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Calling all spriters!

Well, I went looking on wikipedia and found out some stuff about Tuataras. They live underground so you could make it have ground and also they are nocturnal, so I was thinking about maybe having it half ground, have dark but I'm not sure about the dark type. What do you think?
Also if you could make the full evo bipedal (standing on two feet) and quite large that would be great.
Only four Pokemon can be in an evolution line. You already made a prevo for it. But if you're talking about Absol evolving into two diffrerent things, that's fine.

Qwail (quail+wail)


HT: 4'7"
WT: 170 lbs.
Ebony Pokemon
Pokedex Entry: Its four wings propel it through the air with great speed. Its body is made of pure steel.
Type: Steel/Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Zulo = Cool little badger, I think. You says it's a prevo, what will it evolve into or are you going to make a new evo?

Badger? I mean, sure, I can go with that!

As for the unown prevo, it can evolve into any type of unown. If you don't think its a horrible idea, I'm going to make a new type that you can only get this way.

Here's the (suckish) baby unown!

What about Eevee?

@White Wolf: The first evo will be just Ground-type, the second will be Ground/Dark, okay? I've got the first one's front sprite done. I was going to call it Tuatrap, but if you would like to change the name, that's all right.

EDIT: I have the back sprite too.



Pokedex entry: Tuatrap's feet are not fully developed, as they have only one claw. However, the claw can dig through anything.

Length: 1'08"
Weight: 12.8 pounds
Type: Ground
Digger Pokemon

I don't know its ability yet, but you can decide.
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I made its evo, called Grantara. Again, you can change the name if you like. Its back sprite is not quite done yet.


Pokedex entry: Grantara has gained the ability to walk on its hind legs. It hides in the shadows, then leaps upon its prey.

Height: 3'04"
Weight: 88.1 pounds
Type: Ground/Dark
Lizard Pokemon

I thought its ability should be Intimidate.

Well.... I hope you like it! I will make more if you wish to put is in. It is called Myaglacus(M ee ah glayce oos)(meaning mouse-like ice). It is obviously a pre-evo of Lapras
Qwail looks awesome and great backsprite. Although I'm not sure about having any evos or prevos for ditto. I like the idea of an idea but I wouldn't be able to make it work ingame.

It looks cool but it's just a Lapras without it's shell. Sorry but it doesn't look like a prevo but it's a good sprite.

Tuatrapa and Grantara look awesome. My only crit is that Grantara doesn't look like it's half dark, it would look great if it had some dark markings.

The baby unown looks great but I wouldn't be able to make it work.

Another Absol evo would be cool as long as it isn't too different from the group already done.

Ableaf, Dark/Grass

8-Quick Attack
15-Razor Leaf
24-Magical Leaf
60-Hyper Beam
More doodles~

First: An Acro. Dragon/? (second type undecided)
Ability: Intimidate?

Little form: Dragon
Ability: ?

Second: A bunch of ideas.

Top: Grass/Flying hummingbird. I think it's cute~ Should be brightly coloured.
Next: Steel/? (ground?) (I forget what this dino is called D: )
Third: A... Kiwi. Yeah. I was bored.
Last: Ground/Electric whiptail. Ability: Lightningrod?
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