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Calling all spriters!

Sorry but FMC's design and Tropiking's sprite fit into the set a little better, yours is still a great sprite but I prefer the new one better.
Also for the new Eevee, I designed and sprited a new kind. I call it Eavee, it's an emerald sprite with new colours and new markings so that you can tell it apart from the normal Eevee. Please tell me what you think.
And here's the Stantler evo.


I tried to make the ram evo and it turned out really terrible. You can sprite an evo for it if you want or just leave it as is. It doesn't matter to me.
Tropiking, that looks amazing, thanks. Also will you be able to do the backsprites?
Also what do people think of my Eavee, because if no-one likes it I'll change it.
I'll try to do the back sprites but they might not turn out well. As for Eavee, I think it should have a few more markings. Perhaps on the face?
Sure, can't wait for the backsprites and I'll get to work on Eavee.

EDIT: Also, I still need names for the Stantler Evo and Prevo.
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Eavee is the alternative Eevee because the program I'm using to change the pokemon's stats and evos and all that, only let's you give each pokemon 5 evos. And so if I wanted all the Eevee evos, (7 nintendo and 3 new) I had to create a new Eevee as a seperate pokemon from Eevee. The normal Eevee is going to evolve into Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon and Umbreon. The Second Eevee, Eavee will evolve into Glaceon, Leafeon, Draceon, Acideon and the normal Eeveelution.
Here's the new Eavee with some markings suggested by Tropiking, please tell me if it's better than the other one.

EDIT: Also, here's a screenshot of the Stantler Prevo (still needs a name) in the introduction.
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White Wolf, want to know what I think would be cool?

If you can change/replace moves in your hack, I have an idea for one. It could have an Accuracy of 85 or something, and a power of 20, 40 or something like that. It won't normally damage, but what it does do is that it has a negative effect on the foe (poisons, lowers Sp. Atk, etc.), but if it misses, it does damage instead.
Cyptica, I like the idea but at the moment I don't know how to add or edit new moves but if I do learn how, I'll probably put that in as it sounds good.

EDIT: I've been doing alot of tile inserting lately and it's making me go slightly crazy doing the most boring thing all day for about a week, so I decided to take a break from that and did some resizing of DP pokemon sprites and at the moment I've done these, tell me what you think.
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Looks pretty awesome. I'd be happy to help with the sprites, however, I'm not all that great. I only usually do recolouring and create fakes using other pokemon. Creating from scratch is kind of hard, I think, but I'll give it a try anyways. :3
Hi, I just finished my revamped Riolu, the first one is my first attempt and the second one is my new one. Tell me if it looks better.
I fixed just about everything I could see and the tail took ages to get right. Next I'm going to attempt to do Lucario.

Also, here's a pic of Riolu ingme battling a Mankey,
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Yeah, I thought that too but the tail is almost at the edge of the limits (64x64), I'll try and fix it. Also thanks about the Riolu front sprite, I'm attempting to do Lucario at the minute. I'll post him when he's done.
I've been resizing Lucario DP sprite, I managed to scratch most of it (I resize the sprite and then use it for an outline and then scratch it completely using the resized outline as a rough guide because it doesn't turn out well if I just resize it). The problem was when I got to the head, I couldn't make it look right but I'll keep trying. Anyway here's the sprite without it's head. I just want to know if it looks right.
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