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Calling all spriters!

Excellent, I especially like the Acro pair and the second set are great except for what is the head thing on the far left?
Also, I have a special request, could you design an evo and prevo of Stantler. I need them for the story of my game. Thanks.

The stuff on the left side are just bored-doodles x3 The head was a Dactyl, and I can make it of those into a fakemon too if you'd like.

And sure. :3 Stantler are cute, so it'd be fun to do 'em.
Sure, having a new dactyl pokemon would be cool as long as it doesn't look too much like Aerodactyl. Also thanks for doing the Stantler stuff.
Hey can I scratch the Stantler evo and pre-evo? Also, I assume since there were no comments on the Goat fakemon that is was ok and I'm going to go ahead and scratch its evo. Sorry I haven't been producing as many scratches lately. I've been working on piece of artwork for a contest.
Yeah, anyway FMC, once you've finished the Dactyl and any others your doing at the moment, would you mind designing the five Ledgendary Guardians? If you do, each one guards one of the five main areas of Aotearoa, Mountains, Water, Air, Nature and Life. And so need to be specific types. Mountain - Ice/? Water - Water/? Air - Flying/? Nature - Grass/? and Life - Psychic/? You can use any other types as the second types but don't have to use them. If you do this, thanks alot:grin:

I have edited myaglacus(a little).
5 changes from lapras(I did scratch the whole sprite):
Right Ear- curl not as elaborate
horn-without and replaced with symbol
Eye-Smaller and slightly different design
If you would like anymore done to Myaglacus tell me.
I quite like the idea but if I do put them in, I'll probably drop one of the other Eeveelutions for two reasons, 1) I don't want my game crowded with new Eveelutions and 2) The Pokemon Editing program I'm using will only allow five evolutions for each pokemon and I already have to create a new Eevee to be able to allow for all the current evos and it leaves me with three empty spots which I'm going to fill with my new evos.
If I am going to drop one of the new Eeveelutions, which one should I drop?
Dragon---Poison---Rock or Ground
Personnally I think I should drop the Rock one.
Thanks, it looks great as always. Can't wait to see the evo.

EDIT: So does anyone have any thouhts about the Eeveelution problem in the post above Tropiking's?
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