never scratched before.

EDIT: Here we are!


I apologize for the jpeg-y look of it, I resized it in photoshop 'cause it seemed inanely large. But it's too late now. I think it came out pretty well for my first scratch sprite, though.

I know it's missing the outline shading, but I didn't want to even attempt that 'cause I know it would look suckish.
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Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while but I had a football accident and I've been out of action for a while.
Well anyway I started up a DeviantArt account to upload all the sprites to and here it is, http://lorddoodlebob.deviantart.com/gallery/#Pokemon-Aotearoa
The only sprites that are uploaded at the moment are the ones that have been accepted into the game, if your sprite isn't there, it's not because I've rejected it or anything but it's just that it hasn't been officially accepted.
Also I've been looking around DeviantArt at people's fakemon and I found some very good ones and one of the artists have agreed to let me use their fakemon for my game. They are all prehistoric style and so fit into the game nicely. She has accepted to let me use them but has requested that only I am allowed to sprite them so please do not touch them. Here's the link:
Yeah you can help, those drawings are great, I really liked the (I think) evo set of the dragon ones, they look great. If you're not a very good spriter you could always design the pokemon and then post a link of a drawing and then some else could sprite it if you want?
sure thing. :3 I like doing fakemon design, so yeah~

Although if you want to use Quaxiatu, I call first try at spriting it.
Hi, I just wanted to post my new scratch I just finished, what do you think?
It's name is Quermny (queer and chimney) and it's a psychic/fire type and if you're wondering, that black stuff is meant to be smoke.
Hey WW, here's the first and second stages of the raptor line.


I don't know what to call them though... Oh and Quermny looks cool.
I like your fakemon...

And, yes. I'd do the back sprite for Shadeoom, but I haven't the time... someone else can do that, along with Vambite.
Cryptica = thanks for offering, I'll probably do them when I have time.

wolftamer9 = Sure you can do one, all are welcome.

Tropiking = Thanks, they look great but they are rather plain. Could you try and make them a little more pokemon-ish, like adding some new parts, such as some kind of horn like one that is smooth and curving back and down. And also the same kind of thing on the arms. Sorry for this.

EDIT: Trpoking = I've been looking at the Raptors and I've realised that the first stage one is fine but the second stage one needs the extras I mentioned earlier in this post. Sorry for the inconvience.
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I just finished my evo for Quermny, it's name is Chimneer (chimney + queer) and it's a ghost/fire type same as Quermny. I'm not sure if people will be able to notice or not but it's body parts are supposed to be arranged to look kind of like a face with two eyes, a nose and eyebrows. You kind of have to tilt it abit to see this.
I've been looking at your sig, and apparently my sprites are so bad you rejected them. I can already tell by looking at how the other sprites are.

It's okay, because I'm a horrible scratcher anyway.

I'm going to make a new scratch soon, but I don't know what to base it on. Tigers are too complex.
It doesn't say that yours are rejected, it means that all sprites made for the game have been filed and then when it comes time I will choose what pokemon best fit into the game. Some of them will probably be altered a litle bit anyway so that all the sprites have the same kind of general style. The sprites that are in my deviant art account are just the ones that are definitely in the game and also those pokemon at the bottom of my sig is my current team for pokemon aotearoa.
I've been thinking about some stuff for the game and I thought it would cool if instead of a shiny version of every pokemon, there would be a slightly different kind of each pokemon, with slightly different body parts and different colours. What do people think?
I know, it's just logical that they'll be rejected...

I have Ornado, a Water/Flying type, that evolves into a shark that Darksong will make.


The outline's a bit weird around the tail...
Thanks, I'll fix it if you want? Also it's not just the sprites that count, it's also all the ideas and designs. And about Ornado, it looks great, I'm serious except for the tail thing.

EDIT: How's this?
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Hair. Mose like wisps of smoke that are hair, but... :-/
Basiclly, it's like, the ghost of mourners, and mourners are peple who mourn the dead...
Yeah, thissus confusing.
Just one more legendary left!
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